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Back fom hospital!

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:07
by zaltys7
Thanks to everyone that sent good vibes in my direction :D

Got out of hospital last night, about 6:00 pm, a day earlier than expected.

Although the people there where fantastic the overall experience was an absolute nightmare.

For those that dont know, a tumour in the bladder has to be removed by going in through the penis. :eek: - The idea of this may freek some of you out, (mostly the blokes I would imagine ;D :innocent: ) and then burning it or scraping it away. You then wake up with a cathater in which drains the blood and urine out and then they flush it out with chemotherapy.

In my case however they took the cathater out before they flushed it, by mistake and had to put another one in :urff:

Curently feel like s**t but am happy in the knowledge that i've got at least 3 weeks off work to surf heartland and read and buy lots of new books and comics online :D

I will know within the next two or three weeks how bad the tumour was and whether I have to undergo an extended course of chemo.

The most disturbing thing about the whole experience was that I was in a ward full of old men - whom this cancer affects most, and I'm not yet thirty - as as someone on here said the desease is completley indiscriminate

Thanks again for all your kindness - especialy Mr Blast 8)


Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:21
by canon docre
Curently feel like s**t but am happy in the knowledge that i've got at least 3 weeks off work to surf heartland and read and buy lots of new books and comics online
I truly admire your ability to see a good side with this nightmare.
I cross all the fingers I have for the results.
Feel embraced.

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:38
by Mrs. Snowey
All the best hon :D Now go make with the plastic and make that Postie work for a living! :lol:

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:39
by Quiff Boy
all the best paul 8)

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:39
by Petseri
I wish you a complete recovery. I hope that getting out aa day early is an encouraging sign.

I also hope that you do not shopw us any photos of the procedure. :eek:


Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:41
by lazarus corporation
ouch. :eek:

hope you're up and about soon.

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:42
by Mrs RicheyJames
Good on you mate!

PM to follow!

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:50
by markfiend
I'm stuck for something to say that doesn't sound trite, but what the heck...

Best wishes and here's hoping.

Posted: 26 May 2005, 16:57
by emilystrange
*crosses legs in sympathy..*

mind you, you can't imagine a smear test, either

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
emilystrange wrote:*crosses legs in sympathy..*

mind you, you can't imagine a smear test, either
Not quite the same thing dear but I can see what you're getting at!!

Think you should have said child birth or something!!

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:01
by hallucienate
what they all said.

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:05
by 6FeetOver
Many *hugs* for you, zaltys - I know you're going through hell right now...

In similarly-upsetting news, I found out just last night that my mother's cancer may have returned. She went through 2 bouts of breast cancer (complete with chemo and radiation) in a little over 10 years, but was essentially given a clean bill of health following the treatments. She sees a variety of MDs regularly for a gamut of tests and scans; the other day, one of her MDs found a small, virtually-undetectable tumor somewhere deep in her abdomen via a PET scan. She went in this morning for a biopsy of the tumor; I won't know anything for several days...

I feel angry and sick right now. :cry: :cry: :evil:

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
SINsister wrote:Many *hugs* for you, zaltys - I know you're going through hell right now...

In similarly-upsetting news, I found out just last night that my mother's cancer may have returned. She went through 2 bouts of breast cancer (complete with chemo and radiation) in a little over 10 years, but was essentially given a clean bill of health following the treatments. She sees a variety of MDs regularly for a gamut of tests and scans; the other day, one of her MDs found a small, virtually-undetectable tumor somewhere deep in her abdomen via a PET scan. She went in this morning for a biopsy of the tumor; I won't know anything for several days...

I feel angry and sick right now. :cry: :cry: :evil:
Fingers crossed for your mum (mom) hunny xxx

It must be the time of year for crap news.

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:46
by emilystrange
oh yes. it's been a bad week.

@ MrsRJ.. i have no experience of childbirth..

Posted: 26 May 2005, 17:52
by James Blast
Paul, that's great you're home and safe,
You have been to hell and back, my friend.

Now let's see that post count go through the roof!

<redirects some good vibes in the direction of Sinny's Mum>

Posted: 26 May 2005, 18:40
by eastmidswhizzkid
:D glad you're back with us Paul;hospitals are miserable fcuking places at the best of times,i.e. when youre just visiting,so i dont like to think what it was like for you.make sure you give yourself loads of TLC and rest now while youre off work.
easier said than done i know but try not to get too stressed/worry-theres a lot of people care for you just on here;if you want a chat or a laugh or some one to take all the bad s**t out on then feel free:day or night....i for one am totally nocturnal.
you never know,von might send you an advanced copy of the new album to cheer you up...:lol:

Re: Back fom hospital!

Posted: 26 May 2005, 18:57
by Planet Dave
zaltys7 wrote: In my case however they took the cathater out before they flushed it, by mistake and had to put another one in :urff:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :urff:

Bloody Hell! The caring side of the NHS. :roll: Hope all is well with the results. T' father-in-law is awaiting similar results, though his problems are 'round the back'. :eek: :eek: :eek: :urff:

Why ARE our bodies so frail and pants? Makes you wanna get to thirty and blow yourself up with a dynamite belt. In which case I'm well on borrowed time.

Best wishes Paul. :notworthy: canon is right - excellent attitude. :notworthy:

Posted: 26 May 2005, 20:19
by Brideoffrankenstein
glad everything went well and good luck!

enjoy the rest 8)

Posted: 26 May 2005, 20:28
by Black Alice
I'm with everyone on here sending the good vibes Paul. It all sounds really painful and I am amazed at the seemingly positive outlook - keep it up and we're all here at the back cheering you on - :kiss:

@Sinny - sorry to hear about your Mum - really hope that you get good news ....... :kiss: to you and your Mum as well

Posted: 26 May 2005, 22:45
by boudicca
Best wishes to you Zaltys, and to your mum, Sinny.

I'm afraid I can't offer anything that doesn't sound trite... and that hasn't already been said.

Re: Back fom hospital!

Posted: 26 May 2005, 23:42
by 6FeetOver
FFS Dave wrote:Why ARE our bodies so frail and pants? Makes you wanna get to thirty and blow yourself up with a dynamite belt. In which case I'm well on borrowed time.
Hehe - my ex claims that his retirement plan will consist of whiskey and a revolver... :roll: :von:

Re: Back fom hospital!

Posted: 27 May 2005, 00:44
by eastmidswhizzkid
SINsister wrote: Hehe - my ex claims that his retirement plan will consist of whiskey and a revolver... :roll: :von:
getting pissed and robbing banks? :lol:

better than freezing to death watching "countdown".

Posted: 27 May 2005, 08:47
by straylight
Just seconding everything that's already been said.

Fingers crossed for both.

Posted: 27 May 2005, 09:07
by sisxbeforedawn
get well soon :D and all the best :D

Posted: 27 May 2005, 09:54
by _emma_
I'm all shaking having read this thread. I'm the kind of person who panicks before going to the dentists for a routine check-up, you know, and childbirth is not even an option.
Thus, just as canon and Dave, I absolutely admire your inner strength that gives you the attitude you have, Paul. Apparently, attitude is a very important thing with this kind of illnesses. If it's true, I'm sure your chances of quick and full recovery are very high. 8) As soon as I stop shaking, I'll try to send all the good vibes I can towards you, and SINsister's Mum. I don't really know neither of you, but I'm feeling a lot of compassion for both of you , and I really do hope you get good results of the tests. :?