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Fake Ebay e mail

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 07:08
by Silence is platinum
Attention everyone,

last night i received an email from ebay that required an update from my
credit card (number etc)otherwise i d be thrown out of ebay.
The email was a fake, and it looked quite real.

Just be careful

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 07:54
by Padstar
Yep, there seem to have been loads about over tha last year. I tend to get them from address's that are legit.... but never do what they say and nothing changes anyway..... odd.


Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 10:22
by smiscandlon
I've had dozens of these.

If in doubt, just forward the e-mail to (or and you'll get a response back confirming if it is a fake.

Posted: 31 Dec 2004, 14:08
by Nazareth
i've had loads of them, the fact they asked for my username and password made it suspicious anyway, i ignored it and nothing changed with my account, i asked ebay about it and they said it was fake.

out of interest i filled in what they wanted (with gibberish!) and it went to a link that looked very authentic and they then asked for all my credit card details. Scary to think how some people could be tricked into giving away all those details, hopefully people are a bit more clued up nowadays though!