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Ghosts, premonitions, etc, etc

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 17:09
by elamanamou
My friend Lynda died suddenly nearly two year's ago. :cry:

I was in my bedroom putting away some of the nice jewellery that her hubby gave me, when suddenly I could smell the perfume that Lynda used to wear all around me.I knew instantly of Lynda's presence. :D

Next I went into the lounge and the tv suddenly switched off by itself.

I never had the heart to delete Lynda's mobile number from my phone. That evening just before I went to bed I looked at my mobile and the phone read 'DIALLED LYNDA' I never touched the phone!

The next weird thing:

I used to know a jockey called Philip Barnard.Philip died after a heavy fall at Wincanton races, Boxing Day 1991
His father, Tony told me that for Christmas, Philip gave him a small bronze statue of a jockey falling from his horse going over a hurdle.
Coincidence ..that's exactly what happened to philip the very next day. :cry:
I hope some of you wee lot have some ghostly stories to tell? :)

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 17:51
by Loki
I swear I've switched the kettle on just by staring at it. Twice. :?

But the ghostie story is as follows:

One summer in germany when we were teenagers we were on our way back from the swimming lake near where we lived. We started larking about but noticed a woman come out from the woods heading in the same direction as us. So, not wishing to intimidate her (six semi-drunk teenage boys :innocent: ) we behaved ourselves. As we were now on a concrete country road we could hear the click of the womans heels as she followed us. Being teenagers we dawdled and she got closer and closer behind us. Again not wishing to intimidate her, we crossed to the opposite side of the road to let her pass. As she drew level the heel clicks stopped. We stopped and looked. This was a glorious summer day and we could see in all directions for at least 100 yards over flat farm land. We'd all seen her. We'd all heard her. But now... there was no-one there. :eek:

Being macho teenage boys we all screamed and ran all the way home. I still see the other guys from time to time but even now as adults, none of us can come up with a rational explanation as to what we experienced that afternoon. Other than a ghost :urff:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 17:57
by Gary
theres that new film coming out.. ESP...

scares me s**t.. because for years ive had a recurring dream where im a ghost, stuck in the world of the living.. and I wonder around watching the people Ilove.. but sometimes stuff happens that makes me mad, and its like a rage, and when it happens tvs etc. turn on, and they can hear me and see my face, the dream totally freaks me out.. Once i had the same dream, but i was partially in control, you know where you can sort of control what happens.. so instead of wondering around I decided to concentrate on this tele.. and it turns on and their is static and white noise.. i woke up at that point.. so i dont think ill be watching that film.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 18:09
by emilystrange
i was slightly concerned about the disappearance of Dark's thread earlier, then found it in Sisters Chat.

no... sadly, no such experience.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 18:31
by elamanamou
[quote="JB"]I swear I've switched the kettle on just by staring at it. Twice. :?

We have a Uri Geller here! :wink:

I visualised once that I would go into a certain garage and buy a scratchcard and win.Funnily enough I did and I won £25.00

Now I'm visualising for the big one! :wink:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 19:35
by CellThree
Place I used to work in was a converted from a hospital. When I used to wander to the kitchen at night I used to see figures walking around the corridors out of the corner of my eye all the time, so did other people who worked there as well.

Where the morgue used to be was not a nice place to go even in the middle of the day when there was plenty of light.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 19:42
by James Blast
JB wrote:six semi-drunk teenage boys
call me an old cynic, but :innocent:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 20:19
by Brideoffrankenstein
My friend Anna died in a road accident three years ago this friday aged 21. She was always an incredibly organised person. Anyway, it turned out that a week before she died she had written letters to her boyfriend, twin sister, older sister, mother and closest friends(including me :cry: ) for us to read when she died, and get this she had also written her will. How many 21 years old have a will? She had also taken out life insurance! Again not many 21 years olds I can think of have life insurance. On the event of her death her mother received a large amount of money which paid for her funeral. She had also recently invited me and some other friends around and let us go through her wardrobe and cds to pick out anything we wanted as she said she wouldn't be needing them anymore.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 23:07
by Mrs. Snowey
I think the weirdest thing that happens to me is that I can join a queue, with ooh, two or three people in front of me, then look behind me and wham, at least a dozen :eek:

Being English, this is a very useful gift :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 23:11
by James Blast
@ Mrs. S I have that gift, in reverse :(

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 01:28
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:@ Mrs. S I have that gift, in reverse :(
Wow, me too. How spooky is that?Next I'll be hearing we like, live in the same town as each other or something! :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 01:54
by Quiff Boy
boudicca wrote:
James Blast wrote:@ Mrs. S I have that gift, in reverse :(
Wow, me too. How spooky is that?Next I'll be hearing we like, live in the same town as each other or something! :wink: :innocent:
remind me never to join a queue with the two of you :lol:

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 02:00
by lazarus corporation
I had a s**t of beer in my flat and some bastard ghost stole it. They put me into a drunken trance while they did it, as well, the bastids

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 06:23
by elamanamou
Thinking of someone you haven't seen for ages.The next moment the person you have been thinking about decide's to give you a call or you meet them down the street!

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 08:01
by Padstar
I thought this bunny boiler had dissapered once, but out of the blue!



Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 09:49
by _emma_
elamanamou wrote:Thinking of someone you haven't seen for ages.The next moment the person you have been thinking about decide's to give you a call or you meet them down the street!
Or, dreaming about something and then the next day it happens in a similar form. Not important things that you could warn the world about like accidents or planes crashing into buildings - just petty things like a new billboard on an old street, a homeless dog carrying a piece of sausage, a car that won't start.
Oh and the day after my grandfather died I saw him from his own balcony, with his dead body lying on the floor right behind me. I looked out of the balcony and I saw him cross the street and disappear behind a van never to come out from behind it. He was dressed in ridiculously colourful motley clothes and carrying his favourite easel, brushes and paints, he looked up at me and smiled. He looked incredibly joyful, just as if he was trying to tell me "there IS a life after death, and it's nice."
He was a declared atheist throughout his life.

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 13:31
by elamanamou
Padstar wrote:I thought this bunny boiler had dissapered once, but out of the blue!



Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 13:33
by emilystrange
Our Pads can be quite sharp...

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 16:16
by elamanamou
emilystrange wrote:Our Pads can be quite sharp...

Sharp and very insensitive word's one would use.I was only writing about two friend's that I loved that tragically died at a very young age!

Happy new year Pads!

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 18:31
by James Blast
blame me elamanamou I de-railed this topic, no offence was meant :oops:

Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 20:13
by Padstar
Im such a baddun........


Posted: 30 Dec 2004, 22:15
by emilystrange
pah. and cuddly with it.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 01:23
by boudicca
A Sisters board may very well be the only place where die-hard cynics meet the hocus pocus.

It all depends how you take the lyrics of "Alice". :wink:

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 20:42
by Dark
boudicca wrote:A Sisters board may very well be the only place where die-hard cynics meet the hocus pocus.

It all depends how you take the lyrics of "Alice". :wink:
I ignore it, skip the track and go on to Floorshow. And there are different ways to take that too.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 21:09
by James Blast
Dark wrote:
boudicca wrote:It all depends how you take the lyrics of "Alice". :wink:
I ignore it, skip the track and go on to Floorshow. And there are different ways to take that too.
Heresy! is one of them