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Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 12:07
by boudicca
Boudicca is done with those pesky Romans. They're a bunch of jessies anyway. Tomorrow, I'm turning my attentions north, to the barbarian hordes of Norway - I think it's high time us Scots gave them a "Largs" of their very own... complete with it's own little Nardini's. :wink: :twisted:

Plans for an invasion of - um, Bergen - are underway. Yes, it's my idea of a good time. :roll:

So, has anyone been? What should I look out for?
I've heard it's the rainiest place on earth (in terms of most frequently). No tan worry, then... :von:

Anyone got any obscure Black Metal recordings they'd like me to fetch... BoF? :innocent:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 15:23
by timsinister
I cannot explain why this thread rang the d00mw0lf alert bell. :lol:

Have never been; please take plenty of pictures and tell us all about it.

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 15:43
by Thea
timsinister wrote:I cannot explain why this thread rang the d00mw0lf alert bell. :lol:

Have never been; please take plenty of pictures and tell us all about it.
FFS! what is it with you causing my gyp this week?!
*slaps upside the head*

That aside - Have fun on't holidays! ;D

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 15:48
by Dark
You slapped him! I'm gonna tell Miss Ems! :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 15:57
by Thea
Dark wrote:You slapped him! I'm gonna tell Miss Ems! :lol:
*Whaps Dark in the face with one of those clicky wheelie-on-a-stick things*

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 16:50
by emilystrange
:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Miss Ems is away on a course today.

Re: Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 16:52
by rian
boudicca wrote:Boudicca is done with those pesky Romans. They're a bunch of jessies anyway. Tomorrow, I'm turning my attentions north, to the barbarian hordes of Norway - I think it's high time us Scots gave them a "Largs" of their very own... complete with it's own little Nardini's. :wink: :twisted:

Plans for an invasion of - um, Bergen - are underway. Yes, it's my idea of a good time. :roll:

So, has anyone been? What should I look out for?
I've heard it's the rainiest place on earth (in terms of most frequently). No tan worry, then... :von:

Anyone got any obscure Black Metal recordings they'd like me to fetch... BoF? :innocent:
Had a gilrfriend onces from Trondheim. Lock out for her. She was nice.

It rains alot in Bergen and everything is VERY expensive. Double prices compared to Sweden.

Have fun :)

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 18:05
by timsinister
rian wrote:Had a gilrfriend onces from Trondheim. Lock out for her. She was nice.
:?: :eek: :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 18:22
by rian
timsinister wrote:
rian wrote:Had a gilrfriend onces from Trondheim. Lock out for her. She was nice.
:?: :eek: :lol:
Oh, I ment look. Slip of the tung :oops:

Re: Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 18:26
by Brideoffrankenstein
boudicca wrote: Anyone got any obscure Black Metal recordings they'd like me to fetch... BoF? :innocent:
Thanks B :D
but I seem to be doing ok at the moment! But if you could drag a couple of long haired norweigan men back for me I'd be eternally grateful :D

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 22:13
by timsinister
rian wrote:
timsinister wrote:
rian wrote:Had a gilrfriend onces from Trondheim. Lock out for her. She was nice.
:?: :eek: :lol:
Oh, I ment look. Slip of the tung :oops:
Heh, wasn't intended maliciously, I just wondered what twisted deviant activities you were involved in... :innocent:

Re: Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 22:42
by boudicca
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:But if you could drag a couple of long haired norweigan men back for me I'd be eternally grateful :D
Haha, I'll do my best... :twisted:

... is it alright if they're in a slightly ummm... "dishevelled" state when you get them? :wink: :innocent:

And it's just occurred to me I can't say bugger all in Norwegian. Uh-oh.
I don't wanna be a Brit Abroad! :oops:

Re: Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 23:40
by Brideoffrankenstein
boudicca wrote: ... is it alright if they're in a slightly ummm... "dishevelled" state when you get them? :wink: :innocent:
the more dishevelled the better :twisted:
no I''ll rethink that as I dont know quite what you mean :wink:

Re: Alright, Viking bastards, it's payback time!!!

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 20:47
by Big Si
boudicca wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:But if you could drag a couple of long haired norweigan men back for me I'd be eternally grateful :D
Haha, I'll do my best... :twisted:

... is it alright if they're in a slightly ummm... "dishevelled" state when you get them? :wink: :innocent:

And it's just occurred to me I can't say bugger all in Norwegian. Uh-oh.
I don't wanna be a Brit Abroad! :oops:
Just speak with a shetland accent and i'm sure they'll accept you! :roll: