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Speed up Firefox browsing

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 03:40
by CellThree ... faster.php

Dunno if this works yet. I've adjusted my browser so I'll let you know.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 10:38
by lazarus corporation
Just tried it - haven't noticed any difference yet.

The problem is that once you've got broadband (my 700k connection realistically runs at 610k according to the rather groovy Firefox Bandwidth Tester extension) then the real bottlenecks don't happen on your browser or modem, but instead at the actual servers which can't supply the pages at the high speed your connection can download them.

Or so it seems to me.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 12:27
by CellThree
I've noticed a difference on some sites that I know used to take a little while to load in the past so I think generally it is a good thing.