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Killing Miranda vs. Al Qaida

Posted: 01 May 2005, 20:06
by Mrs. Snowey

Re: Killing Miranda vs. Al Qaida

Posted: 01 May 2005, 20:34
by lazarus corporation
Killing My Panda wrote:Killing Miranda would like to make it clear that we were not aware of any religious issues regarding this film when we agreed to contribute the music. We would like to distance ourselves from the controversy surrounding this film and do not wish to be dragged into any religious debates as a result of our involvement.
wusses :lol:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 21:07
by Thea

Posted: 01 May 2005, 21:42
by emilystrange
slashgoth has so many connotations.. i trust they knew about it when tehy chose that name

Posted: 01 May 2005, 22:08
by Andie
unfortunately i think ol' Ricky has the perfect sig for this one...

bunch of arse mate kinda sums this one up! :innocent: :lol: :wink:

Posted: 01 May 2005, 22:17
by aims
I saw the title and immediately got visions of Osama guesting on KM's latest material.

*crawls into a disappointed corner*

Posted: 01 May 2005, 22:46
by spartacus mills
Checked out their website to find out what this band are all about. They're fecking awful. Is that what you g---(*) types listen to??? Crikey.

(*) = gimps.

Posted: 01 May 2005, 23:16
by aims
emilystrange wrote:slashgoth has so many connotations.. i trust they knew about it when tehy chose that name
Which ones are those then? I can only suppose you're referring to that G'n'R guitarist :innocent:

Re: Killing Miranda vs. Al Qaida

Posted: 02 May 2005, 11:05
by filthyrikky
lazarus corporation wrote:
Killing My Panda wrote:Killing Miranda would like to make it clear that we were not aware of any religious issues regarding this film when we agreed to contribute the music. We would like to distance ourselves from the controversy surrounding this film and do not wish to be dragged into any religious debates as a result of our involvement.
wusses :lol:
You read it ;D

Posted: 02 May 2005, 11:41
by emilystrange
Motz wrote:
emilystrange wrote:slashgoth has so many connotations.. i trust they knew about it when tehy chose that name
Which ones are those then? I can only suppose you're referring to that G'n'R guitarist :innocent:
silly boy. anything that doesn't involve guitarists and weeing.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 11:58
by Dark
spartacus mills wrote:Checked out their website to find out what this band are all about. They're fecking awful. Is that what you g---(*) types listen to??? Crikey.

(*) = gimps.
Nah, we listen to bands you wouldn't have heard of. Like some Yorkshire blokes called The Captains Of Industry.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 12:30
by aims
emilystrange wrote:
Motz wrote:
emilystrange wrote:slashgoth has so many connotations.. i trust they knew about it when tehy chose that name
Which ones are those then? I can only suppose you're referring to that G'n'R guitarist :innocent:
silly boy. anything that doesn't involve guitarists and weeing.
That was my preferred option too ;)
Dark wrote:
spartacus mills wrote:Checked out their website to find out what this band are all about. They're fecking awful. Is that what you g---(*) types listen to??? Crikey.

(*) = gimps.
Nah, we listen to bands you wouldn't have heard of. Like some Yorkshire blokes called The Captains Of Industry.
I've heard that those Near Meth Experience chaps are quite good too :innocent:

Posted: 02 May 2005, 13:20
by snowey
New underpants required for the panda's..... :lol: :D :innocent:

(if your interested Ricky, M&S are having a sale) :innocent:

Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:05
by filthyrikky
snowey wrote:New underpants required for the panda's..... :lol: :D :innocent:

(if your interested Ricky, M&S are having a sale) :innocent:
Oh I see. It's very much like a joke isn't it ?

I know a joke.

"how do you know when it's time for bed at neverland ?

When the big hand reaches the little hand."

Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:21
by lazarus corporation
serious question here:

if KM are a band "whose music heavily features lyrics about sex and religion", why are you distancing yourself from any 'controversy' and wanting to avoid being "dragged into any religious debates".

Come on - you're singing about sex and religion and you claim you don't want controversy? By writing and singing lyrics about sex and religion then surely, by default (and design), you've already entered into ongoing culture debates about sex and religion.

If your lyrics are about sex and religion, as your news article on /goth says, then surely this is a prime opportunity to let your views on those subjects inform the debate. Or don't you have anything worthwhile to add to the debate?


Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:28
by emilystrange
there might be a difference between the controversy they want to cause, and the one they got involved in without their knowledge.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:32
by lazarus corporation
I have my suspicions, which are not very favourable to the Panda people, but they're completely pre-suppositions and are based on nothing but my own opinions and prejudices. So I thought I'd ask first.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:38
by aims
lazarus corporation wrote:Come on - you're singing about sex and religion and you claim you don't want controversy? By writing and singing lyrics about sex and religion then surely, by default (and design), you've already entered into ongoing culture debates about sex and religion.
Maybe they want controversy, but I don't think many would want the kind of controversy that comes strapped to the body of an impressionable young individual along with a motherload of explosives :innocent:

Yes, that probably was a gross over generalization, but with the media in it's current state, I wouldn't blame them if they were scared sh*tless.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 14:52
by lazarus corporation
Motz wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:Come on - you're singing about sex and religion and you claim you don't want controversy? By writing and singing lyrics about sex and religion then surely, by default (and design), you've already entered into ongoing culture debates about sex and religion.
Maybe they want controversy, but I don't think many would want the kind of controversy that comes strapped to the body of an impressionable young individual along with a motherload of explosives :innocent:

Yes, that probably was a gross over generalization, but with the media in it's current state, I wouldn't blame them if they were scared sh*tless.
It's incredibly ignorant and naive, though (if your presumption of KM's motives is indeed the case), in an age of instantaneous global self-publishing on the net etc, to think purely in terms of the culture of parochial old England and to think that the (safe, middle-class, dull, but eminently saleable) controversy you wish to cause by ruffling the feathers of some harmless christians might not ruffle feathers of fatwa-issuing sexually-repressed dictatorial nutcases in distant climes (where, by george, they even have the internet, I've heard).

It's an anglo-centric/US-centric/western-centric (pick your term) view of the internet (and the world). And it's as annoying (and ignorant) as the Americans calling some crappy national ballgame competition 'The World Series'.

Anyway, if it is fear of reprisal that has caused KM to 'run scared' then score 1 for religious censorship in a free country.

But, all that is based on a presumption of why KM have taken the tack they have. Which is why I'd like to hear the reasons from the band themselves.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:03
by aims
If you look closely at the band's statement (which I hadn't done until a moment ago), the band haven't actually said that they don't want controversy. What they did say is that they "do not wish to be dragged into any religious debates as a result of [their] involvement". The decision to emphasise the band's sexual and religious lyrical content seems only to have been made by the slashgoth poster and not by those issuing the threats. It seems that (rightly) the band doesn't feel that they deserve any flack for their music being in someone else's film (which from the article seems to be the only thing for which they have received threats, not for their lyrics).

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:23
by lazarus corporation
Motz wrote:It seems that (rightly) the band doesn't feel that they deserve any flack for their music being in someone else's film (which from the article seems to be the only thing for which they have received threats, not for their lyrics).
If the music was used without their permission and they weren't paid for their music being in someone else's film, then you've got a point.

However, if they gave permission for their music to be used (and took the filthy lucre offered for that) then they have made the conscious decision for their music (and by extension, the band and themselves) to be associated with it.

(I'm guessing the latter since they were hyping the film and the use of their music as the soundtrack 3 days before they wanted to distance themselves from it, if you read down the news page of their website).

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:26
by aims
You're probably right. Regardless, I still have a severe dislike for the fundamentalists associated with any religious leaning (including atheism) :?

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:37
by filthyrikky
lazarus corporation wrote:
Motz wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:Come on - you're singing about sex and religion and you claim you don't want controversy? By writing and singing lyrics about sex and religion then surely, by default (and design), you've already entered into ongoing culture debates about sex and religion.
Maybe they want controversy, but I don't think many would want the kind of controversy that comes strapped to the body of an impressionable young individual along with a motherload of explosives :innocent:

Yes, that probably was a gross over generalization, but with the media in it's current state, I wouldn't blame them if they were scared sh*tless.
It's incredibly ignorant and naive, though (if your presumption of KM's motives is indeed the case), in an age of instantaneous global self-publishing on the net etc, to think purely in terms of the culture of parochial old England and to think that the (safe, middle-class, dull, but eminently saleable) controversy you wish to cause by ruffling the feathers of some harmless christians might not ruffle feathers of fatwa-issuing sexually-repressed dictatorial nutcases in distant climes (where, by george, they even have the internet, I've heard).

It's an anglo-centric/US-centric/western-centric (pick your term) view of the internet (and the world). And it's as annoying (and ignorant) as the Americans calling some crappy national ballgame competition 'The World Series'.

Anyway, if it is fear of reprisal that has caused KM to 'run scared' then score 1 for religious censorship in a free country.

But, all that is based on a presumption of why KM have taken the tack they have. Which is why I'd like to hear the reasons from the band themselves.
Fair enough. Lets take this back a step. We were approached to submit music in exchange for money by a friend of a friend. We were vaguely aware the film was pronographic but beyond that we never took an interest, as film projects go I reasoned it wasn't likely to interest me the way others we've been involved with have.

We pocketed the cash and forgot about it, expecting never to hear anything again. Earlier this week there's an article in the sun and then our webmaster recieves several emails / notices of a "threatening nature".

The decision to release an official press statemeant was made because we
were entirely unsure of the issues involved and the potential threat. We were in the dark and wanted time to make a decision as to what official position to take.

Now I've seen the film I can say I think the concept of being threatened over what is frankly a rather odd but hardly ground breakingly political piece of porn now strikes me as laughable and I refuse to take it seriously.

My personal position is that if Sahara (the lady at the centre of the fuss) wants to look faintly silly being rodgered by a bloke that looks like Leon Trotsky thats up to her. I'll defend her right to do so.

It would seem fatuous to say anything beyond that. If people want to keep mentioning our name to all and sundry thats entirely up to them. We've just had three great gigs on the trot and we don't give a f*** frankly.

One thing I have asked our press agent about I should say is the choice of the word Fatwa which in retrospect seems inaccurate and inflammatory. But then it definately is his job to whip up publicity so maybe he had one eye on that although he insitsts he did not.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:41
by lazarus corporation
filthyrikky wrote:We were approached to submit music in exchange for money by a friend of a friend. We were vaguely aware the film was pronographic but beyond that we never took an interest, as film projects go I reasoned it wasn't likely to interest me the way others we've been involved with have.

We pocketed the cash and forgot about it, expecting never to hear anything again. Earlier this week there's an article in the sun and then our webmaster recieves several emails / notices of a "threatening nature".


Now I've seen the film I can say I think the concept of being threatened over what is frankly a rather odd but hardly ground breakingly political piece of porn now strikes me as laughable and I refuse to take it seriously.

My personal position is that if Sahara (the lady at the centre of the fuss) wants to look faintly silly being rodgered by a bloke that looks like Leon Trotsky thats up to her. I'll defend her right to do so.

It would seem fatuous to say anything beyond that. If people want to keep mentioning our name to all and sundry thats entirely up to them. We've just had three great gigs on the trot and we don't give a f*** frankly.
fair enough.

the above would have been a much better press release, you know.

Posted: 02 May 2005, 15:44
by filthyrikky
lazarus corporation wrote:
filthyrikky wrote:We were approached to submit music in exchange for money by a friend of a friend. We were vaguely aware the film was pronographic but beyond that we never took an interest, as film projects go I reasoned it wasn't likely to interest me the way others we've been involved with have.

We pocketed the cash and forgot about it, expecting never to hear anything again. Earlier this week there's an article in the sun and then our webmaster recieves several emails / notices of a "threatening nature".


Now I've seen the film I can say I think the concept of being threatened over what is frankly a rather odd but hardly ground breakingly political piece of porn now strikes me as laughable and I refuse to take it seriously.

My personal position is that if Sahara (the lady at the centre of the fuss) wants to look faintly silly being rodgered by a bloke that looks like Leon Trotsky thats up to her. I'll defend her right to do so.

It would seem fatuous to say anything beyond that. If people want to keep mentioning our name to all and sundry thats entirely up to them. We've just had three great gigs on the trot and we don't give a f*** frankly.
fair enough.

the above would have been a much better press release, you know.
Yes but I don't write press releases. My only involvement was to post it onto netgoth and UKPG, admittedly mainly as a giggle.