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School Shootings.....

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:09
by Dave R
Just heard on Talk Sport, they are blaming it on a 17 year old "Fat Goth" (and that is quoted directly!!!!)

he was "picked on at school for being large, and dressing in goth clothes..."


Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:14
by Deviancy
This is all I got from the latest school shooting..

"One student described the gunman grinning and waving at a student his gun was pointed at, then swiveling to shoot someone else."

When I heard that I automatically assumed it wasn't a goth.. I mean a goth being polite.. no way.. ain't gonna happen.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:15
by markfiend
What school shootings? More? Again? Blimey :eek:

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:18
by Deviancy

I think the death toll is 10.. that includes the shooter since he turned the gun on himself. He also took out his grandparents prior to going to class supposedly.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:30
by markfiend
Bloody hell.

And Americans* still don't want gun control?

* Some of them. A vocal minority, I suspect.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:34
by hallucienate
markfiend wrote:Bloody hell.

And Americans* still don't want gun control?

* Some of them. A vocal minority, I suspect.
nope, but they do want goth control :roll: :lol:

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:34
by FiveLeavesLeft
It's pretty scary that the gun lobbyists have so much power over there.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:37
by Deviancy
The ones who do are in the minority which is obvious based on our lovely reputation. People don't seem to fond of me when I mention how we should have a lil more control over gun ownership. They get into that whole.. "It's my right".. "I like pretty metal things".

Hillary Clinton is busy working with the right to do something about all of those dang violent video games since they're keen on the idea that it's the games that causes these things.

This new shooting will probably just fuel her little crusade even more.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:39
by canon docre
... and of course he was a devoutee to Marilyn Manson.... Poor Manson, now the witch hunt starts again... But I think he kinda like that. :lol:

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:42
by Deviancy
Do you have a link to the article linking Manson? Or was it on the radio as well? I'm just curious because I'm already writing a little piece on this whole thing.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:45
by markfiend
The kids that carry out these school shootings are almost always described as "loners" who are bullied. The implication is that they're bullied because they are loners, whereas I would have thought it obvious that they are loners because they are bullied.

I suspect that most of them don't actually intend to kill anyone initially; they go in with the guns in an attempt to scare the bullies, but by the time someone shouts "look out he's got a gun" it's too late to back out.

It's all very sad.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:46
by canon docre
Deviancy wrote:Do you have a link to the article linking Manson? Or was it on the radio as well? I'm just curious because I'm already writing a little piece on this whole thing.

Ehem, if that could be of any help for you I dunno? But I could help translate....,1518,347666,00.html

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:52
by Deviancy
Well just seeing Mansons name in there gives me an idea.

So far all of the US sites are just saying he was a kid who for a year has been saying he wanted to do this. So yet again the faculty and guardians of the boy had no idea he was losing it?

They'll blame this on music, video games and a genre most likely. But they won't blame it on bad parenting, ignorant faculty and just how easy it was for the boy to take his grandfathers guns. f**king idiots..

Thanks for the link.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:56
by canon docre
But they won't blame it on bad parenting
Well, he obviously had no parenting at all, as his father was shooting himself in the head four years ago and his mother lives in a mental intitution after she got severely brain damaged in a car accident...

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 11:57
by Mrs RicheyJames
Deviancy wrote:Well just seeing Mansons name in there gives me an idea.

So far all of the US sites are just saying he was a kid who for a year has been saying he wanted to do this. So yet again the faculty and guardians of the boy had no idea he was losing it?

They'll blame this on music, video games and a genre most likely. But they won't blame it on bad parenting, ignorant faculty and just how easy it was for the boy to take his grandfathers guns. f**king idiots..

Thanks for the link.
Well that's hardly news is it?? Some fuckhead goes crazy with a gun and they blame it music/video games/the fact they didn't get enough sweets (candy) on a wednesday, instead of looking at their own inadequacies. Doesn't every story that involves a kid and a gun end up sounding remarkably similar?

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:01
by Thea
That added to the fact he had access to several POLICE ISSUE (!!!!) weapons but not to professional help. :|

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:05
by Deviancy
There's a lot to this story that will come out or that they'll keep covered up. But they will blame this on the typical stuff and every one of these stories is played out the same by the media. The Columbine shooting caused such a mess out here. I made the mistake of actually going out after they said those kids were goth. That was years ago though so maybe people will look passed this. I mean they didn't even really cover the story on the news out here. The paper and the net sites covered it but they were to busy talking about Michael Jackson to bring it up on the tv for longer then a few minutes.

Maybe Michael Jackson is a goth and that's why he's so messed up?

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:08
by Mrs RicheyJames
This really f**king annoys me. What the f**k was Shipman/Rose West/Moria Hindley listening too?? Bet it wasn't goth in the slightest.

Goth=f**king scapegoat.


Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:12
by Black Biscuit
The music of Elvis Presley was accused of encouraging "juvenile delinquency" FIFTY years ago. What's new?

Where do you begin and how do you eliminate crime? A local police station around here (now gone) was commonly nicknamed 'the shop' due to the amount of drugs being sold over the front counter. Can't blame that on Ice T.

Standard procedure in police raids is to confiscate the drugs and re-sell it or keep it for personal use. What is the crook going to do? Report a burglary?

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:13
by Deviancy
Yet another reason why I really get bothered with misrepresentation. These days if a kid who likes black metal kills his family it'll come down on goth bands since so many confuse the two. I don't mind Manson much but ya know ever since he surfaced his fanbase sure have caused a lot of trouble for those of us who like things a bit darker.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:14
by Mrs RicheyJames
Agreed. :-)

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:17
by silk
the only thing about the shooting that surprises me was that it was in a Native American reserve, I thought that they would know better than to take out their own, there are a hell of a lot better targets in the states than a bunch of harmless downtrodden natives

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:19
by timsinister
Did you see that poor lad's history? Father killed himself, mother in hospital with brain damage. But that wasn't anything to do with it, nope, it was his 'black clothing' controlling his brain.

Guess we'd better get ready for another s**t. :?

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:20
by markfiend
Deviancy wrote:if a kid who likes black metal kills his family it'll come down on goth bands since so many confuse the two.
True. I have even seen Ozzy f**king Osbourne described as Goth Rocker Ozzy Osbourne (OK, it was in that bastion of journalistic excellence The National Enquirer, but still...)

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 12:25
by Deviancy
It's getting worse though. I remember when there were reality check sites to nail the mansonites. But then people just started letting the misrepresentations slide. So now you have a ton of what we would call babybats going on about how great him is or how great the 69 eyes are.

But I won't get into the whole what's goth and whats not right now..

It's the US.. if you wear black you shoot up schools.. if you are black the cops shoot you.. Ya know I don't think black is appreciated very much in the states. How are things overseas? Is pastel pink still the new black?