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G8 at Gleneagles

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 19:09
by Obviousman
So what do you guys think of the summit they're doing in Gleneagles about now?

Any hope on anything useable actually coming out of there?

Will they really let the highly endebted countries get off without having to pay a single cent, or will they just make a statement which tells they will not have to pay certain amounts due that they would never have paid in any way anyway?

Will they come out with a decision to save our climate, or will Bush block that one yet again and will America remain the most poluting country per person in the world?

Will there be any decision on anything that is not only out of their own interest?

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 00:50
by Francis
When does the grouse season start?

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 14:59
by Eva
@ Obviousman: good questions! I don't know, but I doubt that anything substantial will change regarding the debths or America's leading role in polluting the world.

And I think the terror attacks in London today only make it worse.

By the last I meant, among other things: These attacks will rather gain supporters for the war in Iraq than increase the pressure to stop it.

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 15:08
by Quiff Boy
Eva wrote:And I think the terror attacks in London today only make it worse.

By the last I meant, among other things: These attacks will rather gain supporters for the war in Iraq than increase the pressure to stop it.
good point. :|

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 15:44
by eastmidswhizzkid
Quiff Boy wrote:
Eva wrote:And I think the terror attacks in London today only make it worse.

By the last I meant, among other things: These attacks will rather gain supporters for the war in Iraq than increase the pressure to stop it.
good point. :|
not to mention being a valid interruption to proceedings and a blameable distraction for Blair for the rest of the summit.

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 15:51
by Quiff Boy
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Eva wrote:And I think the terror attacks in London today only make it worse.

By the last I meant, among other things: These attacks will rather gain supporters for the war in Iraq than increase the pressure to stop it.
good point. :|
not to mention being a valid interruption to proceedings and a blameable distraction for Blair for the rest of the summit.
thus leaving bush with one less person to oppose any mad-ass anti-humanitarian nonsense he might come out with.

hmmm.... ;)

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 16:07
by RicheyJames
tin foil hats at the ready!

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 16:19
by aims
Don't be silly, the Islamic extremists will melt them with their biochemoradiofantastical bombs :innocent:

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 16:23
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:tin foil hats at the ready!
heheh :twisted: ;D

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 17:24
by Obviousman
I don't really understand those terrorist guys...

Suppose they are actually wanting what they claim to want, Islamic suppremacy, acceptance of Islam all over, something like that. From such a point of view, a terrorist attack is about the stupidest thing you can do, since the G8-guys will be less lightly to do anything in favour of the Islamist-guys, people will be much more inclined to become right wing and not accept anything coming from those sides, etcetera, just like Eva said

Ah, well, the good thing of this all is that Dubya did fall of his bike and got hurt :lol:

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 17:50
by eastmidswhizzkid
Obviousman wrote:I don't really understand those terrorist guys...

Suppose they are actually wanting what they claim to want, Islamic suppremacy, acceptance of Islam all over, something like that. From such a point of view, a terrorist attack is about the stupidest thing you can do, since the G8-guys will be less lightly to do anything in favour of the Islamist-guys, people will be much more inclined to become right wing and not accept anything coming from those sides, etcetera, just like Eva said

Ah, well, the good thing of this all is that Dubya did fall of his bike and got hurt :lol:
maybe its just plain old fashioned revenge (for iraq);maybe its about the disgustingly unresolved palestinian issue;perhaps its actually none of the above and is actually a controlled tactic of the "new world order" to usher in further draconian laws to tighten the grip of the police state.

what really pisses me off is that its the ordinary joes (and joannes!) who bare the brunt of whatever power game our "leaders" have embroiled us in.

same as it ever was. :evil:

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 17:55
by Eva
As far as I know the trouble in the "arab world" is a fight over hegemonial power within the culture, or rather a fight over power between more fundamentalist and more "open" forces.

It helps the fundamentalist powers (who actually wouldn't have that much support from the people if there wasn't the US or the west in general as a common enemy) unify their own people (the usual poor, desperate ones as everywhere), who don't know what to believe, what to hope for their futures, and in this atmosphere of despair the west, especially the US (as the biggest bigmouth worldwide) and also the other forces currently present in Iraq are welcome targets as the "image of the villain".

Something quite similar is happening here with the populist right wing politicians gaining power...

I should have elaborated more on this explanation, but I don't have the time...

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 18:13
by Obviousman
Now, even less than I ever could've thought came out, even nothing to confirm their own superiority feeling :eek:

The only thing that really made it was Mr. Poetin who did not want any restrictions on weapon trade to Africa, to me that's just plain stupidity, especially after yesterday, or am I wrong?