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The night the Smurphs died.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 01:22
by Padstar
We died a death. It was s**t. Apologies to anyone who paid.

For those of you who saw us for the first time im stuck for what to say.

And to top it off Marx was there...... im f**king gutted.

For some reason its just didnt happen.

James Blast was right to stay in bed.

The only saving grace is those of you have seen us in the past know what our gigs are usually like.

I think the end is near.


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 01:45
by CellThree
That's a shame, you rocked at the 1st Heartland meet.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 02:07
by Francis
You've set yourselves very high standards in the past Paddy. Just be grateful Dan wasn't there. :wink:

Still more enjoyable than 26/10/84 though.

Re: The night the Smurphs died.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 12:50
by DerekR
Padstar wrote:We died a death. It was s**t. Apologies to anyone who paid.
For those of you who saw us for the first time im stuck for what to say.
Ach don't beat yourself up Pads, you weren't that bad :eek: As a first timer I was still entertained.
Padstar wrote:And to top it off Marx was there...... im f**king gutted.
I thought I recognized that bald fella
Padstar wrote:James Blast was right to stay in bed.
Don't EVER say that, and don't let it stop you giving him the mother of all slaggings :lol:

Sorry I couldn't stick around after the gig. had to catch my last bus home. Didn't fancy another £29 taxi fare like the night before :eek:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 12:50
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
I say we take off and nuke the thing from orbit - it's the only way to be sure!

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 13:40
by Scardwel
Just promise me you won't do 'Marian' at Crewe... :?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 14:09
by Padstar
Scardwel wrote:Just promise me you won't do 'Marian' at Crewe... :?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 15:28
by Thea
Don't be too hard on yerselves!
Aside from the odd lyrical fuckup, it was a f**king good gig (and I've seen marian turn into an all-out mumblefest before :lol:)
I thought it was a fab night out! If anything the only thing wrong with it was the nutter who kept muttering at me untill I was forced to get up and dance to get away from him :lol:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 16:24
by Ed Rhombus
Padstar wrote:
Scardwel wrote:Just promise me you won't do 'Marian' at Crewe... :?
Bollocks, make sure you do play it.

If we dropped songs we made mistakes in, we'd very soon be out of tunes. (Glasshouses/stones)

Corrosion, Vision Thing and Gimmie Gimmie were top notch, by the way!

Quit moaning, listen to a bit of Frank Sinatra, come back harder

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:12
by James Blast
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I had to get back behind the wheel of The Bananamobile the next day, it was hard enough to control sans hangover. So sorry Paddy and all the lovely people I met, next time I'll stay an extra day.


and before you ask, No I can't go into a pub and not drink, dammit!

Re: The night the Smurphs died.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:20
by keys
Padstar wrote:We died a death. It was s**t. Apologies to anyone who paid.

For those of you who saw us for the first time im stuck for what to say.

And to top it off Marx was there...... im f**king gutted.

For some reason its just didnt happen.

James Blast was right to stay in bed.

The only saving grace is those of you have seen us in the past know what our gigs are usually like.

I think the end is near.

I think most bands would be happy if their best performance could come remotely close to a slightly mis-firing Smurphs show.

Ignore Ed's suggestion of Frank Sinatra. Nine Inch Nails at full volume should bring you round! 8)

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:18
by Quiff Boy
@ pads: i know you may be feeling very raw so soon after the fact, but give it a few days before you make any hasty decisions.

everyone concerned with the smurphs have spent a long time touring and building up the reputation you have as a cracking tribute band.

i'm torn - i think it would be a shame to play any more gigs like that, and spoil all the hard work done over the last few years in actually building that good reputation, but then on the other hand it seems equally daft to consider throwing it away.

i think you need to give it a bit of time, and assess all the options, and not just trash the band.

for what its worth, mr marx had seen that short video footage of you last time you played the bassment and was quite impressed by the noise and the power. and he had also heard favourable reports from other people he knows, so i doubt he will be judging you to harshly - lets face it every band has a stinker of a gig from time to time.

its just my take on it, but i think you should give it a bit of time and have a think on how you feel about the smurphs, what you enjoy about it, what you dont, whats broken, what you can fix, what you cant fix (if anything?!) etc etc.


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:20
by Dark
Forgive me for not being there, but what exactly went wrong?

If anyone bootlegged that, then send me it, and I'll decide whether or not it was bad. :p

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:27
by Mrs RicheyJames
And you are???

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:31
by Quiff Boy

its hard to put it down in writing but the vocalist had trouble with the words, song arrangements, & moves, more or less throughout the set :urff:

and i dont recall it myself but at one point someone mentioned the drum machine was having a bit of a problem keeping in time with the guitars ;)

good job the smoke machine was on top form though ;) :lol:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:38
by Big Si
Quiff Boy wrote:good job the smoke machine was on top form though ;) :lol:
Clicky! (Thanks to Doomwolf :D )

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:48
by James Blast
If The Smurfs chuck it before I see them, I'll find where you live Paddy and seek you out! :evil:
My non-appearance last night was an oversight and going on holiday by mistake :lol:

Re: The night the Smurphs died.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:57
by Andrew S
Padstar wrote: For those of you who saw us for the first time im stuck for what to say.

And to top it off Marx was there...... im f**king gutted.


Don't beat yourself up over it Paddy. It was my first time at a Smurphs gig and yes, you did die a death but it hasn't put me off going again. These things just happen I suppose, although it's sod's law that it happened in front of Mr Marx!

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:59
by Mrs RicheyJames
They usually are very bloody good!!

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:04
by Quiff Boy
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:They usually are very bloody good!!
absolutely. they have been one of my favourite live bands for a long time now :notworthy:

to put it as politely as i can, i would suggest they had "personnell issues" to resolve :|

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:22
by Big Si
I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't drunk so much over the 2 days previously. :urff:

And you still should have done some Prince covers :lol:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:23
by rian
Band war?


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:27
by Quiff Boy
rian wrote:Band war?

nah, thats the killing miranda thread ;) :lol:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:44
by rian
Quiff Boy wrote:
rian wrote:Band war?

nah, thats the killing miranda thread ;) :lol:

Must pay more attention :innocent:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 23:12
by CorpPunk
The Smurphs are ace. Best live act I've seen in ages (Sisters included). I can't even tell you how much fun I had, just because it looked like you kids on stage were having such fun yourselves, and it was infectious. Admittedly, this was last year...

Anyway, speaking from complete ignorance, I'm sure things will work out. Kisses to Paddy!