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Manchester United No More

Posted: 12 May 2005, 23:37
by Planet Dave
Not that too many of you will care, but the historic establishment that was Manchester United is about to be savaged by a dollar-chasing yank tw@t. So next time you head up there to support your team, you'll probably be on your own (as opposed to just sounding like you're on your own - yawn), because any sensible Red will be steering well clear. A far more preferable alternative to giving the trailer-park king any of our money. That applies to Nike, Vodafone, Budweiser, Ladbrokes and any other affiliation with the club.

So Leeds, see you in your league in a few years, when glazer jumps ship saddling us with ginormous debt. Hey ho.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 12 May 2005, 23:58
by Loki
Fcuk! Didn't know this ...

Does this mean the price of prawn sandwiches is gonna go up? :innocent:

"We are Chelsea,
Super Chelsea ..."

Whoops! Sorry, wrong thread.

* cough *

Posted: 13 May 2005, 00:11
by Planet Dave
Loki wrote: "We are Chelsea,
Super Chelsea ..."
:roll: Rent boys. :roll: Your time will come. Eventually they could form a new league for teams who have been crippled by their owners highly tuned business acumen. And city would still be bottom of it. 8)

There'll be a few prawn sarnies going spare next season.

Posted: 13 May 2005, 00:18
by Loki
I love the smell of sour grapes and bitterness in the morning.

It smells like life.


Posted: 13 May 2005, 00:49
by Planet Dave
Bitterness? Not at all dear fellow, you played us off the park the other night. Fair do's. But you're still rent boys. Always have been, always will be. :wink: Even when you're very good.

My main worry was what arsewipe fc might do to us in the final. I don't think I care anymore. At least it's not going to spoil or get in the way of a game of cricket. (69 n.o. last Sunday, plus the obligatory 3 wickets).

There may be a couple of our players you'd like next season. Help yourselves. Just make sure you get them at a cut-price. Wouldn't want you to give the leprechaun any help paying off his first interest repayment.

Posted: 13 May 2005, 00:59
by Loki
Bitter and twisted, Dave?

Never! :lol:

PS: Stop now before QB decides we are naked matey-boy baby-oiled wrestlers with butt-plugs and decides this is a lovers/PM appropriate conversation and consigns us to the trash bin. :wink:

Re: Manchester United No More

Posted: 13 May 2005, 06:55
by spartacus mills
FFS Dave wrote:Not that too many of you will care, but the historic establishment that was Manchester United is about to be savaged by a dollar-chasing yank tw@t.
So Leeds, see you in your league in a few years, when glazer jumps ship saddling us with ginormous debt. Hey ho.
Three cheers for Mr Glazer then! :lol:
Just as the Liverpool revival kicks in! Istanbul, here we come!

Posted: 13 May 2005, 07:36
by Norman Hunter
You reap what you sow.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come on, surely you didn't expect any sympathy from me..?

Posted: 13 May 2005, 08:35
by Ed Rhombus
Serves the club right.

It's not that this American fellow has bought the club; they sold the club ages ago when they privatised it. Who subsequently owns those shares is by the by

If you turn yourself in a PLC, then you have to play by the rules of that game.

Maybe it will give them a chance to issue another replica kit

Posted: 13 May 2005, 09:26
by Mrs RicheyJames
I thought you'd be devastated by this news FFS Dave!!


Posted: 13 May 2005, 09:31
by ruffers
Norman Hunter wrote:You reap what you sow.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come on, surely you didn't expect any sympathy from me..?
What he said :lol:

Although to be fair (which is difficult about Trafford Buccaneers) they're just the worst example of the way all of football is going. Ever since any semblance of fair redistribution of income went out of the window with the formation of the Premierhsip the big clubs have become fairly atractive business opportunities. For the rest of football though, who've had to stomach years of "We're the biggest and most successful club in the world" blah blah blah, it's great to see the vultures come home to roost.

Great day in Manchester yesterday - my boys get the new manager we all want in the build up to a big day on Sunday, MUSA get half a billion pounds worth of debt. 8) 8)

Re: Manchester United No More

Posted: 13 May 2005, 09:40
by markfiend
spartacus mills wrote:...the Liverpool revival kicks in...
Image Image Image

Liverpool revival? Keep telling yourself that. See you on Thursdays on Channel 5.

You finished below Everton :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 13 May 2005, 09:42
by Big Si
Dave, but are you going to Roy Keane's testimonial, 3rd or 5th August?

I'll hopefully be there (in green and white :wink: :D )!

Posted: 13 May 2005, 11:35
by MrChris
I'm just glad mine isn't the only club owned by a dodgy foreign billionaire any more. I am a mite less embarrassed. And I have to say I prefer Roman - he's putting money into the club, not the other way round, anyway. Plus he goes to matches and seems to genuinely enjoy them, judging from that simpleton grin he has. And here's the clincher for me, anyroad - at least Mr Abramovich could grow a proper beard if he wanted to...

Posted: 13 May 2005, 11:40
by Loki
@ MrChris - Strange avatar. Terry and Stamford with the FA Cup? :? Have I missed something ..?

Posted: 13 May 2005, 11:54
by MrChris
The simple answer - I wanted a chelsea/trophy picture but couldn't be arsed to find the proper one with the Premiership! I shall apply my mind to it now!

Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:00
by Big Si
MrChris wrote:The simple answer - I wanted a chelsea/trophy picture but couldn't be arsed to find the proper one with the Premiership! I shall apply my mind to it now!


Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:01
by MrChris
Okay, that's a lot better than this one <---------
I'm embarrassed now...

Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:03
by Big Si
MrChris wrote:Okay, that's a lot better than this one <---------
I'm embarrassed now...
Hence, my signature! :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:22
by andymackem
I'm looking forward to AFC Man United playing in the UniBond League next season.

Also liked the chap who announced he'd torn up his season ticket. How many home games do you have still to play this season?

I would be more sympathetic, but the fans' bleating about the people's club doesn't stack up.

I don't recall a quick whip-round on the Stretford End to raise £30m to sign Ferdinand, or £18m to sign van Nistelrooy. I'd guess that was 'acceptable' corporate money.

If MUSA want the club to be run by and for the fans they can do it. Just raise more cash than Glazer, take charge and stop it being a PLC.

Then find sufficient money to boost a rather patchy squad, compete with Roman's roubles etc, etc, etc.

Or quit bleating and accept that having used the flotation to raise the money on which your recent success has been built you now have to accept the risk of putting yourself on the open market.

Besides, he _might_ be alright once he gets there. I'm sure the 'best fans in the world' won't quibble over a few more quid in ticket prices.

Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:53
by Big Si



Posted: 13 May 2005, 12:54
by MrChris
Well, if what we hear about his business plan is true, he's going to have to think of a few more ways to get money out of the fans than that...

What about:

Double train fares from Euston?

Reduce the number of prawns per sandwich?

Double the VAT on whisky? (it may be a bit harsh to target the manager so specifically...)

Produce limited edition third-place-for-the-third-time-in-four-years commemorative trophies?

Produce a home strip, an away strip and a Tampa Bay United strip in advance of the relocation of the franchise?

Any other suggestions would be welcome

Yours, M. Glazer Esq.

Posted: 13 May 2005, 13:07
by Loki
How about the Bucs versus Man U in one of those mixed rules exhibition games? American Football rules first half and soccer rules for the second half? Assuming any Man U players are still alive by then. :innocent:

Keano excepted. :von:

Re: Manchester United No More

Posted: 13 May 2005, 16:45
by spartacus mills
markfiend wrote: Liverpool revival? Keep telling yourself that. See you on Thursdays on Channel 5.
You finished below Everton
You really think Everton will get through the qualifiers???? :lol:
That lovely Mr Blatter is already hinting Liverpool will be allowed to defend the trophy IF we win it.

Posted: 13 May 2005, 19:12
by James Blast