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Whats the crappest forum you are a member of?

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 01:50
by Cimmerian
1 - What is it about?

2 - How long have you been a member?

3 - Why is it crap, and was it ever not crap?


Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 02:55
by The Pope
1. Billy Idol

2. A few years, but i lost my password so I don't know the exact date.

3. The people suck and not that I'm aware of.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 07:44
by Cimmerian
I best add that I'm not having a pop at Heartland there! This is a top place and always has been. :o :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 09:33
by Quiff Boy
oooh, the timing! thats just delicious :twisted: :lol:

funnily enough, a forum i used to frequent regularly but haven't been on in months recently seems to have taken some kind exception to the fact that we are having fun here while they seem obsessed with moaning and griping about how crap theirs has become.

twas ever thus.

they are sad, sad people with no lives and they rarely if ever have contructive things to say about anything. "keyboard warriors" of the highest order. perhaps if they stopped being so f**king smart-arsed, dismissive and negative about everything and everyone, people might think it a worthwhile place to visit again.

or maybe not.

"saddest thread on heartland" indeed :roll:

@ those concerned: yes, most people here probably could identify a sisters song by the running time ;)

the irony is that a good few of those people actually joined this place some time ago. needless to say they didn't post much. probably best really. i assume their own city of wishes was out of action for a bit and rather than face the real world they felt the need to join another board. and this was the nearest one they could find.

lucky us.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:02
by Johnny M
My beloved Bloc Party :(

Much as I love the band and their music I lasted about a week. It's full of kids posting in text-speak and if anyone manages more than two consecutive sentences it's a literary masterpiece. :roll:

I asked one sensible question which failed to illicit a sensible response. In the end, the Loki in me got the better and I said my 'good-byes'. :innocent: :twisted:

The average female age seems to around 15 and I'm not convinced all the male users are '17-year-old' blokes and that makes me feel uncomfortable, coupled with the fact that I have absolutely no desire to communicate with that age group in cyberspace. :urff:

I'll stick with you old gits. :wink:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:04
by Quiff Boy
as i say, lucky us.

;D :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:10
by markfiend
I suppose it's pretty sad to post on the Kerrang! goth boards. :innocent: Telling all the Krazy Kidz off for calling Good Charlotte a goth band :lol: But there are a few owd codgers on there who are nice people.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:22
by RicheyJames
1 i still haven't figured that out.

2 three years and thirteen days.

3 it's full of whining goths and, even worse, goths in denial. unfortunately, twas ever thus.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:31
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:1 i still haven't figured that out.

2 three years and thirteen days.

3 it's full of whining goths and, even worse, goths in denial. unfortunately, twas ever thus.
har de har.

i'll pass your comments on to yoru wife shall i? ;)

*ahem* :D

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:52
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:1 i still haven't figured that out.

2 three years and thirteen days.

3 it's full of whining goths and, even worse, goths in denial. unfortunately, twas ever thus.
har de har.
thought you'd like it ;)
i'll pass your comments on to yoru wife shall i? ;)
feel free. and enjoy your lunch. </jealous>

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 10:54
by Quiff Boy
:lol: :D

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 11:32
by andymackem
This is the only forum where I currently have an active membership.

Infer from that what you will.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 11:38
by Silver_Owl
2. Can't remember.
3. It's a very dull, geeky set of students talking out of their arses about a band that nearly all of them are too young to remember properly.
It's one of those forums where people evidently post to boost their count with no regard for other peoples opinions. And that my friends would never happen here. Would it?

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 11:43
by Johnny M
Hom_Corleone wrote:And that my friends would never happen here. Would it?


Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 11:44
by Silver_Owl
Good. :innocent:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 11:45
by Johnny M


Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 12:00
by Silver_Owl
Don't make me tell QB now Johnny.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 12:08
by Johnny M
Hom_Corleone wrote:Don't make me tell QB now Johnny.
I'm sure in the eyes of one member, who shall remain nameless, I would be exempt from any punishment. :roll:

Particulary as they thought Loki was a woman ... and Quiffy's girlfriend. :urff: :urff:

* shudder *

You know who you are ... :twisted:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 12:16
by Silver_Owl
I'd give you one Joni. Phnar phnar.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:07
by Big Si
1. Factory Records.

2. Nearly 2 years.

3. It's now a desert full of tumbleweed, it used to be great! (Still top poster though! :D )

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:13
by canon docre
Johnny M wrote:Particulary as they thought Loki was a woman ... and Quiffy's girlfriend. :urff: :urff:

* shudder *

You know who you are ... :twisted:
Pffft. I concluded after reading the Heartland Aid Appeal, that only QB's Girlfriend could have an interest in some money rolling back into the household. :lol: I didn't think of the general Loki as being so altruistic. :twisted: :wink:
And btw, who was perceiving me as a man, Johnny? :roll: :lol:

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:22
by Silver_Owl
Big Si wrote:1. Factory Records.

2. Nearly 2 years.

3. It's now a desert full of tumbleweed, it used to be great! (Still top poster though! :D )
I thought u were the only poster. I forgot about that forum!

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:27
by Johnny M
canon docre wrote: And btw, who was perceiving me as a man, Johnny? :roll: :lol:
Ah, yes. I'd forgotten that. Thanks for reminding me ... :oops: :roll:

Fortunately, you were in a position to clear up any gender confusion on my part by pointing me in the direction of that video. :innocent: 8)


Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 14:20
by Johnny M
Quiff Boy wrote:city of wishes
:!: The Slowest Swinger in Town gets there in the end. :)

Now I know what you're talking about as opposed to just dismissing your post as even more of your self-obsessed psychobabble. :innocent:


Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 14:38
by CorpPunk
Quiff Boy wrote: funnily enough, a forum i used to frequent regularly but haven't been on in months recently seems to have taken some kind exception to the fact that we are having fun here while they seem obsessed with moaning and griping about how crap theirs has become.

the irony is that a good few of those people actually joined this place some time ago. needless to say they didn't post much. probably best really. i assume their own city of wishes was out of action for a bit and rather than face the real world they felt the need to join another board. and this was the nearest one they could find.
I'm sorry, could you be a little more obvious? I'm having an attack of idiocy and didn't quite pick up on what forum you're referring to... :wink: :lol: