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do you sometimes........

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:47
by nigel d
do you sometimes
......feel that the people you work with are lazy f*ckwits.......
or am i just having a bad day? :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:49
by timsinister
I must disagree. The people I work with are dedicated to their jobs.

I'm a lazy fuckwit.

What's happening over your way, nigel?

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:53
by nigel d
i work in electrical engineering .
i test / repair stuff.kilowatt stuff. a wire in the wrong place is important.
people have worked here 3 years and STILL get the same old thing wrong and then go for for a cig break.
or maybe they are just trying to kill me......

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:56
by Loki
Not so much lazy as lacking initiative or just general common sense and being able to think for themselves. Life is not rocket science. :roll:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 10:58
by nigel d
i might buy an atlas for them least then , they will be able to find their arse.....

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:17
by timsinister
Why don't you kick some arse further up the chain of command?

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:23
by nigel d
coz i work with f*ckwits in all directions.
im not exactly on the bottom rung of the food chain here but my superiors are of a gentle persuasion and dont like to be confrontational , even if it means i have to take over an hour extra to do something coz of someones ineptitude.

i really do feel a change in job comming on.
i think i will become a tattoo artist.
£650 for the training course , £500 for a start up kit , £200 for the autoclave.(ive got plenty of friends to practice on.....)
not too expensive really

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:35
by Shadow_Smile
I'm the boss at the location I work, so when I walk by they mostly work !

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:40
by nigel d
now your just trying wind me up.
i ve been told , as a supervisor im "not allowed" :eek: to "reprimand" people.
the mangement in my immediate vicinity sucks . :!:
(lets hope they havent got a keyboard mirror installed on my pc) :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 11:45
by Shadow_Smile
the best part of being the boss is, I can be the lazy one some time's :roll:

But normaly I just take the whip, and show them who's the BOSS :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 15:42
by rian
I'm my own boss, and I'm lazy :lol:

But I promised myself to work harder this year :(

Re: do you sometimes........

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:03
by Big Si
nigel d wrote:do you sometimes
......feel that the people you work with are lazy f*ckwits.......
or am i just having a bad day? :innocent:
Ah, I see your employer is NTL ;D

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:20
by BillyBadBreaks
timsinister wrote:I must disagree. The people I work with are dedicated to their jobs.

I'm a lazy fuckwit.

What's happening over your way, nigel?
I agree with you mate :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:43
by CellThree
Everyone I work with is either lazy, retarded, or generally both. That's on my shift anyway.

Muggins here has to do the majority of the work and clear up everyone else's mistakes.

Except the days I decide "f**k it" and then everything goes to hell.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 21:28
by Brideoffrankenstein
CellThree wrote:Everyone I work with is either lazy, retarded, or generally both. That's on my shift anyway.

Muggins here has to do the majority of the work and clear up everyone else's mistakes.

Except the days I decide "f**k it" and then everything goes to hell.
Yes. There's another woman at work who does the same job as me but very part time inbetween playing golf (god I hate part timers and golf). So, the majority of the time I am there on my own (that I have to admit I prefer, I get on with work better on my own), so if there is something that she has left for me to do that I have no idea is there, then it doesn't get done. Then the patient comes in and says "where are my mothers life-saving Neo Recormon injections?" and I say "what ones would they be I know nothing about them". Then I have a look in the clip and I see that she hasn't ordered it because she doesn't like using the b loody phone and I look like an idiot when in fact I am f ucking great at my job. It would seem that my life would be easier if I just checked the clip when she has been in for anything she can't be bothered to do, but sometimes I do just feel like saying sod it.

Re: do you sometimes........

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 22:25
by smiscandlon
nigel d wrote:do you sometimes
......feel that the people you work with are lazy f*ckwits.......
or am i just having a bad day? :innocent:
As supervisor in a complaints department, most of my time is spent sorting out problems caused by lazy and/or stupid colleagues.

Still, it keeps me in a job...


Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 23:14
by Rivers
In the first couple of years in my current job I gave 150%. I ran the dept in the managers hols etc for no extra money. Then I looked around and saw that most other people were just taking it easy for the same money. Then a new manger took over and my face didn't seem to fit so now i give about 20% on a good day. Am currently looking for something else. Gissa job! :cry:

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 23:18
by Quiff Boy
Rivers wrote:In the first couple of years in my current job I gave 150%. I ran the dept in the managers hols etc for no extra money. Then I looked around and saw that most other people were just taking it easy for the same money. Then a new manger took over and my face didn't seem to fit so now i give about 20% on a good day. Am currently looking for something else. Gissa job! :cry:
sounds earily familiar... :urff:

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 23:21
by Big Si
Quiff Boy wrote:
Rivers wrote:In the first couple of years in my current job I gave 150%. I ran the dept in the managers hols etc for no extra money. Then I looked around and saw that most other people were just taking it easy for the same money. Then a new manger took over and my face didn't seem to fit so now i give about 20% on a good day. Am currently looking for something else. Gissa job! :cry:
sounds earily familiar... :urff:
And again welcome to Ntl....... :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 23:23
by Rivers
Sorry not NTL but I used to have them as my internet provider....... bunch of s**t. I'm a Wannadoo guy now.

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 23:36
by Big Si
Rivers wrote:Sorry not NTL but I used to have them as my internet provider....... bunch of s**t. I'm a Wannadoo guy now.
Employee and customer, then I ended up at Goldfish :urff:

Got Speedtouch through BT (paid for by my flatmates work! :notworthy: )

Now I demand money with menaces! :twisted:

Posted: 08 Jan 2005, 00:29
by smiscandlon
Quiff Boy wrote:
Rivers wrote:In the first couple of years in my current job I gave 150%. I ran the dept in the managers hols etc for no extra money. Then I looked around and saw that most other people were just taking it easy for the same money. Then a new manger took over and my face didn't seem to fit so now i give about 20% on a good day. Am currently looking for something else. Gissa job! :cry:
sounds earily familiar... :urff:
Similar here. The new manager did actually like me but didn't have the experience or strength of personality to run the department properly - so instead restructured the whole way the team was run based on 'input' from other possibly well-meaning but ultimately clueless managers.

She has now been put on a special 'project' but her temporary replacement has just carried on all the same bad habits. Again, to be fair, because he doesn't know any better.

End result: I come in for 7 hours each day and do what I'm told to do. No more, no less.

Posted: 08 Jan 2005, 17:07
by Gary
Wish your heart, was a heart of stone...

ohh baby baby

Posted: 08 Jan 2005, 19:20
by James Blast
smiscandlon wrote:End result: I come in for 7 hours each day and do what I'm told to do. No more, no less.

Posted: 08 Jan 2005, 20:50
by Brideoffrankenstein
James Blast wrote:
smiscandlon wrote:End result: I come in for 7 hours each day and do what I'm told to do. No more, no less.
Seven hours?!. Part timers :lol: