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I can't believe no-one noticed...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 02:59
by boudicca
So, right, let's get this straight. I'm not a saddo, OK?
Not at all.
I have a life.
Have we established that?

But... last night I was... I was... oh, I don't know how to say it... I was watching the snooker...

:oops: :oops: :oops: wasn't deliberate! Honest! It just came on, and I didn't turn it over.

Anyhoo, there's some slow-mo footage of ugly guys in waistcoats at the beginning...

... and in the background, DOMINION is playing :eek: :notworthy: . A whole minute of Sisters somehow snuck (why am I using an American word?) onto the most boring programme on the telly. Utterly bastard surreal.

Anyone else see (hear) it? Or am I the only loser? :innocent:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:00
by Thea
I think someone mentioned it before...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:01
by Thea

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:01
by boudicca
I'll get me coat... :oops:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:02
by boudicca
Now you see why I have TOTAL BUFFOON Boris Johnson as my avatar!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:03
by CellThree
I missed it, but then again I don't watch snooker!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:05
by boudicca
Man, I've been away!

I ignored that thread 'cos I thought it would be "snooker-talk". :lol:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:11
by CellThree
It's easy to get sucked into something on TV that at any other stage of the day you would NEVER watch. I find myself every now and again being sucked into some mindless debate on Trisha at some stupid hour of the morning. It's horrible. You'd never hear Dominion on Trisha.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:16
by Thea

Hang on... Why arn't *I* asleep?!

Meh - carry on!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:26
by CellThree
d00mw0lf wrote:IT'S THREE AM! WHY ARN'T YOU LOT IN BED?!

Hang on... Why arn't *I* asleep?!

Meh - carry on!
Been on nights the last couple of days. Overslept this morning so I not tired now. Really should think about sleep...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 03:30
by boudicca
d00mw0lf wrote:IT'S THREE AM! WHY ARN'T YOU LOT IN BED?!
Night time is Goth time, D00my. :roll: :von:

Now, Trisha... that is quality TV. Tells you all you need to know about The State Of The Nation...

...yes, it's very bad. :|

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 04:07
by Thea
Fair enough...
Now, why arn't *I* asleep.
Answers on a postcard...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 04:10
by boudicca
Insomniacs of the world unite! ;D

Seems to be quite a common complaint amongst certain Heartlanders... :innocent:


Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 04:19
by Thea
QB's been imbedding that pesky <caffiene> tag in the board.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 05:19
by CellThree
d00mw0lf wrote:QB's been imbedding that pesky <caffiene> tag in the board.
Actually I'm blaming that 1.5L of Coke I've drank this evening. Must go to bed now...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 05:35
by Nazareth
hey snookers not that bad!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 05:39
by Thea
CellThree wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:QB's been imbedding that pesky <caffiene> tag in the board.
Actually I'm blaming that 1.5L of Coke I've drank this evening. Must go to bed now...
I'm well past the 2 mark and don't intend stopping any time soon.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 08:42
by sisxbeforedawn
:D not sure if anybody remember also the Marry Whitehouse Experience but they had Dr. Jeep (if my memory serves me, which after years of farm house scrumpy abuse, it generally doesn't, so probably was another track) on one of the sketches :D

Snooker rocks!!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 08:46
by Gottdammerung
Not as shocking as the time BBC1 used a mash-up Skinny Puppy track for advertisements for that stupid reality TV show where they put a load of people somewhere to live an iron-age style life...... now that was weird...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 09:48
by MrChris
Snooker is really hypnotic, much like cricket. You can easily work or read the paper while it's on, and the click of the balls will let you know if you need to look up. The BBC digital coverage is even more Zen-like, because they just put the camera on the tables and leave it there during the intervals. I'm not exaggerating to say that at least three times this week I've spent a good 15 minutes just watching the crowd sitting there doing nothing except occasionally cough, get up for the loo, settle down, or offer each other sweets. It really is quite entrancing...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 11:52
by andymackem
Snooker is fantastically watchable. It's the perfect TV sport.

Everything happens within a comfortable camera view and it's technically exacting.

Can happily waste a day watching it.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 16:20
by CellThree
d00mw0lf wrote:
CellThree wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:QB's been imbedding that pesky <caffiene> tag in the board.
Actually I'm blaming that 1.5L of Coke I've drank this evening. Must go to bed now...
I'm well past the 2 mark and don't intend stopping any time soon.
Addict. :lol: I only had a bottle coz it came free with the pizzas.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 16:32
by Quiff Boy
nice bottle of red wine, left open for a couple of hours and let heat up to slightly warmer than room temperature.

will send you to sleep every time 8)


Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 16:36
by markfiend
I know you're right QB but who has time to leave them standing around open? :lol:

Well, unless it's a really good bottle...

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 17:04
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:I know you're right QB but who has time to leave them standing around open? :lol:

Well, unless it's a really good bottle...
just open it, pop it on top of a radiator and go to the loo. it will be ready by the time you come back ;) :lol: