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The Pope

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 11:46
by andymackem
Is apparently even closer to death than his recent public appearances might suggest.

Any thoughts? Anyone care?

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 11:59
by Thea
I just keep him off the moon....

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:00
by markfiend
I didn't think he'd make it to 2000 and I was wrong. :|

He's definitely left a legacy; canonised more saints than all the other popes put together IIRC?

There's that list isn't there; some mad prophet back in the 12th century or something made a big list with a choice epithet for each future pope (obviously some of the epithets have to be "stretched" to make them fit). But the next is the last in the list...

Oh here he is. St. Malachy and there are two more after JPII. Then the end of the world ;D

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:01
by ruffers
Immediate response is "How can they tell?"

Personally I don't care, but like it or not the role does have an incredible impact on the world. For instance if a (new?) pope said OK, you can use condoms to prevent HIV transmission then it could make a real difference to the spread of AIDS in vast areas of the planet.

Anyone know who's favourite for the job next, and if he's remotely prgressive?

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:05
by andymackem
If he's a senior vatican cardinal, it's hard to imagine him being progressive.

Keep in mind that the vatican has been effectively run by an invisible cabal during JPII's on-going illness (which seems to have lasted for as long as I can remember). It's fair to assume they will have a major role in steering the conclave so the next Pope will be in their image.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:06
by markfiend
Well Malachy's prophecy (see above) has the next Pope as “De Gloria Olivae� (From the Glory of the Olive) so maybe Cardinal Martini?

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:07
by Thea
markfiend wrote:Well Malachy's prophecy (see above) has the next Pope as “De Gloria Olivae� (From the Glory of the Olive) so maybe Cardinal Martini?
:lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 12:16
by andymackem
markfiend wrote:Well Malachy's prophecy (see above) has the next Pope as “De Gloria Olivae” (From the Glory of the Olive) so maybe Cardinal Martini?
It'll be some oily type. But at least know he'll be extra virgin.

/gets coat/

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 13:55
by CellThree
They'll have to feed him more babies. They stopped feeding babies to the Queen Mother and look what happened.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:19
by Francis
ruffers wrote:For instance if a (new?) pope said OK, you can use condoms to prevent HIV transmission then it could make a real difference to the spread of AIDS in vast areas of the planet.
If you're thinking of Africa, think again. I really don't think it's that simple.
As I understand it there's a deep-bred reluctance to use condoms, preferring anal sex as a form of contraception. Oh yes, and I'm told there's a wide-held belief that having unprotected sex with a virgin will cure a man of aids/ HIV. :roll:

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:28
by Mrs RicheyJames
He's as much use as the fecking Royal family!!

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:30
by Quiff Boy
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:He's as much use as the fecking Royal family!!
actually he's more - people pay attention to what "he" says :urff:

scary :eek:

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:35
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:39
by hallucienate
Francis wrote:If you're thinking of Africa, think again. I really don't think it's that simple.
As I understand it there's a deep-bred reluctance to use condoms, preferring anal sex as a form of contraception. Oh yes, and I'm told there's a wide-held belief that having unprotected sex with a virgin will cure a man of aids/ HIV. :roll:
Yup, we now have campaigns to educate people about condoms, but they're either to subtle on late night TV.

That part about sex with a virgin is a wide spread belief, which may go some way to explain so of the terrible rape statistics here :x

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 14:52
by markfiend
It would need not just a decree saying "you're okay to use condoms now", but one saying "you must use condoms now", which would IMO be anathema to large sections of the Catholic Church as a whole. Just look at the radical offshoots that still use Latin Mass and condemn the Second Vatican Council (?) as a liberalising influence.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 15:04
by andymackem
As well as curbing the spread of HIV, encouraging (or even tolerating) contraception might help ease the problems caused by population explosion.

But to really bring that under control you need better health care so people believe that if they have two kids, two will survive. Otherwise families will not unreasonably go for larger numbers of offspring in the hope of seeing some of them get through to adulthood.

Can't see the church getting too enthusiastic about involving itself in non-denomonational healthcare for the third world, even though it clearly _should_ be.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 15:16
by hallucienate
andymackem wrote:Can't see the church getting too enthusiastic about involving itself in non-denomonational healthcare for the third world, even though it clearly _should_ be.
See as most of North Africa is Islamic I can't seem running there either :evil:

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 15:26
by rian
I don't care at all about that old man.

Not at all....

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 15:29
by ruffers
Africa has it's own issues (which the church as the man said could/should be addressing), but there's problems elsewhere as well. Obvious, I know.

The world's largest Catholic country? Brazil. Efforts to distribute condoms there are obstructed by the Bishops.

see here (first google match btw)

This is interesting as well -

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 17:16
by Dan
markfiend wrote:Oh here he is. St. Malachy and there are two more after JPII. Then the end of the world ;D
I've heard of that list before. Not the end of the world, only the end of the catholic church. When that happens maybe other religions will follow suit and f*ck off too, and the world will be a better place.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 17:19
by markfiend
Dan wrote:Not the end of the world, only the end of the catholic church.
I think for a 12th century bishop, it would have amounted to much the same thing ;)
Dan wrote:When that happens maybe other religions will follow suit and f*ck off too, and the world will be a better place.
Well, no argument from me on that score!

Posted: 03 Feb 2005, 05:16
by The Pope
I am come! and it's about time.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: to me minions.

ok, that was kind of bad, but he has to die sooner or later and i think a church ruled by me would rock. :innocent:

Posted: 03 Feb 2005, 06:51
by Marc

Posted: 03 Feb 2005, 08:19
by nodubmanshouts
Words cannot express my feelings for the pope. Which is probably a good thing, because none of them would be good.

Posted: 03 Feb 2005, 10:56
by The Green Lantern
Dan wrote:
markfiend wrote:Oh here he is. St. Malachy and there are two more after JPII. Then the end of the world ;D
I've heard of that list before. Not the end of the world, only the end of the catholic church. When that happens maybe other religions will follow suit and f*ck off too, and the world will be a better place.