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Fav hol destination and least fav

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 15:46
by elamanamou
One of my hobby's is travelling the globe.

Favourite must be Sharm El Sheikh,Egypt for for beautiful clear blue warm waters and fantastic fish and the coral reefs of The Red Sea.

Riding a camel and after having tea with The Bedouins in their tents.

Dubai .. A favourite of mine.Great for duty free shopping!

Jordan ... If you have the opputunity to go, don't miss Petra.

Marbella/ sorrento ... class

That's just a few.

Least fav
Goa.. Luckily enough to stay in one of the best hotel's down in the south.You cant swim in the sea as the currents are too strong and the sea is a ghastly s**t colour!! :wink:

Zimbabwe 10 yrs ago... Definitely a shocker then.Best part of the holiday going to Victoria Falls and seeing the odd giraffe.
Jo'burg ... scary
Canary Islands .. is like Blackpool.Fuckin awful!

Fellow Heartlanders do you have any favourite destinatitions? I want to know also least favourite destinations too so I can avoid them! :lol:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:00
by timsinister
Favourite - Greece. Even this curmudgeonly old goff appreciated falling into the Med, getting sunburn and being harassed by airport security. But with style.

Least - Rome. A stygian city, with better scenery.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:00
by timsinister
...however, as you say, Sorrento is exquisite. :)

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:05
by Marc
"Transylvania", I hope to meet my uncle "Dracula". :lol:

Transylvania has famous castles, citadels and fortified churches. ...
I like the architeture!

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:05
by nigel d
cebu was nice. v warm . v humid . v cheap.
lovely people too.
stayed with family out there so v v v cheap.

2ltr coke 28p
petrol 18p ltr

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:15
by rian
I like Israel. Been there back in 1978.

Madeira is nice too.

Crete (Kreta) is one of my fav destinations too. Chania is ace.

Worse? Hmm, probably the Canarias, but still, it's warm and nice in the winter.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:48
by Scardwel
My fave destination is Las Vegas for the sheer excessiveness of it all. Tacky in a good way! :wink:

Don't go to Tunisia! I had the misfortune of working there for 6 weeks on a research project a few years back. Unfriendly locals, dodgy water, medieval hospitals and you'll pass nothing solid 'til you're back in the UK!
Having said that some of the beaches were nice, but choca with locals trying to sell you a carpet!

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 16:52
by rian
Scardwel wrote:My fave destination is Las Vegas for the sheer excessiveness of it all. Tacky in a good way! :wink:

Don't go to Tunisia! I had the misfortune of working there for 6 weeks on a research project a few years back. Unfriendly locals, dodgy water, medieval hospitals and you'll pass nothing solid 'til you're back in the UK!
Having said that some of the beaches were nice, but choca with locals trying to sell you a carpet!
Marocco isn't very nice either. Spent a Christmas there with my family 1981. I had an earring and the locals hit on me as much as they did on my older sister.

Animals! :evil:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 17:05
by Thea
favorite - Germany. If i had my way i'd relocate myself, my favorite people and poundland to Cologne.

Least - Crete :urff: beach, bar, bar, disco, bar, beach, disco, beach,beach, ruins, beach, bar, disco and that first beach again.
tops of ears got burnt and hurt for weeks after, nearly got mugged walking around trying to find anywhere that wasn't full of drunk brits, got verbally abused (i think...) by angsty tourguide (not her fault, she thought i was swiss....) who inisited everyone call her "mother" :eek: and f**king fuckwitted hotel staff who repeatedly spiked my drinks and told me to stop swimming in floor-length dresses.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 17:20
by elamanamou
Marocco isn't very nice either. Spent a Christmas there with my family 1981. I had an earring and the locals hit on me as much as they did on my older sister.

Animals! :evil:[/quote]

A day is enough in Tangier... I fell off a camel, "Come into my shop" is all I got from the locals and to end an eventful day I had a snake charmer put this slimey snake round my neck! :roll:

Snakes! :evil:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 17:58
by James Blast
I concur with Scardy on the Two-knees-ya front, it smelled of drains, the beer was foul, the spirits watered down and the natives were not at all friendly. Corfu was where I found my idyll.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 18:22
by Loki
James Blast wrote:Corfu was where I found my idyll.
I have fond memories of moments through the years in (excuse the spelling) Paleocastritsa, Gouvia and Kontokili ... 8)

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 18:36
by James Blast
Palio (I won't even attempt the rest) was my experience JB, never seen sea so blue. Got to our digs about 4:30am left g/f to do domestic stuff while I took to the beach with ghetto blaster, bottle of vodka and some fresh orange, watched the sun rise listening to Bury Me Deep. Still sends shivers thinking about it now.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:08
by Debaser
Favs - Ibiza - not all 18-30, faaaaaar from it. Brown's Valley, Minnesota. described by a frined as 'the buttfuk of nowhere' but very gentile and relaxing (unless your in the back of a jeep and the driver says 'hhhmmmn feels like tornado weather, I'd better get a shift on'

Least Fav - Turkey, what a s**t hole

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:27
by Big Si
Fave - Germany/Czech Republic - The Best Beer, Beautiful Babes and Football - just what a Gentleman needs when marching with the Celtic Army! 8)

Least Fave - Teesside, UK - If you've ever been then you know what I mean! :evil:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 20:40
by Padstar
Im a bit sad really....

I dont go anywhere unless its to gig.

I have been to the US a few times when i was younger and inspite of its government the people and country were for the most part fantastic. Ide like to go to Oz sometime too.

Least.... FRANCE

Paddy :)

Re: Fav hol destination and least fav

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 21:00
by lucretia
elamanamou wrote:One of my hobby's is travelling the globe.
Jo'burg ... scary

Ahem ... When were you in Joeys then? How long for?
Jo'burg is a big old softy underneath all that ruff stuff.

Destination of choice right now would be Seattle
Least fave place right now: Benoni :x :(
Fave place ever visited: Scharnitz (spelling probably wrong, cos it was very long ago) on the Austrian/Italian border - skiing (well trying not to break both my ankles at once)
Least fave place ever visited: Paris (overpriced, weird, tacky (Moulin Rouge) pretentious and the Louvre was a massive disappointment for this punter)

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 21:16
by Brideoffrankenstein
Well I haven't really been to that many places due to money things and not having been alive as long as some people on here :wink: , but.....

best place was Brighton. Great fun. Got in lots of trouble and did lots of things :twisted:
worst place was Bologne in France. A horrible day trip in my first year at high school. All I can remember was trawling round a Hypermarket place and our coach getting stopped because our teachers had brought back too much booze. We were supposed to be practising our French but we soon discovered that most French people can speak English so we didn't bother :lol:

best place (prediction for the future)
I am off to Bali and Australia in a couple of weeks so I predict that they will be my new favourite holiday places

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 21:16
by James Blast
Paris left me cold, and skint Lucretia

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 21:54
by DerekR
Amsterdammmm :wink: and it's many attractions :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 22:27
by paint it black
the black forest, can't think why ;D

least favourite, can i say london. no? bugger i just have :?

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 22:35
by lazarus corporation
fave place - gotta agree with Brideoffrankenstein here and say Brighton, and it's even better cos I live here now. :D

worst place - anywhere in Cornwall or Devon. Those two counties deserve to be chopped off the bottom of England and hoisted out into the Atlantic.

Posted: 06 Jan 2005, 22:49
by Brideoffrankenstein
lazarus corporation wrote:fave place - gotta agree with Brideoffrankenstein here and say Brighton, and it's even better cos I live here now. :D
You would say that! :lol: No seriously great place. Love it! :notworthy:
lazarus corporation wrote:worst place - anywhere in Cornwall or Devon. Those two counties deserve to be chopped off the bottom of England and hoisted out into the Atlantic.
Nooo! I camped in Cornwall during the total eclipse and I thought it was a beautiful place to be.

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 00:27
by The Pope
Fave (haven't been to much though): San Francisco, Vancouver (kinda cold though) it really American of me to like London? What can I say, I live in the burbs (the OC nonetheless) and it doesn't take much of a city to impress me. :innocent:

OOO and Berkeley, CA, although it's'll be a good transition place for me to get acquainted with city life.

Worst: Cancun

Scary but strangely alluring: Tiajuana :twisted:

Posted: 07 Jan 2005, 01:03
by Hojyuu-obi
Favourite destination at the moment: Arizona, USA where my brother lives ...

Have very fond memories of childhood vacations in (south of) France (Bordeaux area, Ile d'Oleron etc) ...

I (unlike others here :roll: ) enjoyed Paris even though I'd admit unfriendliness is a national sport there ... Lucretia, instead of the Louvre you should have gone to the Gare d'Orsay just to name one :D ...

Did not like: Algarve, Portugal ...