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private tsunami

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:39
by _emma_
I'm totally devastated, and this time I mean it.
I said something wrong to someone (well, maybe it wasn't that wrong in fact, I don't know, that's not the point now anyway). It was painful enough for him to decide to take revenge. And he knew very well how to take revenge on me. As I went to a local shop for 15 minutes, he grabbed all my Sisters-related stuff, pur some gasoline on it and made a bonfire in the backyard. Tapes, official and unofficial CDs , UTRs and Glasperlenspiels, all the early rare songs, gigs, Shot and Wake, some concert DVDs, SSV and Gift, everything. Shame I'd kept it all in one place, so it was so easy and so quick to sweep it all in a bag. Then again I wouldn't have supposed someone could do something that nasty to me.
Oh, and he also deleted the most important folder off my PC, the one with all the mp3s and mpgs and jpgs (Jesus, about 500 photos of Andrew, that's something I'll never stop mourning over :cry: ).
I had always won before. This time I'm defeated.

I'm left with Frankfurt 2003, Alive and Mera Luna 2002 which survived because they were in the car. That's all Sisters-related stuff I've got at the moment. Can you imagine that?

I don't know what to do. I suppose I'll need the weeding section badly.
The trouble is, I don't even know what I had exactly. I'm not a pedant when it comes to these things, so most of the gigs had just the name of place (often abbreviations) or just a date written on them, so even if I wanted to have them back, I don't know what I want exactly. I used to associate them with the colours and textures of the envelopes much more than with a date and place.
I'm going to have to trace it back somehow. After I stop crying. It's like some f**king nightmare. I'm not sure I believe it, I have an impression I should just wake up now with a sigh of relief.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:43
by markfiend
:eek: Ba$tard! :eek:

Look us up on the weeding section. You might not get back the same ones you had (and nothing can replace the UTRs and Glasperlenspiels) but we can make a decent effort to get your collection back up to size.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:45
by Quiff Boy

oh my word. nightmare.

someone send this girl a copy of the "serious case of overbombing" dvd forthwith!

i can let you have a cd of the sisters section of the heartland image gallery, if thats any use? there's quite a few photos in there :)

that is truly the most, umm, peevish :!: thing i've ever heard of.

blimey :o

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:46
by Quiff Boy
and there are versions of wake and shot on dvd floating about in that section.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:49
by Gottdammerung


Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 13:51
by _emma_
Thank you so much guys.
Bastard? Well yes, definitely, but I was a bastardette towards him too. It's a very, very complicated 15 year old pile of crap mixed with candy. Still, I wouldn't have suspected him of that.
Okay. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Health is the only thing that matters, calm down _emma_.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 14:20
by ruffers

Just a thought, but when you say he "deleted" the files, how did he do this? If he just deleted them as opposed to properly shredding them then they may well be recoverable if you know anyone who's a bit computer savvy. Don't want to get your hopes up too much but there's a chance.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 14:51
by Eva
If you want I'll send you my bootleg list and you can choose 10 gigs from there as a "weed for the tsunami victims". There are certain limits even to revenge, even if you were a bastardette and even if the person in question is only 15 years old.


Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 15:35
by Planet Dave
Two wrongs may not make a right, but they can be a lot of fun. Simply post his address on here and we'll send the boys round. :twisted:

You must have been a bad girl.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 16:55
by _emma_
Eva wrote:If you want I'll send you my bootleg list and you can choose 10 gigs from there as a "weed for the tsunami victims".
:eek: :oops: :notworthy:
There are certain limits even to revenge, even if you were a bastardette and even if the person in question is only 15 years old.

Now you made me smile. It's not a 15 year old person, it's a 30 year old person and a 15 year old f**ked-up relationship.
It's about living on dreams, addiction, and mocked unfaithfulness. It's a big issue. He may have had his reasons. But still... :urff: :cry:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 17:02
by sisxbeforedawn
:eek: :cry: that's not good :cry: whatever you've done, you don't deserve that :!:

If I can help out at all, let me know

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 17:05
by Eva
_emma_ wrote:Now you made me smile. It's not a 15 year old person, it's a 30 year old person and a 15 year old f**ked-up relationship.
It's about living on dreams, addiction, and mocked unfaithfulness. It's a big issue. He may have had his reasons. But still... :urff: :cry:
whoops, slight misunderstanding :oops:
But if it made you smile, the better. :wink:

Anyway, whatever it is about, my offer stands. a pm with your e-mail adress and you'll get the list. 8)

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 17:10
by Dark
Dear gods.. I could understand burning a house, but SISTERS things?

Give me your SoulSeek username, _emma_, and you can get a few bootlegs, and album tracks, and rarities off of me. If Quiffy comes online, I suggest you get ALL his files. Won't do much for the original media, but...

If it's really hurting, then I'll donate a Lucretia 7", if you really want to (I'll just need to remember to remove my Long Train flexi first)

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 18:28
by James Blast
The Blast Sisters Archive a small yet, perfectly formed creature is at your disposal _emma_ just ask. :D


Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 19:12
by _emma_
All you people are amazing. I have received so many PMs and e-mails that I don't know who and what to start with.
Just give me a couple of days to calm down and I'll PM you all back. :kiss: :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 19:39
by Brideoffrankenstein
I think I would have to kill someone if they burnt my entire music collection :twisted:

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 19:42
by Obviousman

And I thought my mom did a terrible job accidentally removing the carefully saved emails I saved over the years today :urff:

I hope you'll be able to get back as much of it as you can, without having too much trouble with it but alas I cannot help you with this, as I have basically no rare material at all I'm affraid (only some stuff I got through downloading and buying regular cd's)...

So I wish you all the very best, and hope the other guy will get what he deserved in return, since basically nothing you ever did can be as bad as what he did to you :x

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 19:51
by Black Alice
When I read your first post I couldn't believe it (what a bastard). I know you say you did something bad, but I think what he did is way extreme. (Why didn't he set fire to your car or clothes like any other drama queen would have done?)

Anyway - I hope you can build up your stuff again. Wish I could help but, like Obviousman, I have no rare stuff. These guys seem to be able to help though.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 20:03
by canon docre
if a relationship came down to that level, there is no way up again. Any further revenge is just useless, though, understandable. Whatever good times you both may have had the past 15 years, you have to put an end to it. Please, Emma, do yourself that favour!

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 20:34
by smiscandlon
Chin up love.

Posted: 28 Apr 2005, 20:42
by Obviousman
Ah, I'm able to help you after all!

As mentioned before, you're able to retrieve lost files, and since I got my mails deleted, I complained about this to a friend of mine, who tipped me to try to recover them, I had no luck since they were deleted by outlook, but you'll surely have more luck:

Try this link and the program, just type in the extension of the file you need, et voilà...

The faster you do it, the better it'll work, since your computer uses the empty space again (even while shutting down or restarting), so be quick!!! (and if this one doesn't work, search for some good programs, there are loads available)

Good luck, again!!!

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 09:52
by _emma_
Obviousman wrote:I hope you'll be able to get back as much of it as you can, without having too much trouble with it but alas I cannot help you with this, as I have basically no rare material at all I'm affraid (only some stuff I got through downloading and buying regular cd's)...
But I never had any ultra-rare material either! I've never been a collector or trader. I just had the obligatory things like Before the Flood, Echoes, whistle tests and so on, and several gigs found through the Internet, some I got from various people on various occasions, but in fact it wasn't much. I've always been seriously put off bootlegs because of the audience shouting and hand clapping, so I only kept those with relatively good sound quality (not paying attention to date and place, stupid me), and I listened to them depending on mood. Now I think I'm in fact very likely to get more than I had before. You people are wonderful.
Obviousman wrote:Try this link and the program, just type in the extension of the file you need, et voilà...
Thanks, I'll try it. Still, the most important things were on CDs I'm afraid. :urff:
canon docre wrote:if a relationship came down to that level, there is no way up again. Any further revenge is just useless, though, understandable. Whatever good times you both may have had the past 15 years, you have to put an end to it. Please, Emma, do yourself that favour!
You sound like you know very well. :wink:

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 11:10
by Izzy HaveMercy
Sue the bastard! :evil:

Its YOUR property he set fire to, let him pay for it.
It does not bring back all the stuff, but then he/she/it realises this was one step too far.

For the rest, big hugs, lots of kisses and very good luck from IZZY, the comforter of dam'sels in distress! ;D ;D ;D ;D

IZ (tadaaaaa-tadatadatadatadatatAAAAA!!)

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 11:26
by culprit
_emma_ wrote:the most important things were on CDs I'm afraid. :urff:
...easily replaced, see my pm ;D :P

chin up :!:

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 15:57
by Chairman Bux
I have access to a Sherman M4 tank, should you require....

I have found that the sight of a Panzerkampfwagen rolling down the high street tends to make even the most ardent of record burners turn and flee. ;)