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James Blast

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 21:58
by Andrew S
If anyone's wandering why the man has been so quiet recently, he's been in hospital. He developed a nasty infection and was admitted on Monday for surgery. I visited him this afternoon and he was in a good mood - the morphine's agreeing with him I think :) He says being in hospital (stuck in bed and unable to smoke) is far preferable to being at work, and I'm sure he means it. He reckons he'll be in for another week, so anyone awaiting weeds will have to wait a while.

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:02
by emilystrange
best wishes to the lad.. give him a hug and make sure he knows its from me

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:03
by CorpPunk
My best to him, and I hope he gets better soon.

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:09
by Black Alice
Me too - :kiss: from me

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:28
by christophe
same here.
give him a real man like Hug from me :wink: and wish him the best!

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:29
by smiscandlon
I was wondering whether he was OK - his last PM had mentioned he was feeling rather poorly.

If you see him again before he gets out tell him I was asking after him.

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 22:46
by Johnny M
Thanks Andrew. Again I'd received a PM indicating that things weren't too rosy but never got a response.

Thanks for the update.

Wish him all the best; tell him we're thinking of him and give him a big kiss from me. Metaphorically, of course. :wink:

Posted: 11 Jun 2005, 23:31
by 6FeetOver
Poor James - hope he gets well soon! Please send him my best wishes, willya?

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 03:57
by Petseri
That answers my questions about his absence. :( All the best, James.


Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 08:31
by hallucienate
All the best, hope you recover speedily.

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 08:47
by lazarus corporation
Best wishes to Mr Blast - get well soon!

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 11:06
by Dark
Hope Blasty gets better quickly.

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 11:30
by Erudite
Yeah, best wishes, mate.

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 11:42
by JansenClone
Get well v. soon...

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 11:59
by Andie
Damit James why do you get all the perks?... :wink: :lol:

again i wish you all the best old man...hope that you're back online and abusing us sinners soon


Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 12:03
by Izzy HaveMercy
All the best for you, James!

Get well soon, I have a certain live-cd lying around here somewhere with your name on ;)


Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 12:10
by Obviousman
Had been wondering this week...

All the very best wishes and get well soon!

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 12:58
by pikkrong
My best wishes to him! :notworthy:
Hope he will get well soon!

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 12:58
by aims
All the best, enjoy your time off work Mr Blast :innocent:

But hope you recover soon too ;)

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 13:59
by DerekR
Thanks Andrew, I was wondering where he was. Unanswered emails are always rather worrying, and I couldn't find his mobile no. :(

Arrabest Blast, my big mate :)

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 15:18
by Shadow_Smile
Veel Beterschap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dat de zusterjes je mogen verwennen !!!

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 22:22
by steamhammerdave
All the best big man from the KOC

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 22:59
by Planet Dave
Hey James, get better man :eek: , but enjoy the morphine in the meantime. :innocent: :notworthy: 'Nurse! NURSE! I'm out! I want more! Go and fetch me MORE!'.

All the best James, get thee well.

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 03:08
by Petseri
FFS Dave wrote:'Nurse! NURSE! I'm out! I want more! Go and fetch me MORE!'.
Will she come back with the radio edit or the extended verion on Vision Thing? :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 07:26
by Dark
Petseri wrote:
FFS Dave wrote:'Nurse! NURSE! I'm out! I want more! Go and fetch me MORE!'.
Will she come back with the radio edit or the exdended verion on Vision Thing? :innocent:
Neither if we want him to recover.