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Who should Sisters duet with?

Posted: 04 Feb 2005, 23:16
by Rivers
Tongue in cheek idea coming.
Perhaps to gain a bit more exposure the Sisters should duet with a more 'known' act. Suggestions?

I think it should be Tatu.................

Imagine the video

Re: Who should Sisters duet with?

Posted: 04 Feb 2005, 23:37
by Dan
Eldritch & Lesbians!

What a great video that'd be!

Anyone wanna write the storyboard/script for that one?

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 01:18
by Correl
Mr Marx seems like a good candidate, They worked fairly well together before and Eldritch doesnt seem to have problems with him now.

Posted: 05 Feb 2005, 23:28
by Rivers
Eldritch & Lesbians!

What a great video that'd be!
Also featuring Russia, rain and runaway trucks on ice!

Posted: 06 Feb 2005, 00:51
by shivarising
Uh... haven't we already decided the Sisters are to release NO MORE new material ever???? JESUS!! :evil:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 16:40
by randdebiel²
like I said before: lisa gerrard is the obvious choice!

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:21
by Erudite
Tori Amos - when they were both on East West she actually asked Eldritch to produce some of the songs on her Under The Pink album. For reasons undisclosed, she later pulled out.
Always thought that was a great pity.
But there was a nice pic of them together published in UTR.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:27
by zaltys7
Erudite wrote:Tori Amos - when they were both on East West she actually asked Eldritch to produce some of the songs on her Under The Pink album. For reasons undisclosed, she later pulled out.
Always thought that was a great pity.
But there was a nice pic of them together published in UTR.
Is there a link to this anywhere?
Two of my very favorite artists, shame it didnt happen.



Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 17:52
by Erudite
Not that I know of - I did write a letter to Eldritch after the picture was published, the response to which was published in the following issue of UTR.
I shall try and dig it out and possibly put a transcript on here.
There was a UTR letters thread somewhere on the forum...

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:08
by zaltys7
Erudite wrote:Not that I know of - I did write letter to Eldritch after the picture was published, the response to which was published in the following issue of UTR.
I shall try and dig it out and possibly put a transcript on here.
There was a UTR letters thread somewhere on the forum...
Thanks alot Erudite :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:59
by Erudite
Photo, like I said, appeared in UTR 11 with the caption “Boy Meets Girl Full Stop�.
Here is a transcript of the relevant part of my letter and Eldritch’s reply from UTR 14:

Dear Andrew,
Boy meets girl full stop. Don’t let that be true. Surely the sublime Ms Amos can be persuaded to contribute some backing vocals and/or piano to the new album? A duet of similar style to 1959 perhaps? Please consider it at least.

AE: Unfortunately, I’m not in a position to decide what Tori Amos should do with her talents. It was Tori’s idea to have me produce some songs for the album which became “Under The Pink�, as she was thinking about using distortion on the piano. I told her I didn’t think the distortion was a great idea, but I’d be happy to try it. In the event she went to New Mexico for a bit of a rest, and the album was written, recorded and released before we ran into each other again. I assume she’s dismissed the production idea, and I assume she’s got a good reason.
I do have one piano-based track which would be great for her to play, but I haven’t finished the words yet. I will certainly consult her when the time comes to record it. I hope she decides to follow your advice. The “full stop� was inserted to prevent the usual romantic gossip - we wouldn’t want Ofra to get upset.