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"I'm so goth I got on BBC Norfolk"

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 00:33
by CellThree
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And here is where I got it from and other people slagging them off :

Sensible Erection isn't work safe btw.

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 00:41
by smiscandlon
Beware the lure of the Goth side, kids. It can be subtle and seductive...
After a few months we started to dress in baggy clothes - black of course - and started hanging around with people wearing black make-up.
The next thing you know you are listening to Marilyn Manson, and that way lies madness.

Madness, I tell thee...

Re: "I'm so goth I got on BBC Norfolk"

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 00:43
by lazarus corporation
@CellThree - you always came across as so much older than you look in that photo.



Re: "I'm so goth I got on BBC Norfolk"

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 00:48
by CellThree
lazarus corporation wrote:
@CellThree - you always came across as so much older than you look in that photo.



:eek: :? :( ;D :lol:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 01:57
by boudicca
I saw that linked from a livejournal - it made me want to kill myself.

Then I realised that would make me ONE OF THEM! :eek: :lol:

Seriously, though, goth has come to be astonishingly misrepresented over the years. The word has become hijacked to the point where, if someone asks me if I am "one", I have no idea what to say, as my reply could mean any number of things to different people.
If by 'goth' you mean "Do you listen to the Sisters, Siouxsie et al? Do you maintain an aristocratic pallor? Have you crimped your hair within the past hour?"... then yeah, guilty on all counts. :oops:
If you mean "Do you listen to The Official Worst Bands In The World (i.e. Good Charlotte and s**t :evil: )? Do you draw big eyeliner streaks down your face to 'express' the 'inner sadness' which is a result of the fact that, one time, you fancied this guy but he didn't like you back? Do you think baggy trousers are cool, and not in fact the greatest evil ever to befall humanity?" then no, I most certainly ain't a goth. The kind of people described in the article pretty much sum up all I despise in modern western culture and youth. Self-pity, miserablism in the face of comfort and plenty - I don't think that is what goth is about. The dressing up is, for me, about making an effort in a culture that has forgotten how to, presenting a strong image, not "I wear black on the outside 'cos black is how I feeeel on the inside". And in real gothic music, all the darkness and sadness is well placed and appropriate - it's fair enough if you are dealing with war or the Holocaust. There is a place for sadness in art, it's part of the human experience. But what these kids and bands don't seem to grasp is that their lives, if anything, would be most appropriately soundtracked by a chirpy Britney song, because they're just about as cushy as anyone's life has ever been. Yet still that bloody Amy Lee cries in every Evanescence video. :roll: Being a victim of your own lack of mental and emotional fortitude is kewl, dontcha know.

"Goth" has become so convoluted - and it doesn't help that most intelligent people have been so embarrassed by those who have little understanding of the genuine spirit of the culture that they have 'renounced' it completely. :von:. It's such a taboo word to anyone with a few neurons to rub together , and yet these little idiot teenagers bandy it about. Sometimes I really feel it should be 'reclaimed' - but I think the problem is that most 'real' goths have long since given up on the labelling business, which is fair enough. But the word as an adjective should still be permitted to have a fairly standard meaning, and it's losing that. If these teenagers can have the accepted definition of 'goth' applied to them, what new word are we going to have to invent to describe music influenced by the old guard?

It strikes me as utterly bizarre that Lisa Gerrard and s**t now have the same word applied to them. :lol: :urff: The culture now known as 'goth' has taken all the worst elements of grunge, nu- and black metal, and nicked the name because there's a little bit of black involved.

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 08:37
by Dark
I'm sorry, but "Misery Whispers"? "Shadow Mercy"? "Slipknot"? Aren't these all a little too wrong to be real? :innocent:

It's kids like them that make other goths that are young (like 14, like a certain Dark one. ;) ) seem a load of devil-worshipping metalheads.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I like a lot of power metal songs (Rhapsody, etc) and if I'm feeling in the mood, Ministry. But then, I don't worship that many devils that I know of. :)

But of course, the Sisters aren't goth, are they?

Now Ghost Dance, that's a different matter. :innocent:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 12:41
by andymackem
So, Boudicca, you feel quite strongly about this one then?


Personally I'd thought it was more about the music than the label ... but I've spent most of the past week listening to Orthodox Liturgical stuff so I'm probably not the man to ask.

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 12:43
by andymackem
some kid on the net wrote:After a while I saw a few Goths in a group outside McDonalds I thought that they looked really cool.
Teen spirit lives on :lol:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 14:07
by Francis
I thought they were called "moshers" these days. :roll:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 17:34
by lucretia
Laff is if these "twelve year old" "goffs" actually met a real G ... (cough, splutter), they would run to their mommy's and crap in their adolescent broekies.
Ooooo..... let me at 'em :lol: :lol:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 17:37
by emilystrange
there's quite a crowd of them outside Mcdonalds/next in norwich.. they scare me....

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 18:02
by Quiff Boy
lucretia wrote:Laff is if these "twelve year old" "goffs" actually met a real G ... (cough, splutter), they would run to their mommy's and crap in their adolescent broekies.
oh, c'mon! lets at least be honest about this - thats one of The Great Goth Fallacies, invented by a few goths after watching The Crow too many times and who are/were being sick of being laughed at.

in reality they would look at the Goth and scratch their heads, maybe shouting the odd insult along the lines of "hippy!", much like townies used to.

speaking from experience, no one is scared of goths and no one (apart from the odd granny) thinks they are satanists... gay maybe, sad probably, but not scarey or sinister :roll:

Posted: 09 Dec 2004, 18:03
by emilystrange
indeed. its the 'young' thing that scares me until i remember back 20 years

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 01:12
by boudicca
andymackem wrote:So, Boudicca, you feel quite strongly about this one then?


Personally I'd thought it was more about the music than the label ... but I've spent most of the past week listening to Orthodox Liturgical stuff so I'm probably not the man to ask.
:roll: Oh, don't mind me, I just went off on one a bit there. It was a good few days since I had my last "rant fix", and you know what they say these days - better out than in! :D

PS - You are aware that listening to Orthodox Liturgical stuff is Goth As f**k (TM), aren't you? :innocent:

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 04:49
by lucretia
Quiff Boy wrote:
lucretia wrote:Laff is if these "twelve year old" "goffs" actually met a real G ... (cough, splutter), they would run to their mommy's and crap in their adolescent broekies.
oh, c'mon! lets at least be honest about this - thats one of The Great Goth Fallacies, invented by a few goths after watching The Crow too many times and who are/were being sick of being laughed at.

in reality they would look at the Goth and scratch their heads, maybe shouting the odd insult along the lines of "hippy!", much like townies used to.

speaking from experience, no one is scared of goths and no one (apart from the odd granny) thinks they are satanists... gay maybe, sad probably, but not scarey or sinister :roll:

It appears we have different definitions of the G word then?!
The G's I know here in Gauteng scare the crap out of ME!

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 10:53
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Did anyone see the article form the Huddersfield examiner that Clare (Mrs Bass Smuph) posted on the smurphs message board? Pure class!!

"Although today's goth culture is more associated with music and fashion it actually originates from a race of people who once lived in Southern Scandinavia in a land know as Gothiscandza"

Thats was using google to research for an artcle gets you!

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 11:07
by andymackem
boudicca wrote:
andymackem wrote:So, Boudicca, you feel quite strongly about this one then?


Personally I'd thought it was more about the music than the label ... but I've spent most of the past week listening to Orthodox Liturgical stuff so I'm probably not the man to ask.
:roll: Oh, don't mind me, I just went off on one a bit there. It was a good few days since I had my last "rant fix", and you know what they say these days - better out than in! :D

PS - You are aware that listening to Orthodox Liturgical stuff is Goth As f**k (TM), aren't you? :innocent:
Really? How disappointing. I'd assumed it was merely exceptionally pretentious .....

Ah. Penny drops :innocent:

Re: "I'm so goth I got on BBC Norfolk"

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 15:22
by Petseri
lazarus corporation wrote:
@CellThree - you always came across as so much older than you look in that photo.


Since when is Iowa goth? :?: :?:

Re: "I'm so goth I got on BBC Norfolk"

Posted: 11 Dec 2004, 11:01
by Dark
Petseri wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:
@CellThree - you always came across as so much older than you look in that photo.


Since when is Iowa goth? :?: :?:
Has 31 wineries. 'Nuff said.

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 02:05
by Brideoffrankenstein
emilystrange wrote:there's quite a crowd of them outside Mcdonalds/next in norwich.. they scare me....
And me!!!!!!! *runs away in fear*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think they realise that everyone is actually laughing at them because they all look so stupid :innocent:
