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Four More Years Rev 2.0

Posted: 06 May 2005, 07:23
by Dark
Looks like the bloody Labour people have won again, or so it's reported.

Brace yourselves for impact.

Posted: 06 May 2005, 09:55
by markfiend
Well, fair enough. However bad they get I find it very hard to believe they could ever be as bad as :evil: Thatcher :evil:

I voted Labour. I was considering voting Lib-Dem as an anti-war protest, but I just couldn't face the prospect of the Tories getting in. OK, I know in Leeds West, the chances of John Battle losing his seat were about a million to one, but I just couldn't.

Posted: 06 May 2005, 11:52
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:I voted Labour. I was considering voting Lib-Dem as an anti-war protest, but I just couldn't face the prospect of the Tories getting in.
Gah! You fell for their dastardly ploy!

Posted: 06 May 2005, 12:21
by markfiend
boudicca wrote:
markfiend wrote:I voted Labour. I was considering voting Lib-Dem as an anti-war protest, but I just couldn't face the prospect of the Tories getting in.
Gah! You fell for their dastardly ploy!
I know, I know. :sigh:

Posted: 06 May 2005, 14:54
by andymackem
Luckily, in a true-blue seat I could vote Lib Dem as a protest and not fear a Tory gain.

Besides, I've actually met Charles Kennedy. He's the party leader I would least object to having to socialise with.

Posted: 06 May 2005, 19:14
by James Blast
don't look at me, friend

Posted: 06 May 2005, 20:52
by Erudite
markfiend wrote:Well, fair enough. However bad they get I find it very hard to believe they could ever be as bad as :evil: Thatcher :evil:
IMHO Blair is actually worse than Thatcher - at least she was honest enough to tell you that she was gonna fuck you!

Now we can all look forward to being forced to pay £40 to have what's left of our civil liberties pissed all over in the form of an indentity card.

Forget to update? £1000 fine.
Refuse to have your biometric scan? £2,500 fine.

Low income, on benefit? Guess what?
Yeah, no ID card, no money.

I see my future involving prison...

Evil right wing cunts masquerading at the political left!

Posted: 07 May 2005, 09:22
by Dark
Erudite wrote:
markfiend wrote:Well, fair enough. However bad they get I find it very hard to believe they could ever be as bad as :evil: Thatcher :evil:
IMHO Blair is actually worse than Thatcher - at least she was honest enough to tell you that she was gonna fuck you!

Now we can all look forward to being forced to pay £40 to have what's left of our civil liberties pissed all over in the form of an indentity card.

Forget to update? £1000 fine.
Refuse to have your biometric scan? £2,500 fine.

Low income, on benefit? Guess what?
Yeah, no ID card, no money.

I see my future involving prison...

Evil right wing cunts masquerading at the political left!
As angry as you are, Erudite, I feel I should stop you.

But I won't.

I don't have anything to hide, but that still doesn't mean I want the government to know everything about me and force me to carry a card around with me, without even giving me a choice.

Labour's more right-wing nowadays than the Tories, the bastards, and so what Britain go and do? We vote the smirking tosser back into power. What's he gonna do this time? Go to war with North Korea? Make us the next state? I tell you, the SECOND I can, I'm moving out of this country to somewhere better. Which could be anywhere. But not Leeds.

Posted: 07 May 2005, 10:29
by Erudite
Dark wrote: I tell you, the SECOND I can, I'm moving out of this country to somewhere better. Which could be anywhere. But not Leeds.
Strange you should say that, that thought has also crossed my mind.
The how and where does pose a problem.

That and the odd twinge of conscience that nags away saying jumping ship is perhaps not entirely ethical.

But FOUR MORE YEARS - bloody hell!

Posted: 07 May 2005, 17:42
by Dark
Erudite wrote:That and the odd twinge of conscience that nags away saying jumping ship is perhaps not entirely ethical.
Your point being...?

Posted: 07 May 2005, 17:51
by Erudite
That I should somehow attempt to change things rather than running away.
But as I said - it's no more than a slight twinge.
I'd probably forget once I was living the ex-pat life somewhere sunny! :wink:

Posted: 07 May 2005, 18:16
by rian
Bla bla Blair


Posted: 07 May 2005, 21:07
by Black Alice
Erudite wrote:
markfiend wrote:Well, fair enough. However bad they get I find it very hard to believe they could ever be as bad as :evil: Thatcher :evil:
IMHO Blair is actually worse than Thatcher - at least she was honest enough to tell you that she was gonna fuck you!

Now we can all look forward to being forced to pay £40 to have what's left of our civil liberties pissed all over in the form of an indentity card.

Forget to update? £1000 fine.
Refuse to have your biometric scan? £2,500 fine.

Low income, on benefit? Guess what?
Yeah, no ID card, no money.

I see my future involving prison...

Evil right wing cunts masquerading at the political left!
Me too! I can't see how these identity cards are going to stop terrorism and make us all safer - which is the justifictaion for having them. Terrorists are criminals and by that very fact will be able to obtain fake id. There is no way I will let them take a biometric scan. Data protection legislation is nowhere near effective enough and that is just at protecting data such as bank account numbers and addresses - what about retina scans, how do they intend to keep that data safe? So - I'll start saving now for that inevitable fine :evil: