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Getting with the Christmas spirit - Part II

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 14:22
by Loki
Yep, it’s that time of the year again. The company Christmas Party tonight! :)

Historically, my team in London never attend as it’s held in Windsor where the big boss lives and it’s just not practical. However, this year with a bit of arm twisting, bribery and corruption, we’ve wangled free travel and accommodation. That’s on top of the free food and free bar. :P

So, it’s set the controls to beer goggle mode and time to do that dad-dance thang to cheesey ‘80s ‘classics’. :urff:

I may even attempt a few of Francis’ Body Electric moves. Nice. :von: :innocent:

And the rest of you ..?

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 14:25
by markfiend
Pub crawl round Leeds on Tuesday of next week. With a load of my boss's wanky mates. :urff:

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 15:09
by rian
Well, I might give myself a christmas beer tonight.

Oh, there aren't only good things to have your own company, and no employees.


Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 15:49
by CorpPunk
Lame party on the 20th for work, which is terribly impractical considering we have no money. I mean none.

But on Monday I'm going to a Virgin Mobile holiday bash, and apparently roller skates and alcohol are provided--the perfect mix. Whoo-hoo!

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 16:49
by paint it black
I may even attempt a few of Francis’ Body Electric moves. Nice.

Ah, the ol' eyebrow twitching and ooo' me back routine eh :twisted:

currently spinning ignite (the damned) i know of few better get me in party mood tunes :innocent: :innocent:


big black and a headache ike a pillow :wink:

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 18:00
by christophe
we don't have a party at work, we have a Reception ....
We sit around a couple of tables. Listening to the most annoying man you have ever heard. While the people who work there longer than I do fight over the sandwiches. :?
So why do I go do you ask. Not everyone is invited. Only those who show most interest in the company. So if I wouldn’t come I would insult their generosity.

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 18:33
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Do not dance on desks, says TUC

RoSPA says it is safer to hold office Christmas parties in a hotel or bar
Companies have been urged to make sure their staff do not injure themselves at office Christmas parties by dancing on desks or photocopying themselves.

real all about it here

Posted: 11 Dec 2004, 14:51
by Big Si
Huge bevvyfest in a hotel in the west end, all bevvy and grub paid for by the boss! :twisted:

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 00:49
by boudicca
Please please please don't get all carried away boogieing (sp?) and attempt to "fuse Flashdance with some MC Hammer s**t". :wink:
You'll get repeated on the TV no end. :roll:

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 00:53
by lazarus corporation
one of the few joys of temping (as I am at the moment) is that you get to avoid the office parties.

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 11:15
by emilystrange
sixsister xmas do at wembley on friday.. a darkness thing...
Mr S's do in a thai restaurant last night. gathering of mates at simon's house yesterday afternoon. school leaving do after the thai last night. my college one in a pub in lowestoft tomorrow. the school's one on tuesday.

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 22:35
by andymackem
Didn't go to my main company one (because of work - ha!)

Looking for excuses to avoid my departmental one on Tuesday.

Given that I see these fuckers every day, why would I want to give up my time and money to socialise with them? Pay me overtime and expenses and I'll turn up, otherwise I'm really not interested.

Posted: 12 Dec 2004, 23:16
by smiscandlon
andymackem wrote:Given that I see these fuckers every day, why would I want to give up my time and money to socialise with them? Pay me overtime and expenses and I'll turn up, otherwise I'm really not interested.
You miserable bastard!

(I agree wholeheartedly and didn't attend ours for the same reason. I wouldn't want to give the losers I work with the impression that I actually like them...)

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 00:24
by Mrs. Snowey
smiscandlon wrote:
andymackem wrote:Given that I see these fuckers every day, why would I want to give up my time and money to socialise with them? Pay me overtime and expenses and I'll turn up, otherwise I'm really not interested.
You miserable bastard!

(I agree wholeheartedly and didn't attend ours for the same reason. I wouldn't want to give the losers I work with the impression that I actually like them...)
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Must admit, the only ones I'd actually want to go to a Xmas party with at our place are the ones who wouldn't attend such a travesty in the first place ;D :lol:

Having said that, for the 2nd time in a row, we haven't actually had an office "do". So no free food/booze, but then again no need to be pleasant to people you wouldn't wish Kilroy-Silk to be stuck in a lift with ;D :twisted:

Every cloud has a silver lining!

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 19:37
by Francis
JB wrote:I may even attempt a few of Francis’ Body Electric moves.
paint it black wrote:I may even attempt a few of Francis’ Body Electric moves.
Perhaps I should bring out a video with free step-by-step floor mat. Mirrored pillar optional.
paint it black wrote:Ah, the ol' eyebrow twitching and ooo' me back routine
Pilates for the spinally challenged. :innocent:

As for christmas parties, it clashes with British Sea Power at the Cockpit. No contest really.

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 19:59
by Brideoffrankenstein
I went to my work "do" on saturday night, thank god there were two tables and I managed to sit on the less rowdy one. There's nothing worse than being lumped in with a load of 50+ women drunk on one glass of red wine laughing at my boss's lame jokes like they're laying an egg :roll:

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 20:33
by christophe
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:There's nothing worse than being lumped in with a load of 50+ women drunk on one glass of red wine laughing at my boss's lame jokes like they're laying an egg :roll:
yes their is.
Imagen they are guys :roll: :?
on another note. I went to our reception and I won a special price :D just for been there

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 20:37
by James Blast
I never go to the official 'do' as it's on the cards I'd get pished and end up with a P45 on my desk on the Monday after it. I do go to the office party/quiz which is always a good laff and since most peeps are driving, ye can get well sloshed for only £3.50 :D

Posted: 13 Dec 2004, 23:49
by JansenClone
James Blast wrote:ye can get well sloshed :D
Indeed. Just got back from a Xmas timed if not related do. Which was as nice as could be expected. Hell, I've been hugging people all day without the aid of drugs. And they were all people I care about which has to count as as good as things can get. I could almost smile. Almost. Anyway, roll on the new year please...

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 00:03
by James Blast
JansenClone wrote:Hell, I've been hugging people all day without the aid of drugs.
careful there JC, drink was involved though, wasn't it, please?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 00:36
by JansenClone
James Blast wrote:
JansenClone wrote:Hell, I've been hugging people all day without the aid of drugs.
careful there JC, drink was involved though, wasn't it, please?
Yes and no and yes. And no. And yes.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 10:29
by Loki
Party was Okish. Wasn't Windsor but Eton. Pretty sure I didn't manage to offend anyone either, though I can releate to the JC hugging fetish that manifested itself. Surprisingly enough I only felt the urge when confronted with the opposite sex. :innocent:

I'd met a new female member of staff from another location previously in a professional capacity. She'd re-located down south from Manchester and first impressions where that she was 'sound' as they says in those parts. Imagine my surprise when she appeared at the party all gothed up! But I should have guessed as her surname begins with 'Black ...' and her christian name? Yep, you guessed it; Marianne ... 8) :von:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 13:53
by Francis
So, did you shag her then? :innocent:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 14:48
by Loki
Francis wrote:So, did you shag her then? :innocent:
Regressing back in TH mode Mr F? :wink:

But to answer your question, no. Maybe the subconscious fear of falling asleep after the post-coitus cigarette and waking up with the mark of the vampyrie on my neck kept me on the straight and narrow. :von:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 19:23
by James Blast
JansenClone wrote:
James Blast wrote:
JansenClone wrote:Hell, I've been hugging people all day without the aid of drugs.
careful there JC, drink was involved though, wasn't it, please?
Yes and no and yes. And no. And yes.
Mr. Bozo here has just realised what your first post meant, sorry Michael :oops: