What was your first proper band?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Was looking through me old cassette tapes the other day (blimey! cassettes... they almost seem like antiques now!) from me pre-teen days, and while basking in the fuzzy warmth of nostalgia, I began to wonder about just when and why I suddenly switched from buying awful novelty singles and albums to buying 'proper' records by 'proper' artists, if you see what I mean.

What made me suddenly start appreciating 'real' music? (it happened when I was about ten). It really got me thinking.

So... My questions to all Heartlanders are:

1)What was the first record you ever bought?

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

3)Do you still listen to that band today?

My answers are:

1)Partyman by Prince (Hey! that's not TOO bad...)
2)Jesus Jones
3)most definately not.
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First single - Rat Trap - Boomtown Rats
First artist album - The Pleasure Principle Gary Numan as far as I remember. 'tis a while ago....

First proper band. Depends how you look at it. I was and remained well into Tubeway Army/Numan for years and ocasionally listen. First "credible/alternative" type band, Echo and The Bunnymen.

Still listen to EATB from time to time, Numan hardly ever. ALthough having been reminded of it it'll be 'Replicas' tonight.
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Must be a special age then, the age of ten, cause that's when I started getting into music too... :D

1. First album I bought was the Red Album by the Beatles.

2. Do you count the Beatles as a proper band? If not: My second love was David Bowie, along with Icehouse and the Thompson Twins. OUCH! :oops: :urff:

3. Beatles: once a year, maybe. Bowie: yes, quite often. Thompson Twins and Icehouse: Most definitely not, even got rid of their albums to make sure! ;D
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First record was "Tiger Feet" by Mud on a Mr Pickwick double a side thingy fom Woolworths.

First 'Proper Band' hmmm. Well, I suppose it would have to be either The Specials or Madness, them being the first albums, and then closely followed by Japan, The Psychedelic Furs and onto my first real collector fanboy obessession Bauhaus when I was about 13 (circa 81-82)

The best part about being young is theres still so much good music to discover; these days I'm hard pressed to find a couple of new songs or bands a year that really excite me :wistful nostalgic yearning emoticon:
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Maiden - Somewhere In Time
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I'm unbeatable on this one, people.... ;D


"It was twenty years ago today..."

...well, no, it was about eleven.... yes, I was 10... first ever record.

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1a) A free flexi-disc given away with Heinz spaghetti noodles circa 1970 featuring Jon Pertwee singing "I'm The Noodle Doodle Man" as per the TV advert. B-side, "Noodle Doodle Man On The Moon"

1b) The first single I purchased was "Tie Your Mother Down" by Queen.

2. The Sex Pistols

3. No. Never. Except 1a) ...
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?

>>something by either bay city rollers, abba or cliff richard

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

>>sex pistols. remember sitting in me mates treehouse listening them, whilst the street party was going on below - :oops: :lol:

3)Do you still listen to that band today?

>>damn right 8)
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Astonishingly, no one seems embarassed by their choices yet!

I simply cannot remember what I first bought. The earliest memory is buying Floodland on a whim. A whim!

The first band I was into Lacuna Coil, back when I was about fourteen and finally discovering real music as opposed to groping blindly in the mainstream.

And I do still listen to them. Although the third album is hardly rocket science.
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IIRC the first "proper" band I bought a record by was Blondie's Rapture on 7". In fact, I think it was the first single I bought at all. Aged 11 maybe?

Of course I'm not counting stuff like "The Amazing Darts" LP I was bought for christmas when I was 7 or 8 years old :oops: I remember being amazed that it didn't have DJs on it like the radio did :lol:
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I could hardly be ashamed of Pepper! (Although it was by no means their best).

My musical evolution took the following route...

10 - Beatles Beatles Beatles.
11 - More Beatles, Britpop (yes, I owned Parklife, What's the Story Morning Glory? :oops: , and I Should Coco by Supergrass), but in my defence, that was because I was a f**king kid and these were the only bands with guitars in 'em that I knew.

Also, at this tender age, I got into PJ Harvey, who I still :notworthy: , and Portishead (ditto).

13 - Manics Fan. Suicide Baby. Riot Star. I am an architect. Richey is God.
How embarrassing.

14 - Siouxsie, Sisters, Cult. The glorious 1980's. SAVED!!!!

And from then on, it was just more of the same, or similar. We all know what the word is. Then, a bit of EBM and Industrial, very nice...

...so there you go. Anyone else?
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1. First record:
I think it was the Best Of Blondie l.p. or the 'Grease' soundtrack - can't remember which.

2. First 'proper' band:
The Smiths - When I was in 6th form a mate gave me a tape with 'The Queen Is Dead' on one side and 'Meat Is Murder on the other. I still have that tape. 8)

3. some Smiths tracks have found their way onto my MP3 player so I guess that's a yes.
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1st record - didn't have to buy any when living at home as Dad worked for RCA and we got free stuff all the time - so I used to "acquire" the Sex Pistols and Bowie records from him when he wasn't looking :lol:

when I left home (in 1986!) went from listening to Bowie to Sisters and Floodland was first LP

1st proper band - while at home Ziggy and Spiders from Mars; at Uni Sisters

Still listening? - No kidding!!! ;D
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?

no idea - seem to remember coming across a copy of quo's "12 gold bars" in my dad's records and approriating it... mainly because i'd just got a record player and needed something to test it with. had the bloody thing for yars :lol: :urff:

that count? bythe time i had money to actually buy my own stuff my taste had somewhat improved.

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

the rolling stones

let it bleed. and goats head soup and setanic majesties request.

my mum was a massive stones fan in the 60s and 70s so i get into them via her collection. when i had enough cash i actually went out and bought a couple of albums for myself. :notworthy:

first "proper" band i discovered for myself were the bunnymen. and the mary chain. pretty much at the same time. that all led into the darker side of the indie charts.... ;)

3)Do you still listen to that band today?

the stones? yes. definitley. bunnymen? hell yes. quo? hell no :lol:
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1) I don't have a clue what my first record was, and I might be lucky I don't remind that anymore, I think :lol:, because, up to a certain age, my music taste wasn't that good, actually :lol:

2) The first proper record was Nevermind by Nirvana, I think, at the late end of the nineties, this record got me on the road towards better music

3) I don't really listen to it anymore, and when winamp/my iPod play a song by them, I mostly skip :lol:
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Black Shuck wrote:

1)What was the first record you ever bought?

You don't want to know!!! ;D OK then, Modern Talking - analog in Bulgaria.

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?


3)Do you still listen to that band today?


My answers are:

1)Partyman by Prince (Hey! that's not TOO bad...)
2)Jesus Jones
3)most definately not.
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1) I don't know, problably some hit box collection or something. :?
2) smash - the offspring
3) yes, this is still one of my favorits.
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1) Hanson - The Middle of Nowhere (Sorry, but I was very young. Twas some time around 1997 :()

2) Eels - Probably around the same time. Managed to listen to them saying "f**k" several times without actually knowing the word until years later ?_? (And thusly wondering why my Dad let me listen to that bit of his record collection at 8 years old)

3) Yup, still into them. (Awaiting the new album* on April 25) Going to see them in about a month too =)

* This is by no means an attempt to scare google by associating the words "new album" with an actual date on a Sisters of Mercy fan site. No way :innocent:
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?

First record I ever heard:
Simon And Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
First record I was ever given:
Hits Of The Seventies (compilation of 70s pop. :))
First record I ever bought with my own money:
Soft Cell - Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

Heavily addicted to the Sisters, and now am starting an addiction to Siouxsie, Bauhaus, The Velvet Underground, and Japan.

3)Do you still listen to that band today?

Simon And Garfunkel - Often
70s pop - Not as often as I used to
Soft Cell - Yes
Sisters - Need ya bloody ask? :lol:
Siouxsie - Yes, and with each new single I buy, her effect grows more on me.
Bauhaus - Yes, as much as I can.
Velvets - Oh yes.
Japan - Despite having only 3 singles? Yup.
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?

first records (two singles) were
The Clash ~ Tommy Gun
Buzzcocks ~ Promises

bought in HMV Oxford Street...

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

The Clash...they were also the first band i got into see live

3)Do you still listen to that band today?

:lol: doesn't everyone?...
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?

"mondo bongo" by the Boomtown Rats

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?

Adam and the Ants

3)Do you still listen to that band today?


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1.Inflammable Material.....By ....Stiff Little Fingers

2. Stiff Little Fingers

3.Too Right.......Best Album of all time............(More or Less)
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1)What was the first record you ever bought?
T Rex - Ride A White Swan 7" ep

2)What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?
Mott The Hoople, also the first band I bought a ticket to see although SAHB, the support, were the first live band I ever saw

3)Do you still listen to that band today?
Hell Yeah!
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What was the first record you ever bought?
7"-Single? Kiss - I was made for lovin' you :oops:
Album? Kim Wilde - Teases & Dares

What was the first 'proper' band you ever got into?
Depeche Mode - no: Propaganda

Do you still listen to that band today?
Kiss? No!
Kim Wilde? Sometimes
DM? Yes
Propaganda? Once a year
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timsinister wrote:The earliest memory is buying Floodland on a whim. A whim!
Not quite my earliest memory, but pretty much the same here. Oddly, most of the music I've got into over the years has been on a 'whim' or 'instinct', rather than having heard them on the radio or telly...

I do recall my favourite song on my mum's 'Greatest Hits of 1982' compilation (or something similar) being Bauhaus' 'Lagartija Nick'. I would have been nine...
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