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Getting with the Christmas spirit - Part III - well ish

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 18:11
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Five arrested after drunken Santa fun run
POWYS – It should have been the start of the goodwill season, but glad tidings weren’t the first thing 4,000 Santas were thinking of when police were called to a drunken brawl in Newtown, Wales.

Police officers used CS spray and made five arrests after a fight broke out at the end of Newtown’s annual fun run.

The fight started soon after the two-and-a-half mile race, when up to 30 Santas became involved in a street brawl. Police arrived at the scene to find a sea of red and white figures punching and kicking each other. Four men were badly hurt.

An over-indulgence in alcohol before the run is thought to be partly responsible. PC Gareth Slaymaker said: “Behaviour like this justifies the reluctance by the police to extend licensing hours for public houses and bars for this type of event.�

Last year’s run raised £80,000 for 200 charities and, despite the arrests, organisers believe they have raised even more this year.

Those who were arrested have been released on police bail while further investigations are carried out. The have-a-go Santas have also been banned from the 2005 race.

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 18:33
by Thea
have-a-go santas? :?

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 19:22
by James Blast
PC Gareth Slaymaker?

Posted: 10 Dec 2004, 19:37
by hallucienate