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questions for Andreas Bruhn interview

Posted: 04 Feb 2005, 18:05
by Petseri
QB suggested making this a sticky (for now).

I wrote to Andreas to see if he would be willing to have a Heartland interview (much as our beloved administrator did with Gary Marx). He did not decline. So, let me open a thread to see what you would like to have asked. I have a bunch of questions already off the top of my head, but feel free to add others here or send me a PM. After a few days or so, I can pass on the relevant ones, and if we are lucky, he can givbe us some insight.

So far, Gary may have to share the title of "nice man" with another ex-Sister.


Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 17:38
by Francis
Does he like marmite?

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 18:28
by Quiff Boy
how did he come to join the sisters?

how did he feel about joining a legendary band like the sisters, and stepping into the shoes of revered guitarists (amongst the sisters fanbase) such as mr marx and mr hussey?

is eldritch actually as good a guitarist (sat down anyway) as people seem to think?

how much input did mr brechino have into the writing, recording & production of the VT album? (i never really thought tim's much-touted "M62 touch" was evident on any of the material from that time)

how much sisters stuff after VT was he involved in? were there any other songs written post-VT that we've never heard of?

how did he get into writing soundtracks for tv adverts?

is he ever tempted to drop a cheeky sisters VT riff into one of the tunes? ;D

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 19:45
by Petseri
Ones which I was considering are similar to QB's (although I had not thought of his last suggestion :lol: ).

Among the Sisters-related questions: how did he first meet AE?; how accrimonious was leaving the band (especially if Eldritch supposedly expected Bruhn to play in the 1996 gigs after the layoff)?; did he interact with the band during the last Hamburg gigs or just sit at the bar where he was spotted?; had he seen them band during the previous incarnation?; does he keep in contact with anyone from the band?; was Vision Thing solely the work of him and Andrew (in other words, did Tim and Tony play anything on the actual release)? did he rework any potential Sisters music for a post-VT release into his solo work?

Non-Sisters stuff: what happened to the Vanish album (please, no puns)?; why did he (as many German singers) not have any songs in German?; how would he compare working in band to solo work to production for other artists?

Anything else which might be of interest? Send me a PM if you prefer to forward questions that way.


Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 22:19
by spartacus mills
Are there songs wriiten and demo-ed for VT that didn't make it onto the lp?

Are any demos of VT songs drastically different to the album versions?

Posted: 06 Feb 2005, 00:31
by Red_Kola
What the hell where you guys doing in PUK for 9 (NINE) months. Specifically, what where you, Andreas, doing during the weeks and weeks of vocal takes?

Posted: 06 Feb 2005, 13:30
by TheBoyNextDoor
What was your most memorable gig with the Sisters?

Did you enjoy being on tour for so long?

Posted: 06 Feb 2005, 18:24
by Silence is platinum
The obvious which is already mentioned

are there any other songs they rehearsed and
never surfaced?

Does he like our weeding section and d he like
to contribute something out of the ordinary :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 06 Feb 2005, 22:10
by lex3000
What was it like working with John Perry (ex-The Only Ones) during the recording of Vision Thing and are any of his guitar parts on the album?


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 05:00
by Petseri
sunset yellow wrote:Does he like our weeding section and d he like
to contribute something out of the ordinary :innocent: :innocent:
Actually that was on my list of thngs to ask :D , but I was not going to post it unless I got a favorable response.


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 11:12
by markfiend
Ask him to corroborate TJ's underpants story.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 13:32
by _emma_
What is the best (most pleasant/funniest) and the worst thing he can remember from the time he was in the Sisters.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 15:30
by Guest
My heart skipped a beat when I read through this topic. So close yet so damn far....

I only have one question. Is Andrew really as bad as he comes off in terms of temperament, or is there somewhere in there a nice guy?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 15:32
by Petseri
markfiend wrote:Ask him to corroborate TJ's underpants story.
It may be a sticky subject, but I can ask.

Seriously, what underpants story do you mean? :?:


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 16:48
by MrChris
What Sisters song did he most enjoy playing?

Does he ever listen to The Sisters now?

How early did he begin to have doubts about being a member of The Sisters?

Just how tall is Eldo really? Without those boots? And the wig?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:30
by markfiend
Petseri wrote:
markfiend wrote:Ask him to corroborate TJ's underpants story.
It may be a sticky subject, but I can ask.

Seriously, what underpants story do you mean? :?:

It was something along the lines of Tony James and a female acquaintance laughing at Eldritch's underpants; they were old, once-white but washed to greyness, Y-fronts of the type not entirely fitting our man's "intellectual love god" status.

Reference here but I can't find the original story now.

*Edit: Found it.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:51
by Petseri
markfiend wrote:
Petseri wrote:
markfiend wrote:Ask him to corroborate TJ's underpants story.
It may be a sticky subject, but I can ask.

Seriously, what underpants story do you mean? :?:

It was something along the lines of Tony James and a female acquaintance laughing at Eldritch's underpants; they were old, once-white but washed to greyness, Y-fronts of the type not entirely fitting our man's "intellectual love god" status.

Reference here but I can't find the original story now.

*Edit: Found it.

I wonder if BP would want a photo of that. :D


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:56
by Dark
Does he like the Sisterhood? ;)
Nah, seriously, what does he think of Ghost Dance, The Mish and earlier Sisters things?

Will he try to convince Von to work on more Sisters material?
Is Von still alive?
What's his (Andreas') HL username? :)

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:09
by Petseri
I talked to Andreas and mentioned that midweek or so I will consolidate the questions (the marmite one probably included) and forward them to him. Try to post any questions by Wednesday. He then will reply to what he can. He seems to be a class act.

It does not appear that he can offer any missing pieces to our Sisters collections. That does not damper my feelings, though.


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:13
by Black Shuck




Does he regret wearing sunglasses which were so dark that he could never see where the camera was?


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:19
by Guest
Petseri wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Petseri wrote:It may be a sticky subject, but I can ask.

Seriously, what underpants story do you mean? :?:

It was something along the lines of Tony James and a female acquaintance laughing at Eldritch's underpants; they were old, once-white but washed to greyness, Y-fronts of the type not entirely fitting our man's "intellectual love god" status.

Reference here but I can't find the original story now.

*Edit: Found it.

I wonder if BP would want a photo of that. :D

Methinks I need to talk to Andrew about his smalls. :wink: That was a very enjoyable article. And those photos above are yummy. I love him with the long dark hair. So gorgeous.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:30
by Guest
Oh I have one last question. Any comments on More, especially the video? ;)

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:05
by Petseri
villageidiot wrote:Methinks I need to talk to Andrew about his smalls. :wink:
Are you going to tell Andrew that size does not matter? :innocent:

@ Black Shuck: that was one of the funniest posts in a while! :lol:


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:56
by Electrochrome
Red_Kola wrote:What the hell where you guys doing in PUK for 9 (NINE) months. Specifically, what where you, Andreas, doing during the weeks and weeks of vocal takes?
That's a damn good question--what was it like recording a Sisters album (long and painful?)

Would he work with Eldo again?

Knowing Eldo, what's his opinion of the current non-state of The Sisters?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:58
by Guest
Petseri wrote:
villageidiot wrote:Methinks I need to talk to Andrew about his smalls. :wink:
Are you going to tell Andrew that size does not matter? :innocent:

:eek: Hell no!

One of my questions is about size, but I don't think Mr. Bruhn would appreciate me asking that. :wink: Will he comment on that photo you sent me Martin? You remember the one. Was that a sock or was he just happy to see me. :kiss: