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Errr.. stating the obvious, but...

Posted: 17 Jan 2005, 19:46
by Ocean Moves
we seem to be fast hurtling towards two complete years without a
Sisters tour..
In fact, No band info, gig info, record info, press, gossip, web site
updates, or ANYTHING, as far as I know....

what the hells going on? does anyone know ANYTHING new? :roll:

Posted: 17 Jan 2005, 20:06
by Guest
He's taking a long needed rest.


Posted: 17 Jan 2005, 20:49
by Dark
villageidiot wrote:He's taking a long needed rest.

Long needed my arse, he had a year, now he should get on with touring and claiming we're getting a new release some time next year.

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 10:02
by The Green Lantern
As a matter of fact The Sisters, and Andrew personally, have been mentioned three or four times in swedish morning papers over the past year. Which is more than in the previous twelve put together. Maybe because the band is written off as more or less dead people can start paying due respect. The most memorable mentioning was a journalist in the Daily News who had taken a disliking to the talent-show Popstar. His point was that if a young Tom Waits or a young Andrew Eldritch auditioned for Popstar they would be taunted and dismissed quicker than you can say Jack Robinson and the world (of popstars) would be two geniuses poorer. :D

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 11:18
by culprit
..just trying to imagine von in front of simon cowell..

Re: Errr.. stating the obvious, but...

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 13:44
by Marc
Erinyes wrote:we seem to be fast hurtling towards two complete years without a
Sisters tour..
In fact, No band info, gig info, record info, press, gossip, web site
updates, or ANYTHING, as far as I know....

what the hells going on? does anyone know ANYTHING new? :roll:
There are 3 possibilitys:1. He's retiring or 2. Rentenierde (from the miljons cd's) or 3 very :cry: Lazy.

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 13:48
by Ed Rhombus
4. No promoters want to take the show due to half empty halls last time

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 14:14
by Loki
I think Mr Rhombus has hit the nail on the head. I was quite shocked at the first Forum 03 show at how few people had bought tickets in advance. The queue to pay on the door was around the block so nobody ever imagined a sellout which it wasn't. I seem to remember £20 face value tickets on ebay going for a fiver as well. A sign of the times.

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 14:21
by Quiff Boy
its a vicious circle innit?

no material because of no acceptable contract offer. no acceptable contract offer because of no profile and dwindling fan base. no profile and dwindling fan base because of no material.

hey ho. :|

time to cut your losses methinks: swallow your pride and accept that you have to break that circle somehow - the most obvious way being to release some material yourself. ok, it might not get the initial high profile & worldwide distribution you'd want, but it would get your name back on the map & help prove to the majors that you're still a viable concern, and hopefully attract some interest from punters and promoters...

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 14:23
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:time to cut your losses methinks: swallow your pride and accept that you have to break that circle somehow
assuming of course that he is still interested in keeping the sisters of mercy as a going concern... :?:

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 14:29
by Marc
Ed Rhombus wrote:4. No promoters want to take the show due to half empty halls last time
I guess, it's his own fault? Other bands surprised his fans with new albums,...And we must dig in the "Past". :evil:

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 14:42
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:time to cut your losses methinks: swallow your pride and accept that you have to break that circle somehow
assuming of course that he is still interested in keeping the sisters of mercy as a going concern... :?:
And therein lies the rub...

Posted: 18 Jan 2005, 19:49
by Dark
Quiff Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:time to cut your losses methinks: swallow your pride and accept that you have to break that circle somehow
assuming of course that he is still interested in keeping the sisters of mercy as a going concern... :?:
This reminded me to ask, Quiffy, has Anne-Marie gotten back with the Ghosties? And will they be doing any concerts any time soon? *hope still dwells in the heart of Darkness*

Re: Errr.. stating the obvious, but...

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 01:58
by The Pope
Marc wrote:There are 3 possibilitys:1. He's retiring or 2. Rentenierde (from the miljons cd's) or 3 very :cry: Lazy.

5. Dead

but I'm hoping death is too goth a state for him and he'll simply refuse to go. And I might be willing to put money on that being successful :von:

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 02:31
by CellThree
So the question is, what's he living on?

He can't be making a huge amount in royalties any more. The last musical pursuits I heard about (barring SSV and the Sisters gigs post 97) were something about doing some sort of techno. He's written for computer magazines in the past. He's gotta be working, the cats need food.
Through all the rumours I (half?)remember, he no longer lives in Hamburg, still has a house in Leeds and also has set up residence in the Netherlands and Spain. That all costs money!

His best chance of making any money out of a new recording is to put it up on the Sisters site for sale, much like Curve did with their Hate Songs album. That sold out and because of this, their delayed Gift album was released, it helped finance their New Adventures album and release two new singles plus a best of album. One of their songs from Gift could be heard on loads of different film previews (Spiderman being the biggest) and adverts. The same song is appearing on the new Gran Turismo 4 game that is out in a couple of months. All in all a band that was seen to have pretty much finished has managed to revive itself and get its songs known again. I suppose it helps being married to Alan Moulder (producer for Nine Inch Nails amonst others) to get all the contacts you'd need, but even so Toni and Dean have managed to raise the bands profile a hell of a lot from nothing 3 years ago.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 04:14
by Thea
I recon he's got some serious money invested wisely and it was his plan all along to have retired by now and live well on that money.
I bet he's got one of those big slippers too.
I have high expectationd of OGL....

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 04:31
by shivarising
Somebody once mentioned AE was living off inheritance. Which would explain many things. And being 46 this year, it makes some sense that his parents wouldn't be living still.

But there's also the WHY? factor. I mean, what more could he have to prove. He lived the Rock God lifestyle for long enough and there's still plenty of dumb females who would throw themselves at him for a night of humiliation. He headlined Reading and many other festivals. He'll never be a household name in America, barring any sort of hostage/kidnapping plot. So, what's left?

I mean, AE has never seemed to live off of the rock n roll lifestyle in the same way that Keith Richards or Lemmy do, where it's all they know, the be all, end all of their existence. So, I just don't see any motivation to continue on any kind of elvel that anyone here would like. Plus, as those of us beyond our 20s can attest to, motivation wanes and changes dramatically with age.

So, unfortunately, me thinks that you better hold onto those memories because it will never be as it once was or could have been ever again.


Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 06:17
by nodubmanshouts
Yes to everything in the last three posts.

What's he got to gain by releasing a new album? Right now he's the rogue 'could be'.... if he releases something, he risks being a 'has been'

My money's on a new Ghost Dance album first :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 09:51
by _emma_
nodubmanshouts wrote:Yes to everything in the last three posts.
Right. This in particular:
shivarising wrote:there's still plenty of dumb females who would throw themselves at him for a night of humiliation.
Oh yes. Humiliation. Mmmmm. :P

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 10:49
by markfiend
nodubmanshouts wrote:Right now he's the rogue 'could be'.... if he releases something, he risks being a 'has been'
I think you've hit the nail on the head there. :(

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 10:57
by Quiff Boy
Dark wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:time to cut your losses methinks: swallow your pride and accept that you have to break that circle somehow
assuming of course that he is still interested in keeping the sisters of mercy as a going concern... :?:
This reminded me to ask, Quiffy, has Anne-Marie gotten back with the Ghosties? And will they be doing any concerts any time soon? *hope still dwells in the heart of Darkness*
nah, from what i gather etch is currently living in mainland europa somewhere with his missus, and anne marie is happily married "career woman" (working in I.T. IIRC) and living in keighley, just up the road from leeds.

there are some rather grubby rumours surrounding anne-marie's refusal to take part in the skeletal family reunion, but the official line is that she is happy concentrating on her job and her marriage. according to mr marx she has shown no interest in having anything to do with the ghosties since the whole website/cd re-issue business began.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 12:01
by Black Biscuit
Some pain-in-the-ass pussycat who works at an over-priced import CD store told me Eldo was planning to re-launch the Sisters with a sound reminiscent of their earlier darker style, devoid of that pseudo stadium rock thang they briefly did.

How he would know, I don't know. And we haven't seen it yet, so I was right that he's an arsehole.

Happy '05!

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 15:57
by timsinister
an over-priced import CD store
Aye, those well-known sources of industry insider knowledge!

It'll take as long as it takes. I'm content to sit back and reminisce with my albums, with fingers crossed but holding no illusions :wink:

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 17:57
by Dan
Quiff Boy wrote:there are some rather grubby rumours surrounding anne-marie's refusal to take part in the skeletal family reunion, but the official line is that she is happy concentrating on her job and her marriage. according to mr marx she has shown no interest in having anything to do with the ghosties since the whole website/cd re-issue business began.
She appeared in the press photographs some months before the reunion and rehearsed with them and was all set to do the first reunion gig at the Cockpit in Dec'02 but her overpossessive husband wouldn't let her attend.

Posted: 19 Jan 2005, 18:41
by nodubmanshouts
Or so the rumors say anyway.

Its a shame she doen't want to be involved in a bit of reminising, but if that's her choice, so be it...
at least Gary's embrassing the past :D