www.onet.pl chat with Von, 07.04.2003

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another one courtesy of Paint_It_Black :notworthy:

OK, I'm bored... and cannot sleep. So decided finally translate the chat with AE from the Polish website http://www.onet.pl - from 07.04/03 (the day before Warsaw gig). Sorry if it has been published here before! The chat was live so it is very chaotic and some questions havce been left unaswered.

Andrew Eldritch: Hello everybody.
niki: In the 80s you were one of the most important British goth-metal band. Aren't you worried that your music does not fit in in the current scene, as nowadays music is a mix of styles and short-term trends?
blendersik: I've been waiting so long for this moment!
Andrew Eldritch: In the 80s they've been saying we were not really fitting in with them.
Cheapart: What is your opinion about the bands who are seen as your clones - Love Like Blood, Garden Of Delight.
Magda16: please keep up the good work, your atmosphere is the best.
Andrew Eldritch: Strange that now, 20 years later people see us as the 80s band. Strange change after 20 years. Bands who are still doing the same after 20 years are beyond the fashion. And the audience should also be beyond the fashion. We have never tried to be fashionable and we are still not trying.

sacrilegium: I'm going to tomorrow's gig, have a long journey to make, would you please let me know what songs are we going to hear tomorrow?
Martin_33: are there any support bands planned?
agaev: the most valuable people are not always appreciated...
Andrew Eldritch: I'm also far from home. I have spent the last 12 hours on the bus, and slept only for 2. We will play some old as well as new songs. NEw songs sound similar to those from our 2nd and 3rd album.

sacrilegium: do you realise that as it is your only gig in Poland and you play here last time a long time ago, the audience would like to hear the most their long-time favourite songs?
popo: are you going to release a new album in the near future??
bobo: Hello MAster! when are you going to release something? I'm so hungry for some new music. Help, MAster!

Andrew Eldritch: There are so many under appreciated artists and a lot of songs. Shame... However, I'm not worried if I'm not appreciated.
Andrew Eldritch: The songs are most important.
Andrew Eldritch: The question about our new record should be directed to the record labels. I have no artistic problems with writing a new material. I like writing and recording songs, what I dislike is all the promotion.
ksia78: Ae go going to walk in the crowd before the gig pretending it is not you?
Elan_Morin: would you please take your sunglasses off? I'd like to see how you look without them.
Andrew Eldritch: last week we put a new song on our website but there were so many people trying to download it, that we took it off because I couldn't even check my e-mail. Also last week we produced a new video to one of the songs. Cheap production, not MTV style. Thanks god. I have not watched MTV for 5 years. We have lots of amatour clips from our gigs.
I don't have to pretend, if I take off my glasses nobody recognizes me anyway. In my home town I can walk next to somebody in TSOM T-Shirt and they would not recognize me. If you see a very attractive, single man in the crowd tomorrow, without sunglasses, it will be me!
Cheapart: Are you going to release an abum with all the covers that are on your bootlegs?
Andrew Eldritch: I can take my hat off for Elan.
Elan_Morin: thanks.
Andrew Eldritch: We have released an album with our greatest hits.
adrianslupsk: Do you remember anything from your gig in Poland in 1991?
AgentCooper: are you going to release a live DVD?
twardy1:when are you going to put Suzanne DVD back on your website?
aoba: Andrew, YOU are bold???
Andrew Eldritch: I remember that after that gig we found Polish Army uniforms inside our tour bus. And it is always very cold whenever I come to Poland. We have lots of amatour live videos, Chris is currently watching all of them, we might release some of this material in the future. But it is not going to be anything in MTV style. We will probably put Suzanne back on the website when we are back from tour in a week or two.
By the way, I would like to end all the rumours that it is a studio recording. It is a live recording, we will record it in the studio one day.
: what are your current music inspirations?
Andrew Eldritch: All the good bands, above all - Motorhead.
Fikander: How do you get on with the Cure at present?
Andrew Eldritch: We never had a good or bad relationship with The Cure. I'm sure thay are very nice.
Andrew Eldritch: I hope The Cure also think we are nice.
trututututu: You became popular in Poland mostly because of Tomasz Beksinski. HAve you ever met him?
Andrew Eldritch: Thanks for all the questions, I'm afraid we have never met Tomasz (yes, you have... - D)
Andrew Eldritch: Thanks everybody.
Andrew Eldritch: See you tomorrow at the concert.
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