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Hooray hooray! it's a holi-holiday!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:08
by DerekR
I'm off to the Dam on Monday :D 5 days in paradise 8)

...and I don't go back to work til May 12th.

Envy me :twisted:

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:15
by James Blast
I could make a remark about your parentage, but I won't :innocent:

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:17
by DerekR
How wiz the MacHL meet then? Any goss?

Re: Hooray hooray! it's a holi-holiday!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:21
by aims
DerekR wrote:I'm off to the Dam on Monday :D 5 days in paradise 8)

...and I don't go back to work til May 12th.

Envy me :twisted:
Isn't it a few months too early to be going to Holland, or is this just visit 1 of 2? ;)

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:25
by James Blast
DerekR wrote:How wiz the MacHL meet then? Any goss?
I couldn't possible comment :innocent:

Re: Hooray hooray! it's a holi-holiday!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 23:29
by DerekR
Motz wrote:Isn't it a few months too early to be going to Holland, or is this just visit 1 of 2? ;)
I don't know what you could possibly be implying :innocent: Surprisingly I haven't visited at Cup time (yet).

...and no, this isn't visit 1 of 2, this is visit 2 of 3, hopefully :lol:

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 08:49
by hallucienate
I've got the next 6 days off :D
Two of them are public holidays, two of them are weekend and two I've just taken as leave.

Am I going anywhere? Nah.