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What do you think about Lidl?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:10
by rian
Just got one here in Vallentuna, and in my eyes they stink!


Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:25
by Thea
They're cheap. I love 'em!
Not as good as home bargains though - To get to Lidl I've gotta get a lift to Buxton - Home bargains can be reached by bus ;D

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:30
by rian
d00mw0lf wrote:They're cheap. I love 'em!
Not as good as home bargains though - To get to Lidl I've gotta get a lift to Buxton - Home bargains can be reached by bus ;D
But they only got underwear and electronic stuff. Hard to find food in there :?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:35
by andymackem
Lidl is for the common people. I never go. Nor Kwik Save. I'm strictly Sainsburys, complete with Nectar Points.

Though I was surprised how much better the Netto in Copenhagen was compared with ones over here.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:39
by christophe
quite a few of them around here infact, but never set a foot inside one.
a friend of mine worked in one of them, but had to quite when the roof was starting to come down... :?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:42
by James Blast
I would keep my eye on their wine selection, they have a very good wine buyer, believe it or not, who picks up end of line selections for a snip and sells them on at a very keen price.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 18:49
by culprit
my mother in law got some nice velcro from there on Saturday...
mmmm... :roll:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:02
by James Blast
was it a south of the equator velcro and if so was it a cabernet sauvignon velcro, cause they're very nice? :wink:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 19:11
by rian
We also have Willy's over here. They are ace :)

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 20:17
by Mrs RicheyJames
Lidls = Chavtastic.

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 20:36
by Andie
James Blast wrote:I would keep my eye on their wine selection, they have a very good wine buyer, believe it or not, who picks up end of line selections for a snip and sells them on at a very keen price.

spoken like a true scotsman... :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 20:40
by CellThree
They're building one down the road from my work. It's going to cause traffic congestion for months. All the local neighbours have complained and campained about it. The council don't want it, but have agreed planning permission (go figure :roll: ).

The one we already have in town causes major congestion as everyone tries to park there because it is free parking and they all line up and block the entrance to the Multi-story a bit down the street.

I hate that cut price filth store. Plus most of the people who shop in it around here are usually the lower ends of the human chain (you know, just like the people who appear on Trisha).

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 21:40
by James Blast
my information was based on my cousin Anne's husband's recommendation, they live in Sheffield.
now go figure Burn :P

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:28
by Black Dahlia
One word darlings, one word - Waitrose!

*hides before she gets called a ponce*

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:31
by Big Si
They do great choccie orange biccies and very cheap scotch pies :P

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:43
by rian
Big Si wrote:They do great choccie orange biccies and very cheap scotch pies :P
Not over here :roll:

Posted: 07 Feb 2005, 22:57
by Andrew S
I have it on good authority that their catfood is s**t. However, Lidl is good for cheap tins of tomatoes, pasta, puree, Danish butter cookies and Spekulatius biscuits at Christmas time. Also, the cheap Bellarom chocolate is still better than most British chocolate and costs a lot less.

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 01:36
by boudicca
They're German aren't they? So they must be good.

I get annoyed when people call 'em "Lee-dle", not "Lie-del".

Only go to marks and sainsbury's though, 'cos I'm so very posh ;D .

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 01:56
by Andrew S
boudicca wrote:They're German aren't they? So they must be good.

I get annoyed when people call 'em "Lee-dle", not "Lie-del".
But "Lee-dle" is the correct pronunciation - I'm assuming "Lie-del" is rhyming with "Idol" here. I've never heard anyone call it "Lie-del" - most people I know just say "Liddle".

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 03:29
by eldritchboulevard
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Lidls = Chavtastic.
Precisely. I could not have put it better myself. Horrid. Absolutely horrid.

Re: What do you think about Lidl?

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 03:32
by eldritchboulevard
rian wrote:Just got one here in Vallentuna, and in my eyes they stink!

There is a Lidl store opening very soon and very near to where my wife and I currently live. This is not good news. I am thus happy to report that we are moving to another area later this year.

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 03:34
by eldritchboulevard
Andrew S wrote:
boudicca wrote:They're German aren't they? So they must be good.

I get annoyed when people call 'em "Lee-dle", not "Lie-del".
But "Lee-dle" is the correct pronunciation - I'm assuming "Lie-del" is rhyming with "Idol" here. I've never heard anyone call it "Lie-del" - most people I know just say "Liddle".
What about the slightly superior Netto? This is often pronounced 'Neeto's' here as though it were a breakfast cereal. Equally irritating.

Posted: 08 Feb 2005, 09:52
by Black Dahlia
"Netto Fabulous" :roll: