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Mad As Cheese ..?

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:11
by Johnny M
It's a UK expression, innit?

I've just used it in a PM with a Mainlander and I'm sure I'll be asked what it means. To be prefectly honest, I haven't a clue. I've always just thought it's totally surreal. I've never detected any psychosis in any of the Edam, Gouda or Mature Cheddar I buy at Morrisons, so any assistance is appreciated.

Ta muchley. :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:14
by emilystrange
its the strangely coloured ones, johnny my lad.

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:34
by Johnny M
emilystrange wrote:its the strangely coloured ones, johnny my lad.
What? Like blue veined Stilton? And can I dry it out and smoke it? Before The Worlds Greatest Living Belgian calls my bluff? :wink:

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:37
by emilystrange
you're as mad as f*ck already, so leave the cheese and back away.. :-D

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:45
by Johnny M
emilystrange wrote:you're as mad as f*ck already, so leave the cheese and back away.. :-D
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Oh dear, another 'beer' 'keyboard' moment. :lol:

Top girl. :notworthy:


Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:55
by emilystrange

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 18:07
by boudicca
I think it's more an English thing.

It's a good one, though. 8)

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 18:30
by Johnny M
boudicca wrote: It's a good one, though. 8)
Yes Claire ... but what does it mean? Where's a d00mie when you need one? I'm sure she introduced it to the forum so I'll blame her. :wink: 8)

I still can't read this thread in it's entirety without laughing my bollox off. Nice. Innit. :lol:

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 21:24
by emilystrange
and you can put the biscuits back, as well.

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 21:33
by Izzy HaveMercy
Johnny M wrote:I still can't read this thread in it's entirety without laughing my bollox off. Nice. Innit. :lol:
If you have to tell people that your own thread is actually quite funny, start changing your ID again, Johnny me lad :twisted:

And you can smoke the cheese, the biscuits, the salmon AND banana leaves AFAIC, If you want, I'll send over some fine packets of Belgian Tigra, only used once ;)

(you really should try to stop, Johnny, it makes you feel rather good ;) )


Re: Mad As Cheese ..?

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 21:45
by Dan
Johnny M wrote:It's a UK expression, innit?
I've never heard of it.
The only "Mad as..." phrases I've heard of are "Mad as a lorry" and "Mad as a bottle of chips".

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 21:47
by emilystrange
and i've never heard those, dan, so you've been on the gruyere as well..

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 22:13
by paint it black
it's like the mescal worm isn't it? i once ate one :lol: :eek:

or possibly the great cheese race - broken limbs allover the place ;D

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 01:22
by Francis
Mad as a Hatter. Mad as a March hare. Mad dogs and Englishmen... Never heard any of the others before.

And Blue Stilton is just one of the many attractions of visiting my parents. :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 02:02
by eastmidswhizzkid
mad as a brush.mad as a balloon (from blackadder,my personal favourite)

Re: Mad As Cheese ..?

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 07:38
by canon docre
Johnny M wrote:It's a UK expression, innit?

I've just used it in a PM with a Mainlander and I'm sure I'll be asked what it means. To be prefectly honest, I haven't a clue. I've always just thought it's totally surreal. I've never detected any psychosis in any of the Edam, Gouda or Mature Cheddar I buy at Morrisons, so any assistance is appreciated.

Ta muchley. :notworthy:
Whatever it means exactly, it's in any case applicable to you, my Johnny. ;D

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 08:09
by Obviousman
Only familiar with Francis' March hare and hatter, is cheese in any way madder than those two :D ?
It hasn't got anything to do with the Dutch, does it ;D :?:

Anyway, as long as you bring loads of Stilton to Tilburg, you won't hear me complaining, it's about my favorite cheese :lol: (Shropshire Blue would do too :innocent: )

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 09:52
by timsinister
Mad as a hat full of spaniels. You can just make up your own!

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 09:55
by andymackem
Mad as a box of frogs. Mad as a badger.

But why pissed as a newt?

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 10:00
by Quiff Boy
i thought it was "mad as a cheeseplant"? :?

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 10:30
by Johnny M
Quiff Boy wrote:i thought it was "mad as a cheeseplant"? :?
:!: :?: You may be right Mr Quiff. But whatever it is, and re-reading through this thread, I think it's universally agreed that it's, ummm ...mad. 8)


Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 10:52
by Quiff Boy

bonkers. quite lidderally.

mad as a hat stand, in fact.

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 11:05
by Izzy HaveMercy
I vote for "mad as a HL admin"

There could be nothing madderer.


Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 11:12
by markfiend
I'm a fan of Mr mackem's box of frogs.

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 14:47
by timsinister
This thread is bloody mad, I might add...