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The Bliar years etc.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:38
by Zuma
Before complete tedium sets in re this election,
(and apologies/congratulations) to all outside of the UK...

Just wondered where the Heartland vote will be going this time?

I know I used to have a definitive opinion, but dammned if I'm sure anymore...

Apologies if any personal parties have been missed, sure QB can hack it if required :twisted:

Maybe if we match the real result we could win a prize :innocent:

[edited by QB to add ukip... you can only enter 10 options]

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:40
by Zuma
bugger, thought I'd covered most of them and just noticed I had missed the Northern Ireland Parties...

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:42
by markfiend
IMO the only way to stop the Tories winning is to vote Labour. Lesser of two evils.

Having said that, if there were a proper PR system in this country I'd probably vote Liberal at the moment, as the (major) party whose current policies I have least disagreements with.

Zuma, you missed off UKIP, Veritas, whatever-the-f*ck George Galloway's numb-nuts are called, and probably a couple of others. (BNP anyone? :urff: )

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:43
by ruffers
Wa-hey - I am Mr 100%!

LibDems for me, and I never thought I'd be saying that. As much as anything they're the only ones who I have heard say "We will up taxes to pay for services", and that's how I think the world should be.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:45
by Zuma
Hi Mr Fiend

Could you wave a "mod wand" please and see if you can add those - seems only fair.....knew I would miss a few somewhere....

Cheers Z

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:49
by markfiend
I can only moderate on the weeding, announcements, and trash-bin fora. Sorry. :cry:

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:49
by mik
Bliar :lol: :lol:

Laugh? I nearly did! Pray tell the 'lie'?

Having lived through Thatchers mob defiling the health and education systems the thought of giving it back to one of her cohorts to finish the job off makes me feel physically ill.

Anyone who thinks that any other PM would have dealt with Iraq any other way is dimmer than a toc-h lamp.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:52
by markfiend
Oh incidentally, IMO if anyone goes for the "Not Voting" option, they should shut the f*ck up about any and every political issue until they do vote. If you don't do something to try and change things, you've no right to complain.

Obviously this does not apply to those of our members under voting age (I don't think there's anyone on here that young other than Dark) or non-UK people.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:54
by markfiend
mik wrote:Having lived through Thatchers mob defiling the health and education systems the thought of giving it back to one of her cohorts to finish the job off makes me feel physically ill.
That. Plus Mrs Fiend's grandfather was a miner.

*Cue the Billy Bragg songs...

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 15:00
by emilystrange
at last, you have something in common with the darklings. the elder ones, at any rate.

lib dem...

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 15:00
by Zuma

Us old codgers are allowed to be cynical, I've been lied to by them all,
I was on the dole during the Thatch years in my late teens with no flipping hope of a job and despised her and all she stood for.

Feel equally disgusted by all the spin all round right now and most particularily by the labour version of it now (not that any of them are great).

Perhaps somewhere in the past politics was altruistic (though most probably not), so please do not misunderstand....

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 17:01
by James Blast
never Tory
brought up Labour
chose Lib Dem

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 17:17
by culprit
James Blast wrote:never Tory
brought up Labour
chose Lib Dem mr. B said

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 17:18
by Zuma
James Blast wrote:never Tory
brought up Labour
chose Lib Dem
Cheers James

Seems like the real "Vox Pop" as they say is Lib Dem,
Just mailed my local MP (Conswervative re my move of home and business to Scotland) - wonder if I will get a reply :twisted:

Anyway all be it I started this poll, it was only for healthy debate, and after all they can't take that away from us....

Unless Mr Bush decides to :twisted:

Feck, did it again...................


Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 17:55
by lazarus corporation
I'd rather have my fingernails pulled out one by one than vote Tory.

I always thought I'd vote Labour.

Veering rapidly towards LibDem at the moment.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 17:57
by timsinister
Independant for me; not a wasted vote, but not really going to make much difference.
Glad to see the Heartlanders are at least of one political mind.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 18:07
by Dark
Say what you want, I'm voting on this poll anyway. LibDems all the way (though I'd like to support the Green Party, now is the time for getting the country back on track. When we're done with that, THEN we can focus on the environment)

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:05
by Snake
Tories as always :twisted:

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:08
by James Blast
Y'uh ain't from round these parts, are y'uh son? :evil:

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:13
by aims
markfiend wrote:Obviously this does not apply to those of our members under voting age (I don't think there's anyone on here that young other than Dark)
Applies to me too...but I went LibDem anyway ;) Although it seems that the only realistic way of getting rid of Mr Blair is by voting Conservative, since no-one seems to have much faith in the liberals winning :innocent:

I guess that in reality I'd probably vote Conservative for this one and try and try and get rid of them next time. Though being the age that I am, the Liberals' stance on University fees would be sehr helpful in a few years time :|

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:51
by Andie
Labour...always have done...always will... :)

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 20:33
by Brideoffrankenstein
Still completely undecided!

Probably Lib Dem though as its not Labour or Tory etc etc etc.......

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 20:54
by Zuma
mik wrote:Bliar :lol: :lol:

Laugh? I nearly did! Pray tell the 'lie'?

Having lived through Thatchers mob defiling the health and education systems the thought of giving it back to one of her cohorts to finish the job off makes me feel physically ill.

Anyone who thinks that any other PM would have dealt with Iraq any other way is dimmer than a toc-h lamp.
Rises to the bait in the end....still, I'm afraid in my honest opinion the war In Iraq, no legitimate or rational reason but greed etc.

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 21:00
by Zuma
C Mr Waters...

take all your overgrown infants away somewhere

and build them a home a little place of their own
the fletcher memorial
home for incurable tyrants and kings

and they can appear to themselves every day
on closed circuit t.v.
to make sure they're still real
it's the only connection they feel
"ladies and gentlemen, please welcome reagan and haig
mr. begin and friend mrs. thatcher and paisley
mr. brezhnev and party
the ghost of mccarthy
the memories of nixon
and now adding colour a group of anonymous latin
american meat packing glitterati"

did they expect us to treat them with any respect

they can polish their medals and sharpen their
smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while
boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead

safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
with their favourite toys
they'll be good girls and boys
in the fletcher memorial home for colonial
wasters of life and limb

is everyone in?
are you having a nice time?
now the final solution can be applied


Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 21:29
by James Blast
always nice to see some PF in here Zuma :D
even if it is a naff album