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Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 12:51
by Quiff Boy
so london won.


cant wait for 2012.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 12:54
by RicheyJames

now where do i order tickets?

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:00
by nigel d
youre sooooooo slow. posted the result ages ago,,,,,at least minutes ago.....and i say bah hoo to it all. media circus to follow, unless i get a decent job out of it . only 7 years to wait. oh joy

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:01
by Johnny M
I don't know which I'm more happy about. Winning the Olympics or beating the French. Again.

Trafalgar Square is rocking at the moment. Litterally thousands are on the street. Fab.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:01
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:su-f**king-perb!

now where do i order tickets?
tickets to what, the aftermath in 2013?

the "olympic village" flatlands that will be deserted, empty apart from a few business conferences and a couple of hundred skate kids using it as the worlds most expensive skate park?

the outlay for this kind of thing is always disproportionate to the revenue it will allegedly generate, or the short-term service industry jobs it will create (peanut sellers, waiters and ground sweepers).

a waste of money. the kudos and "getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:04
by Johnny M
The Red Arrows have just flown over as well.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:06
by Planet Dave
The stadia won't go to waste though. A precendent has been set - they'll be given to manchester city.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:07
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:su-f**king-perb!

now where do i order tickets?
tickets to what, the aftermath in 2013?

a waste of money. the kudos and "getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.
oh stop being such a miserable right-on c**t. have you ever been to stratford? it's not exactly a utopian paradise right now.

it's the olympics. it's the cream of the world's sporting talent. and it's going to be on your doorstep.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:17
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:su-f**king-perb!

now where do i order tickets?
tickets to what, the aftermath in 2013?

a waste of money. the kudos and "getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.
oh stop being such a miserable right-on c**t. have you ever been to stratford? it's not exactly a utopian paradise right now.

it's the olympics. it's the cream of the world's sporting talent. and it's going to be on your doorstep.
athens 2004: clicky
The Guardian wrote:The 2004 Olympiad may have been the IOC president Jacques Rogge's "dream games", the bonanza that defied the doomsayers. But nearly six months after opening in spectacular style, Greeks have been left wondering whether their only legacy is the ¿9bn (£6.25bn) bill they ran up.

They are likely to be paying for decades for the most costly Olympics ever. "It's like we built a brand new house, held a great party, then closed it and, now, have no guests," lamented Serafim Kotrotsos, who headed communications in the Athens 2004 organising committee. "It's hard to tell that this city even staged the Olympics. The last thing you can say is that the atmosphere, after the games, has been good."

beijing 2008: clicky and clicky


Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:41
by markfiend
I wouldn't exactly call London "my doorstep" ;)

However, I do think that the idea of taking a load of kids from the East End as part of the delegation was a masterstroke. I cordially detest Tory boy Lord Coe, but whoever wrote his speech was very good.

I see what you're saying QB but there's no guarantee it'll be a financial disaster. IIRC Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 made a profit.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:47
by Black Dahlia
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:su-f**king-perb!

now where do i order tickets?
tickets to what, the aftermath in 2013?

a waste of money. the kudos and "getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.
oh stop being such a miserable right-on c**t. have you ever been to stratford? it's not exactly a utopian paradise right now.

it's the olympics. it's the cream of the world's sporting talent. and it's going to be on your doorstep.

Shock horror! I agree with Richey. Stratford is S***hole that badly needs regenerating.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 13:57
by ruffers
Quiff Boy wrote:
a waste of money. ........."getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.
I beg to differ :lol:

This is great. As Richey James says the cream of sporting talent here and a chance to show the world we're up to the job with these things. I'll definitely go, I like a bit of athletics. As it goes I'm going to the London Grand Prix in a couple of weeks. which is riiiight on my doorstep. Literally.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 15:18
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: tickets to what, the aftermath in 2013?

a waste of money. the kudos and "getting one up on the french" just isn't worth it.
oh stop being such a miserable right-on c**t. have you ever been to stratford? it's not exactly a utopian paradise right now.

it's the olympics. it's the cream of the world's sporting talent. and it's going to be on your doorstep.
athens 2004: clicky
The Guardian wrote:The 2004 Olympiad may have been the IOC president Jacques Rogge's "dream games", the bonanza that defied the doomsayers. But nearly six months after opening in spectacular style, Greeks have been left wondering whether their only legacy is the ¿9bn (£6.25bn) bill they ran up.

They are likely to be paying for decades for the most costly Olympics ever. "It's like we built a brand new house, held a great party, then closed it and, now, have no guests," lamented Serafim Kotrotsos, who headed communications in the Athens 2004 organising committee. "It's hard to tell that this city even staged the Olympics. The last thing you can say is that the atmosphere, after the games, has been good."

beijing 2008: clicky and clicky

atlanta 96 - £300m profit
seoul 88 - £30m profit
l.a. 84 - £125m profit

in addition, sydney 2000 boosted the australian economy by an estimated three billion dollars

all figures, incidentally, from the same pinko rag as yours.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 15:23
by markfiend
Face it, it would take an orgy of mismanagement to fail to make a profit from an Olympiad these days (with all due respect to Greece :innocent:)

Oh, wait...

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 16:15
by lazarus corporation
From the BBC report:

Following the news that London has been selected "mortgage lenders predicted house prices in the capital would rocket"

Excellent - that should prevent even more key (underpaid) workers such as nurses and teachers from being able to buy/rent accomodation in and around London. :evil:

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 16:34
by Quiff Boy
lazarus corporation wrote:From the BBC report:

Following the news that London has been selected "mortgage lenders predicted house prices in the capital would rocket"

Excellent - that should prevent even more key (underpaid) workers such as nurses and teachers from being able to buy/rent accomodation in and around London. :evil:
they could flatten the olympic skate board park after the event and build affordable "key worker accomodation" using the £300m+ profits ;)

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 16:53
by RicheyJames
london 2012 wrote:And 9,000 new homes would be created, alongside new schools, health and community facilities. Half of these homes would be designated as affordable housing.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 16:54
by hallucienate
I think spending vast amounts of money on a skate park is a fine idea. Provided they only allow access to skaters from back in the day and bar all the little brats who skate these days.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 17:44
by lazarus corporation
RicheyJames wrote:
london 2012 wrote:And 9,000 new homes would be created, alongside new schools, health and community facilities. Half of these homes would be designated as affordable housing.
Can't you just go back to being a cantankerous curmudgeon?

I was quite happy being grumpy about London 2012.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 18:13
by CorpPunk
Promises promises. I'll believe it when I have a friend whose unmarried, pregnant, teenage sister has moved into the "affordable housing." Beyond that, do you think the London of the Olympicized future will give me a job? Cos that would be cool.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 18:15
by lazarus corporation
CorpPunk wrote:Beyond that, do you think the London of the Olympicized future will give me a job? Cos that would be cool.
Not until you spell Olympicised the English way. :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 18:17
by CorpPunk
That's exactly the point, my dear. I'll need a work permit along with that job!

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 19:02
by Obviousman
Quiff Boy wrote:athens 2004: clicky
Athens 2004 was okay, but Athens 2003 :eek:

They basically rebuilt the whole of Athens (I was being a tourist down there), and even tore down major parts of the Acropolis :eek: and of course put them back afterwards, all cleaned up



Note the parts missing on top

Crazy Greeks :roll:

Anyway, if the games will be as much of a succes as the Barcelona 1990-something games, I wish you guys good luck, since it gave a huge boom to Barcelona and Spain as a whole as well...

For me, no difference, Paris or London, not much difference in distance from Belgium, is there :innocent: ....

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 19:46
by Brideoffrankenstein
I can't afford "affordable housing" around here and I get paid quite well for the area, let alone London :(

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 00:56
by Francis
I quite like skinny, flat-chested women in tight shorts.