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Perverts on your knees for what you are about to receive....

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 00:02
by Dave R
Okay guys and gals, I have ripped up a load of the NIN Astoria DVD's and they will be winging there way to all who have pm'd thus far.....

Anyone else who wants a free copy no strings attached just drop me a pm and it will be yours....

There is a little prezzie on all copies however....... :wink:

Back in the days of yore (1995) the Incredible Pop Will Eat Itself appeared on the Late Late Show in Ireland, they played Auslander, or rather as Clint is heared to comment after "we were only miming anyway" (in a broad stourbridge accent).

Now the reason for including this is multiple, first, beware of drugs, they will f**k you up, just check the state of our lads on the vid - ketamine daze. :evil:

Secondly, never ever use sellotape as a stage prop. bad move. :eek:

Thirdly and lastly, they are The Incredible PWEI and in my opinion not enuff folk saw/heard/ligged/frigged to these lads. So there ya go. :notworthy: catch the festivals in the UK this Autumn, pweization...... :wink:

And if you aint into NIN but just wanna see the PWEI, check out and stream Auslander from the site....

Is everbody happy? D? you happy? :innocent: soon will be eh pweiple????

Everything is well and truly fuckin 8)

Over And Out.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 13:46
by Debaser
Saw them in a grotty little club in Lincoln whenever. I think it was their warm-up gig. Hot as buggery but rather fantastic from what I remember.

DvD's with 'extras'...I'm lovin' it

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 16:59
by James Blast
a PM and another man's rhubarb are on their way to you :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 18:11
by Dark
Good lord.. I wondered what this thread would contain..

Surprised d00my hasn't made any comments yet... *runs*

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 18:57
by Thea
Dark wrote:Good lord.. I wondered what this thread would contain..

Surprised d00my hasn't made any comments yet... *runs*
Why am I getting picked on?!?! I was in town tryna get HMHB tickets!

Back to the topic...
That late show vid is... wierd. Really weird... :eek: sellotape.... :|

Re: Perverts on your knees for what you are about to receive

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 01:02
by Delilah
Dave R wrote:

Is everbody happy? D? you happy? :innocent: soon will be eh pweiple????
I'm very happy 8)