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how geeky are you?

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:11
by Delilah
Found it on myspace - think it is quite funny!
Geek Test Results

You are 20% geeky.
You're quasi-geeky, you're semi-geeky, you're the margarine of geeky. You're the Diet Coke of geeky - just one calorie, not geeky enough.
The current average score is: 35.98%
Fact: 38.27% of people who took this test admit to wearing a costume "just for fun".

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:17
by Obviousman
Love these tests for boring nights :D

35.99% geek :innocent:

The only thing among all those things I do and really consider 'geek' is programming a calculator, really :lol: (years ago, found out yesterday all my hard labour is gone due to not refreshing the bateries :( )
Fact: 25.44% of people who took this test believe in The Force.
:lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:23
by lazarus corporation
You are 70% geeky.

Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:32
by Black Alice

OK, not that geeky at all, are you? I'll bet you even have a girlfriend (or boyfriend).

The current average score is: 35.98%

Fact: 38.28% of people who took this test admit to wearing a costume "just for fun".

But.....Pauls is even better:-

82.5% ( :eek: ) (bet you're jealous now girls :lol: )

You're the ultimate geek. I'd write that in Klingon, but you'd probably correct my grammar. Get a girlfriend. ( :evil: )

The current average score is: 35.99%

Fact: 25.43% of people who took this test believe in The Force. (He said yes to that one too! Well, he had to as he was registered as a Jedi on the last census :lol:

I think that I scored lower as I have no idea about computer stuff (and he does!)

Thanks D - that gave both of us a good laugh

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:33
by Brideoffrankenstein
I am 65% geeky
lazarus corporation wrote:
:lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:34
by Obviousman
Writing in Klingon :eek:
And then there was me thinking that was just a strange looking fellow :lol:

Glad I'm not geekest among those who took the test yet :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:54
by Black Alice
Obviousman wrote:Writing in Klingon :eek:
And then there was me thinking that was just a strange looking fellow :lol:

Glad I'm not geekest among those who took the test yet :lol: :innocent:
Yep - looks like I could be married to the geekiest :lol: Still, I take true comfort in that article ;D

I think that we may very well have a Klingon dictionary somewhere (he bought it at the request of one of the kids he was teaching at the time - honest :eek: I'm sure he doesn't actually speak it).......

.........he says only enough to order a coffee and a batleth ( :eek: )

Honestly - he's an excellent provider and treats me really well :oops:

(.......and he likes tsom ;D )

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 21:58
by Obviousman
... So did you bring him his coffee? ;D

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:09
by lazarus corporation
I should also add that I've been here all day listening to Jeffrey Zeldman, Joe Clark, Andy Budd etc

And my second computer runs Fedora Core 3.

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:14
by Johnny M
Delilah sent me a text from Norway today, which I managed to open and respond to. :P

Ok, no, that doesn't make me a geek. :roll:

Unless you're over a certain age. Then it does. :innocent: :wink:

You krazee kids and your whot-not, blackberry, blueberry pies type thing. :?

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:14
by Brideoffrankenstein
and we're both going LARPing in a muddy field in Derbyshire in august. sharp! blunt! strike down! fatal!

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:17
by Obviousman
lazarus corporation wrote:And my second computer runs Fedora Core 3.
That's an OS with a Klingon user interface :?: :innocent:

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:20
by aims
Geek Test Results
You are 62.5% geeky.

Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?

That's appalling. I should 50% for running gentoo [and liking it] and an extra 5% for every programming language that I can use :(

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 22:50
by Johnny M
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:and we're both going LARPing in a muddy field in Derbyshire in august. sharp! blunt! strike down! fatal!
Not sure if this was aimed at me Libby. :?

If not, hey it's more exposure. :P

Having read your post in size 12, I think you're both completely barking mad. In a mad, cool way, with 'stuff'. 8)

Most of which seems to be wooden or metal. And sharp. :eek:

Posted: 09 Jun 2005, 23:47
by Almiche V
20% geeky. But I've booked tickets to see War of the Worlds already. So does that count for anything?

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 00:03
by 6FeetOver
"You are 57.5% geeky.

Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?

The current average score is: 35.88%"

...probably because I'm seriously impaired when it comes to math. :oops: Imagine if I weren't - how geeky I'd be then!!! :eek: Boggles the mind, truly. :twisted: :roll: :von:

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 01:23
by Andrew S
I'm 47.5% geeky apparently.

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 08:13
by hallucienate
You are 65% geeky. I was hoping for higher :?

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 08:22
by smiscandlon
Andrew S wrote:I'm 47.5% geeky apparently.
Ooooh. 45%.

You just beat me.

Or I just beat you, depending on how you look at it...

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 10:53
by sisxbeforedawn
65% :lol:

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 11:20
by markfiend

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 12:26
by Quiff Boy
Geek Test Results
You are 72.5% geeky.

Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?

The current average score is: 34.89%

Fact: 11.66% of people who took this test wear a bum-bag on holiday.

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 19:31
by Black Alice
Ok - so it would appear that I am living with the geekiest of the geeks :lol:

@Obviousman - no, didn't get him the coffee - he was on Stella by that time of night :lol: (not very Klingon - should have been blood wine shouldn't it :innocent: ) (and he already has a batleth does :eek: bought at Tynemouth market, from a very nice woman who also had a large stock of Lord of the Rings swords :eek: )

*note to self* - stop typing because now they know how geeky we are :lol:

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 20:20
by Obviousman
Stupid question of the night:
What on earth (or in outer space) is a batleth :?:

Meanwhile: They're giving away free ben & jerry's right in front of my door, run y'all! :lol:

Posted: 10 Jun 2005, 20:42
by Black Alice
Obviousman wrote:Stupid question of the night:
What on earth (or in outer space) is a batleth :?:
Sorry - probably not spelt correctly (maybe I should have looked it up in the Klingon dictionary :lol: ) - its the large double handed weapon the Klingons use

:urff: this is getting more and more geeky


(honestly - neither of us are as nerdy as I am making us sound - honest :lol: )