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You've SCOT to be joking

Posted: 23 Dec 2004, 14:17
by Loki
Travel Trade Gazette 24 December 2004

"Ever heard the one about the mean Scotsman? Well it's simply not true, according to the latest figures about the holidaying habits of the British population.

According to government figures, Scots spent more than £530 everytime they went abroad in 2003 - £60 more than most English people, and £90 more than the Welsh.

Londoners spent £27 more than the average for England - but the bad news for London travel agents is that less than a third of holidaymakers from the capital went away on package holidays. That compared with almost two-thirds of Scots and half of all holidaymakers from the rest of England.

Ken McNab, chairman of ABTA Scotland, commented: "We are a very generous nation and we like to spend our money, contrary to what the rest of the world tries to tell us.

"There's a lot more disposable income here and people want to spend it which is great for agents."

So, yet again another fallacy is shot down. I would just like to add that I've always found the lager-swilling, ginger-haired, blue face painted, skirt-wearing heathens north of the border on HL most generous also ... :innocent:

* runs away ...VERY fast ... *