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three minutes

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:00
by RicheyJames
i'm about to fail to observe three fucking minutes of silence for the victims of the tsunami. not becuase i'm a cold, heartless bastard (obviously i am) but because i'm utterly sick of this overblown corporate grieving everytime there's a suitably photogenic "disaster". where's the silence for the dead in somalia? or the daily death toll in iraq? or the thousands who die every year on our own roads? and why three minutes when one minute was always a perfectly suitable length of reflection?

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:05
by markfiend
Ah bollocks I had intended to do the same, but failed to notice the time. I ended up being silent by accident! :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:10
by RicheyJames
i merely dialled up the manic street preachers' tsunami on my spiffy new mp3 player whilst my colleagues sat in the dark contemplating their navels...

Re: three minutes

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:13
by nigel d
RicheyJames wrote:i'm about to fail to observe three fucking minutes of silence for the victims of the tsunami. not becuase i'm a cold, heartless bastard (obviously i am) but because i'm utterly sick of this overblown corporate grieving everytime there's a suitably photogenic "disaster". where's the silence for the dead in somalia? or the daily death toll in iraq? or the thousands who die every year on our own roads? and why three minutes when one minute was always a perfectly suitable length of reflection?
here here .
did just the same , had an instructional email circulated this morning, and like mark , just seen the time and was actually listenening to "summer" at qute a high volume in my little "test monkey" corner.
see earlier about the philippines .. no more coverage about there and i still cant reach my family on the phone /email

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:15
by Quiff Boy
we never had any mention of it here at work. but then you cant take a bet on it so my bosses probably aren't interested... ;)

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:19
by nigel d
wow im amphetamine filth

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:23
by timsinister

I was stomping through a shopping centre listening to This Corrosion when the affronted stares finally ground me to a halt. Whoops.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:27
by nigel d
did you have to be still to be quite?
could we now have a natuional standing still instead of a silence?
does all work stop in this country to have a silence?
sorry your life threatening bleeding will have to wait...and stop whimpering man

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:35
by Rivers
I'm sure the dead and the surviving victims will be really gratefull for the 3 minutes silence. Stop it now.
I was food shopping this morning and got away from the supermarket in time to avoid the damn thing.
Posturising helps no-one. Everyone should have given £3 pound instead, that would have been more helpful. :roll:

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 14:51
by markfiend
I'm not having a pop at you here Rivers but I get a little concerned at the "suggested donation" approach taken by some charities.
The Bible - King James Version wrote:Luke 21
   1 And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.
   2 And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.
   3 And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:
   4 For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.

(From Clicky)

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:03
by emilystrange
i hate these things. i am able to grieve for the dead all by myself if i wish.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:04
by nigel d
£3 insted of 3 mins perhaps was meant.
i give what can, if it there in my pocket and it is "disposeable".

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:10
by markfiend
nigel d wrote:£3 insted of 3 mins perhaps was meant.
Oh yeah. D'oh!

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 15:23
by Thea
It really is the last thing they need.
"sorry - we're all out of beds and medicene, but some nice English people are going to be silent for three minutes!"
Nice idea, but lacking somewhat in usefulness.
I didn't say anything while the silence was happening, but that's because I was in a room on my own with a computer and would have looked like a nutter.
Screw silence. how about 3 minutes of "thunk - ching!"-ing at the nearest donation point hmmmm?

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 16:20
by Francis
RicheyJames wrote:i merely dialled up the manic street preachers' tsunami on my spiffy new mp3 player whilst my colleagues sat in the dark contemplating their navels...
I see you've decided to start with the gags after all. And feed yourself the lines.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 16:27
by nigel d
i believe this mentioned as fund raising release on radio 4/2 the other day

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
Well I talked to myself. AND walked around the place a bit.

I have made donation. I think three minutes of my silence would make not one jot of difference and if anyone tries to makes a joke about my silence being great etc etc......Well............Just DON'T.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:45
by christophe
Quiff Boy wrote:we never had any mention of it here at work. but then you cant take a bet on it so my bosses probably aren't interested... ;)
same at mine.
I'm probably a fool, but I simply can't see the point of quitting work for 3 min. and so making less money.
why not work 3 min longer (no one gone die because those 3 min.) and make a little donation...
I suggested this at work, can you imagine the reactions I got :P

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:50
by zaltys7
christophe wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:we never had any mention of it here at work. but then you cant take a bet on it so my bosses probably aren't interested... ;)
same at mine.
I'm probably a fool, but I simply can't see the point of quitting work for 3 min. and so making less money.
why not work 3 min longer (no one gone die because those 3 min.) and make a little donation...
I suggested this at work, can you imagine the reactions I got :P
What!! You where docked 3 minutes pay for the 3 minute silence, something is seriously wrong here, am I in "The hudsucker Proxy"?


Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 17:57
by christophe
zaltys7 wrote:
christophe wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:we never had any mention of it here at work. but then you cant take a bet on it so my bosses probably aren't interested... ;)
same at mine.
I'm probably a fool, but I simply can't see the point of quitting work for 3 min. and so making less money.
why not work 3 min longer (no one gone die because those 3 min.) and make a little donation...
I suggested this at work, can you imagine the reactions I got :P
What!! You where docked 3 minutes pay for the 3 minute silence, something is seriously wrong here, am I in "The hudsucker Proxy"?

no no.
but if we all have 3 min silence, (and don't do anything) we arn't producing/making money for the company. ....

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:06
by RicheyJames
christophe wrote:if we all have 3 min silence, (and don't do anything) we arn't producing/making money for the company. ....
where the hell do you work? the nineteenth century?

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:09
by zaltys7
Ahhh I understand now Christophe. Well kind of, when the company I work for looses money (server goes down etc) I rub my hands with glee and laugh maniacly.


Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:13
by timsinister
We don't do anything, and STILL earn money. Frankly, our clients are priviliged that we deign to turn up...

Zalty's lucky...if the server goes down, so does my 'net access. This is officially not good.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:14
by christophe
RicheyJames wrote:
christophe wrote:if we all have 3 min silence, (and don't do anything) we arn't producing/making money for the company. ....
where the hell do you work? the nineteenth century?
:roll: sometimes I wonder myself.

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 18:16
by zaltys7
timsinister wrote:We don't do anything, and STILL earn money. Frankly, our clients are priviliged that we deign to turn up...

Zalty's lucky...if the server goes down, so does my 'net access. This is officially not good.
Different server.
