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Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 18:40
by Almiche V

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 18:59
by Andie
well...thats put the final nail in the coffin ( :wink: )...

definately not wanting to get tix for this...suport the cause hell yeah...see the bands...feck no!! :evil:

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 19:24
by Ed Rhombus
Step aside grumpy

f**k me!

I wondered if this would ever happen!

The four man Floyd!!!!!

You don't get much bigger than that!!!!!

Laaa dee daa!

So happy, So happy!!!!!

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 19:25
by aims

I'm already going to see The Australian Pink Floyd Show (a very good tribute band, played at Gilmour's 50th) at the Liverpool Summer Pops so I'm not too bothered about the fact that I won't have a chance in hell of getting tickets.

They'll probably be sh*te anyway :innocent:

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 19:34
by Andie
Ed Rhombus wrote:Step aside grumpy

f**k me!

I wondered if this would ever happen!

The four man Floyd!!!!!

You don't get much bigger than that!!!!!

Laaa dee daa!

So happy, So happy!!!!!
Slappy happy...that's what drugs do you...beware young darklings...this is what could become of you as you age ever so gracefully into your rocking chair :innocent: :innocent:

Mr're more than welcome to enjoy the 4 man floyd on my behalf... :wink: :D

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 19:43
by Dark

Hope that's bootlegged, I want a copy.

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 20:09
by Black Alice
This is probably going to get me into so much trouble...........I can't stand Pink Floyd ( :eek: ) so yet another reason not to get tickets - as if U2 weren't enough ( :lol: )

Had a friend who played Dark Side of the Moon constantly - could have well and truly slapped him, but too off my head to be arsed :lol:

*stands back and waits for the abuse* ("she slagged off Pink Floyd and U2 in the same post?")

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 20:23
by Andie
i agree with one thing Black Alice...the Floyd suck...

but U2 i can only worship from afar...kinda weird...but thats just me :wink:

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 20:45
by Black Alice
Burn wrote:i agree with one thing Black Alice...the Floyd suck...

but U2 i can only worship from afar...kinda weird...but thats just me :wink:
Its Bono I can't stand really - which sort of puts the mockers on the whole band :lol:

Still - each to his own. I know that I must be in a minority - I mean they are global aren't they :lol:

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 21:00
by emilystrange
Burn wrote:beware young darklings...
please.. i have enough trouble remembering what forum i'm on :roll: ;D

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 21:50
by Andie
emilystrange wrote:
Burn wrote:beware young darklings...
please.. i have enough trouble remembering what forum i'm on :roll: ;D
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

sorry Ems...but what else can we call the youth... :wink:

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 21:55
by Andie
Black Alice wrote:
Burn wrote:i agree with one thing Black Alice...the Floyd suck...

but U2 i can only worship from afar...kinda weird...but thats just me :wink:
Its Bono I can't stand really - which sort of puts the mockers on the whole band :lol:

Still - each to his own. I know that I must be in a minority - I mean they are global aren't they :lol:
:notworthy: :notworthy: Bono :notworthy: :notworthy:

:lol: sorry....but after meeting him i changed my mind from your view point to mine...weird...he was actually very nice and really happy to have met me and my at the time girlfriend...

Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 22:09
by canon docre

come on, folks.
Ok, ok, it's not as if ABBA would reform.... but it comes close.


Posted: 12 Jun 2005, 22:18
by Johnny M
Whenever I hear 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' I still think of Loki as opposed to Syd. Maybe just a modern interpretation. :von:

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 00:26
by Debaser
You see I WOULD go see em again - blummin fantastic live experience and always a totally AWSOME sound...but go to that Live* shindig - not on your blinkin nelly

However, does that link mention the six cities tour they'll be doing?

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 10:12
by Quiff Boy
off the wall are better :lol:

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 19:08
by Black Alice
Burn wrote:
Black Alice wrote: :notworthy: :notworthy: Bono :notworthy: :notworthy:

:lol: sorry....but after meeting him i changed my mind from your view point to mine...weird...he was actually very nice and really happy to have met me and my at the time girlfriend...
Its his voice and stage persona I can't stand ;D - but then I'm very shallow :lol:

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 02:07
by Francis
Oh my giddy Aunt. I hate open air gigs but if anyone's gonna get the sound right it's gotta be those four geezers from Cambridge. Where's my mobile? Am I too late? What's the number? The answer's Edinburgh isn't it? Bloody hell. When you finally reach the stage in your life when you could actually afford a ticket for Live Aid, they don't want your fncking money!

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 09:44
by Almiche V
Francis wrote:Am I too late?
Well I'm not gonna be the one to break the bad news...

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 10:07
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 11:20
by markfiend
Floyd playing Live8? I can see it now...
Floyd wrote:Swig a little Chardonnay, no, point the camera at the food Richard. So what we're cooking here is some medallions of veal...

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 11:32
by Almiche V
Floyd and Ramsey - together at last.

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 13:34
by Delilah
Cure, Floyd AND VELVET REVOLVER!!!!!!! I want to go! Hoping to be lucky in that lottery thing. :?

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 18:59
by Debaser
Seems the item has been 'removed' hee hee

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 20:59
by Black Alice
Debaser wrote:
Seems the item has been 'removed' hee hee
What? .......Geldof actually managed to get to the twats :eek: Heard him ranting on PM on Radio 4 this evening about this (he was not a happy bunny) but he didn't seem convinced that EBay would remove the tickets.......

........good for them :)