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Attention Mac Users

Posted: 22 Jan 2005, 14:49
by lazarus corporation
don't worry - this isn't another stella-induced diatribe against those over-priced toys, but rather a request

I've just redesigned my website (xhtml strict & css) and while it all works fine in standards compliant browsers such as Firefox, and has been hacked to work in non-compliant PC browsers (IE etc) I'd be very useful if anyone using different browsers on a Mac could check it out for me.

I'm particularly interested in screenshots from Mac people using IE 5.x (which has a notoriously weird interpretation of css), Opera, Safari and Konqueror.

the two pages I think may prove troublesome are:
the main page: clicky
a gallery index page: clicky
and a thumbnail page: clicky

screenshots, comments, and gushing praise to:

thanks in advance, people

This Is What I Got

Posted: 22 Jan 2005, 19:47
by James Blast
From: Mail Administrator <>
Date: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:40:16 PM Europe/London
Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
Reply-To: <>

This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Your message was not delivered because the destination computer refused
to accept it (the error message is reproduced below). This type of error
is usually due to a mis-configured account or mail delivery system on the
destination computer; however, it could be caused by your message since
some mail systems refuse messages with invalid header information, or if
they are too large.

Your message was rejected by for the following reason:

Administrative prohibition

The following recipients did not receive this message:


Please reply to <>
if you feel this message to be in error.

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Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 18:40:03 +0000
Received-From-MTA: dns; (

Final-Recipient: RFC822; <>
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
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Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 Administrative prohibition

Posted: 22 Jan 2005, 20:09
by lazarus corporation
hmm - weird

the problem's not with my mail server because I've been receiving emails all day and (quick check...) I still am.

could you try sending it again, Mr Blast


Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 00:50
by James Blast
Laz yer links work in Safari 1.0.3, I still can't send you screenshots, even when I sent one at a time.

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:05
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:Laz yer links work in Safari 1.0.3, I still can't send you screenshots, even when I sent one at a time.
Cheers Mr B - and thanks for trying

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:11
by James Blast
want me to try (spit!) Explorer?

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:12
by James Blast
Yes! I'm bored

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:13
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:want me to try (spit!) Explorer?
yes please - I'd have bet good money that Safari would produce good results anyway - it's the dodgy browsers which I have to compensate for

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:20
by James Blast
Damn! :twisted: OK

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:25
by James Blast
all three links work but...

I'm on Explorer 5.2
soz Laz, didn't realise :oops:

Posted: 23 Jan 2005, 01:29
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:all three links work but...

I'm on Explorer 5.2
soz Laz, didn't realise :oops:
no problem - all the versions of IE5 are pretty much the same. many thanks :notworthy: