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No more releases, ever vs absolute rubbish

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 17:02
by ruffers
Which would you prefer? That there is never another release from TSOM so we can all rejoice in the fact that it was all good? Or the release of something which is a pale imiitation of previous glories, and then we'll all say "He shouldn't have done that you know."

Prompted by a comment in another thread about "Come on, release something, anything.....>"

So how much pressure should be put on Von?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 17:15
by Quiff Boy
its a tricky one - there are people out there that feel that way about vision thing, where as there are also people out there that discovered the band through vision thing.

would they have gone on to become huge fans if vt hadnt been released? would they have even heard of the band?

i myself didnt like it when the album was first released, but i was already a huge fan so that didnt count. in recent years, however, i've become quite partial to many of the songs on vt :von:

anything they released would surely raise their profile, and thus win them one or two new fans.

maybe it would lose them one or two also, maybe it wouldnt - disliking vt didnt stop me being a fan of the band... :?:

ultimately, i'd rather hear some new stuff because i do believe that there will always be some artistic merit in pretty much anything eldritch does - there certainly has so far. also, i like the effect he has on a record, even if its not his record.

and as far as the sisters' own material goes i think the man puts his very distinctive stamp over everything they do, no matter what it may sound like. it all sounds like the work of eldritch, and i have a particular weakness for that stamp... so yeah, bring on the newer stuff and let's see :D

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 20:36
by Correl
Id rather he release a complete pile of garbage, Vision thing has its fans :lol: . I actually liked several songs on vision thing though. Like Quiff boy said, Even if they release a fairly bad album atleast it will show some record labels that their still intrested in releasing new materials. Maybe they'd be able to get a publishing deal or find a way to possibly release something good.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 20:54
by christophe
I guess Quiff boy has allready made a very good point.
the first album I heard was some girls .... and it made me like them. after that I found myself FaLaA & Vision thing and I liked both of them but I couldn't get the point of Floodland.
at the time (a year of 2 ago) I found it a bit boring, suprise suprise its my fav. record at the moment :D

I was always under the impresion mr E. tried different styles on the different records, always sounding like the sisters but always different. even the New unreleased songs sound difrent from the others and maybe they would form a good whole but I have a fealing mr E. would even love to go even more extreme. doing this he will always have people Not liking it.

Von introduced me into so many styles, I wouldn't mind him getting me to know even more, so I would go for a new and crapy record.

Posted: 24 Jan 2005, 23:22
by Rivers
Well a lot of the new unreleased songs are great so a new album would be pretty good. s**t, he's had 15 years to come up with something worth listening to!

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 00:08
by James Blast
some people like Gift and SSV <ducks>

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 07:41
by nodubmanshouts
QB makes some very good points, but a part of me would just like to see the whole thing put to bed before it gets embarrasing for all involved....

I saw Depeche Mode a few years ago, and compared to their prime, it was dull and lifeless. Having said that, Nick Cave is pushing 50 and the news of new releases still gets me excited.

Another Under The Gun? No thanks, I'll take my memories - they've lasted for years :)

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 16:16
by ruffers
James Blast wrote:some people like Gift and SSV <ducks>
I like Gift. Or to put it another way, I still play it and I can't remember the last time I put Vision Thing on...


Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 16:57
by Ocean Moves
I vote for "give me anything"....
I dunno how anyone could vote for no more Sisters records ?? :?

"one of the great things about this band,
why its still going, why the whole idea
of the sisters still means something, is
we do reach people in a different way to
most bands. we might not mean as much to
as many people, but we mean more to the
people that we reach, and I think there's
a place for bands like that.
I have no problem with Roxette, I have no
problem with people who write great tunes
for the maximum number of people,
but thats not what I do. I write songs
that mean more, and I accept the fact
that I reach less people.
I try, especially with records like
"a slight case of overbombing", I try
to reach more people, but ultimately
if I have to *choose* between reaching
more people, or, reaching afew people
*deeper*, I would choose to reach afew
people deeper, everytime."

- Andrew Eldritch, TV interview 1993.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:10
by Dark
James Blast wrote:some people like Gift and SSV <ducks>
I'd choose Gift over some of the songs most people like (Marian, Possession, Emma), and SSV more than some of the others (Phantom, maybe Watch).

But then, I like to be controversial. Body Electric '85 on vinyl sounded a million times better than Body Electric '82 on CD.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:43
by nodubmanshouts
Dark, you're a very strange young man :D

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 18:53
by Marc
nodubmanshouts wrote:Dark, you're a very strange young man :D
Strange, but he's got good taste (the Sisterhood & SSV) :D , I prefer Sisterhood above Sisters. :notworthy:

Re: re:

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 19:04
by lazarus corporation
Erinyes wrote:I vote for "give me anything"....
I dunno how anyone could vote for no more Sisters records ?? :?
Since it was a choice between absolute rubbish and no more releases, I voted for no more releases. Sorry, but I don't want Von to release crap just for the sake of it.

Re: re:

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 19:27
by _emma_
lazarus corporation wrote:Since it was a choice between absolute rubbish and no more releases, I voted for no more releases. Sorry, but I don't want Von to release crap just for the sake of it.
Do you think the first option is possible? I think not.

Re: re:

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 19:32
by lazarus corporation
_emma_ wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:Since it was a choice between absolute rubbish and no more releases, I voted for no more releases. Sorry, but I don't want Von to release crap just for the sake of it.
Do you think the first option is possible? I think not.
Well, without wanting to re-ignite a flame war, I have to say I thought SSV was absolute rubbish, so yes the first option is possible. In my opinion, of course.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 19:44
by Electrochrome
Recall the 2002 interview with Eldo in Glasperlenspiel, where he states that his lawyer told him to take what he could then, because in two or three years time, it will seem like a lot more--referring to a contract, to some way of releasing material. Since Eldo still believes The Sisters are a major label band (contrary to the thoughts of every major label), and since it's now almost three years later, I am convinced we will definitely get a final Sisters disc in a few years, after the royalty system is sorted out with digital piracy, online music sales, etc.

How about a Sisters of Mercy iPod, with all songs loaded, even Watch?

Re: re:

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 19:47
by _emma_
lazarus corporation wrote:Well, without wanting to re-ignite a flame war, I have to say I thought SSV was absolute rubbish, so yes the first option is possible. In my opinion, of course.
^this smiley doesn't look exactly as I'd like it to, but I don't know how to insert some of the ones I have on my PC.
Anyway, I think you know what I mean. :wink: :)

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 21:09
by claws
That's easy. Nothing ever again... A very bad release would lower TSOM's overall reputation. I would like to remember them as a band that made great music. Not a band that made great music, and then totally failed.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 21:49
by _emma_
Well if only they released the unreleased songs they've been playing live that surely wouldn't be a bad release.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 21:58
by lazarus corporation
_emma_ wrote:Well if only they released the unreleased songs they've been playing live that surely wouldn't be a bad release.
yeah - I'd buy that.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 22:23
by Dark
lazarus corporation wrote:
_emma_ wrote:Well if only they released the unreleased songs they've been playing live that surely wouldn't be a bad release.
yeah - I'd buy that.
I also want Driver and Burn It Down. Though I admit, Burn It Down isn't really an unreleased song, more a demo. Either way, I want it.

Posted: 25 Jan 2005, 22:38
by nodubmanshouts
I dunno, I never found the ""new"" songs that exciting... but each to his/her own I guess

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 00:15
by James Blast
Dark wrote:Driver and Burn It Down
next it will be Wide Reciever, Oh My Gawd! :eek:

Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 04:57
by Petseri
nodubmanshouts wrote:I dunno, I never found the ""new"" songs that exciting... but each to his/her own I guess
How would they sound recorded in studio, though? So far we have heard only live versions. Summer and War on Drugs come to mind as tracks which could sound particularly nice in studio. Marian live does not stand up well, and Ribbons tends to be hit or miss to me, but the studio versions of them easily make the grade. Granted, my opinion, but fleshed out or polished in studio may make people think better of some of the newer stuff.


Posted: 26 Jan 2005, 08:13
by Dark
James Blast wrote:
Dark wrote:Driver and Burn It Down
next it will be Wide Reciever, Oh My Gawd! :eek:
Oh yeah, forgot about that one. :)

But I guess if it was the whole band (or whatever's left of it) playing instead of just Von, it would sound ok.