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MacHeartland MacMeet

Posted: 20 Dec 2004, 19:58
by James Blast
QB Approved! :D

Good evening fellow MacHeartlanders,
as some of you may have seen, I mooted a meet up in Glesgae over the festering season. Since we are all 'inna area' and chat in the forum, it seems daft not to meet up. So I'd like to propose The Famous Horseshoe Bar, Dury Lane next Monday that's 27th about 7pm?
Any other suggestions are most welcome.


so far... Andrew S, Big Si and me are there :twisted:

c'mon, ye ken ye want tae :D

Posted: 24 Dec 2004, 14:52
by Zuma

Have a good one!

Oh, and have a pint for me :)

I'm afraid there is no way I escape the family
duties this time.....



Posted: 24 Dec 2004, 15:54
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 26 Dec 2004, 23:27
by James Blast
we still up ferrit, Dudes?
I'm there anywayImage

very disappointed in you boudicca :|

Posted: 26 Dec 2004, 23:52
by Andrew S
James Blast wrote:we still up ferrit, Dudes?
I'm there anywayImage

I'll be there. Anyone else?

Posted: 27 Dec 2004, 00:09
by James Blast
see you tomorrow night :D

Posted: 27 Dec 2004, 15:05
by Big Si
At the back of the bar, by the picture of Uncle Ollie? :D

Posted: 27 Dec 2004, 17:37
by James Blast
I'll see you two gentlemen in a few hours, hope you are able to drop in at some point smiscandlon

Posted: 27 Dec 2004, 23:57
by James Blast
t'was a good 'un (even if I split early, via old phartishness and an overdose of alcohol)
bodes well for the future :D
now you types that didn't make it, I want good excuses :x

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 00:28
by smiscandlon
Sorry I couldn't make it. Trust it was a Top Nite Out for all concerned...

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 00:32
by James Blast
smiscandlon wrote:Sorry I couldn't make it. Trust it was a Top Nite Out for all concerned...
a top nite out, indeed! :D
now you types that didn't make it, I want good excuses :x

Plans are being made for 'that weekend' in February...

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 13:05
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:Plans are being made for 'that weekend' in February...
I hope those plans involve staying at mine for the weekend. You still up fer it? I think I might have managed to wangle the whole weekend off work, dunno yet but I'm fairly confident.

Glad yer Macmeet was a success.

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 14:59
by Elektra_byron
Have a good one!!! I'm far away at the mo, but would love to join you there! Still, there is always february!

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 16:09
by boudicca
I have a bloody good excuse. I was at my Auntie Sadie's, with all my deeelightful extended family, getting death stares from my big cousin who thinks I practise Voodoo on her (if only I was kidding :roll: ). But secretly smiling to myself 'cos she's gone and got fat. Ha! Listening to two of my uncles have a lengthy discussion on how the population of Glasgow is declining while all other cities in the Western world are increasing, and deciding it's all down to the crapness of those City Sprinter (or as they refer to them, "s**t Sprinter") buses. You know, the ones that say "Chuck says, be careful" and stuff on the back. No? Well you'll be glad you weren't there then.

Also, you wouldn't want a teetotaler with crimped hair cramping your style, would ya? :wink:
Anyhoo, I hope you all had a good time.

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 16:29
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:t'was a good 'un (even if I split early, via old phartishness and an overdose of alcohol)
bodes well for the future :D
now you types that didn't make it, I want good excuses :x
I never got to take any photos, tried to smoke a cigarette lighter by mistake and learnt that Francis used to be Thrash Harry! :oops: :roll:

But was a great time anyway! :D

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 11:19
by Quiff Boy
good work people. :von:

now get those days off work & hotel rooms etc booked for feb ;)

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 11:56
by emilystrange
this might turn into 'fight club' if we're not careful.
but i suppose we're not allowed to talk about it.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 14:00
by Francis
Big Si wrote:learnt that Francis used to be Thrash Harry!
Do pay attention at the back.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 20:46
by Big Si
Francis wrote:
Big Si wrote:learnt that Francis used to be Thrash Harry!
Do pay attention at the back.
They don't like it up 'em! :lol:


Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 18:59
by Andrew S
boudicca wrote: Also, you wouldn't want a teetotaler with crimped hair cramping your style, would ya? :wink:
Anyhoo, I hope you all had a good time.
Actually, your presence might have been a good influence and held me back from over-indulging. Yes, it was a good 'un but next time I think I'll try a bit of moderation. As it was, I tripped over a bollard and landed on my chin on the way back (at 3am) and arrived home having lost my brolly and needing serious dental work on 3 front teeth! I was told I looked like Shane McGowan which probably explains how his teeth ended up in such a state.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 19:26
by James Blast
Hellfire Andrew Man!
looks like I bailed at the right time

Turns out Red_Kola was up for it too, but had his PM notification turned off :|

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 19:54
by Francis
Andrew S wrote:I tripped over a bollard and landed on my chin
You should've left the spacehopper at home. :wink: