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Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:11
by boudicca
The Austro-Hungarian Empire that is.

Mein Herzland!

OH YES. The second phase of my plans for TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION have been executed without a hitch, you'll all be delighted to hear.

Those Krauts have a bad rap but they're pushovers really. A nation of millions might hold Public Enemy back but NOTHING stands in the way of the Boudicca steamroller. I just threatened to nuke David Hasselhoff's house if they didn't gimme the Reichstag. :twisted:

So, in short, I'm back my holidays, and I want to blow my own trumpet a bit before Andymackem gets back with far superior stories of being hassled by dodgy Russians and eating sheeps eyes with Mongolian peasant folk :oops: :lol: .

I trust you've all been behaving yourselves?
Now I'm off to annoy everyone by digging up dead threads. I apologise in advance....

BTW if you're some kind of masochist, some of my holiday photos are up here...

I can't do that fancy link thing you lot do... nore can I figure out my my photies go to s**t quality when I try and reduce them to a reasonable size. Help me geeks!
And remember this face, it will be plastered on the sides of public buildings, a la Iran, pretty f**king soon...


Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:25
by Johnny M
You really are quite mad Claire. Welcome back. 8)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:26
by Dark
I was starting to miss you, Boudicca. Welcome back. ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:27
by markfiend
The fancy link thing goes like this:

[ url= ] Clicky [ /url ] but take the spaces out.

Nice pics ;)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:32
by rian
Nice pics, :)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:36
by boudicca
It has occurred to me that myself, Mackem and Markfiend were all gone at the same time.

Who conducted agonizingly lengthy rants about counter-terrorism measures in our absence? :innocent: ;D

PS - Ta very much Mr. Fiend!

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:44
by ruffers
Rarely does one see a sequence of pictures so full of happy smiling faces :wink:

Welcome back

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:44
by Johnny M
boudicca wrote: Who conducted agonizingly lengthy rants about counter-terrorism measures in our absence?
No-one. All sentences over ten words consisting of correct grammar and syntax were automatically deleted. We posted pure bollox and it was fab. :wink:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:51
by boudicca
ruffers wrote:Rarely does one see a sequence of pictures so full of happy smiling faces :wink:

:oops: What can I say? I'm a miserable git. :von:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:58
by hallucienate
welcome back, more exciting than the trip to the dentist then ;)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:19
by mik
Just back from two weeks in Cornwall myself.

Couldn't be arsed claiming it, as aside from Mr Steins rather excellent restaurant in Padstow and some pretty beaches there's cock all worth having.

How Charlie manages to scrape £50 mill a year I dread to think. Can only be some bizarre tax on clotted cream and body boards....

Return to civiliazation and technology NOT a great success however. My Home putes have been unplugged for a fortnight, so I plugged my main workhorse (Marvin) in and powered him up. He promptly told me to go f**k myself and shut himself down again.

Hmmmm. I know, I'll boot into safe mode and find out what's going on except NO!!!! You CANNOT boot into safe mode because some poxy Alcohol 120% driver won't let you... Curses!

Aha! I'll perform a repair of XP and then I'll be OK. Bum! Boot drive is a couple of 200GB SATA disks in a RAID array that isn't recognised as a valid drive and so NO REPAIR IS POSSIBLE!

Drat, Drat and Double Drat!!

It's just as well I don't have a dog called Muttley at this point by the way as if I did the scruffy hound would be sniggering at me :(

So; Install fresh copy of XP onto a spare IDE drive and fork out $100 for a disk utility that can restore data from corrupted RAID arrays.

This is the second time that I've had striped arrays fail like this and to say that it is a monumental pain in the arse is the understatement of the year. Or maybe month. Week maybe, but no less than that. Say a fortnight.

Mik's words of wisdom: if you really want raid on a home pc, use mirrored pairs rather than stripes, and if you want the speed, buy yourself a proper (eg Adaptec) dedicated RAID controller and at least four disks and have mirrored stripes plus a fifth disk for booting and keep all your data on the RAID array.

Here endeth the geekery lesson.

PS the thought of having to spend the next few evenings reinstalling software and then phoning up Adobe / Macromedia etc to get locked out software activations reset fills me with the uttermost depression.[/b]


Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:23
by canon docre
boudicca wrote: Those Krauts have a bad rap but they're pushovers really. A nation of millions might hold Public Enemy back but NOTHING stands in the way of the Boudicca steamroller. I just threatened to nuke David Hasselhoff's house if they didn't gimme the Reichstag. :twisted:
I submit defenseless to Albions fairest Lady.


The Reichstag is at your disposal, madam.

just don't take Hasselhoff away from my people.


Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:44
by boudicca
canon docre wrote:I submit defenseless to Albions fairest Lady.
So will everyone else if they know what's good for them! :twisted:
canon docre wrote: just don't take Hasselhoff away from my people.
Oh, you're welcome to him... :roll: :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 19:42
by 6FeetOver
*Awesome* pix, hon! :kiss: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:25
by boudicca
SINsister wrote:*Awesome* pix, hon! :kiss: :notworthy:
That's right, Sinny... get on side! ;D
I won't be forced to nuke Chicago that way... :twisted:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:33
by CorpPunk
So you went away on holiday to foreign lands, and brought back lots and lots of pictures of...yourself. :lol: I for one don't believe you ever left your bedroom!

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:42
by boudicca
CorpPunk wrote:So you went away on holiday to foreign lands, and brought back lots and lots of pictures of...yourself. :lol: I for one don't believe you ever left your bedroom!
That's closer to the truth than you know, I'm afraid. :|

It wasn't the best holiday I've ever had to be quite honest.

Although I do have more pictures of Austrian churches and my mother with her head in a gargoyle's mouth, if my old mug is really too much for you! ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:47
by hallucienate
Where are the zoo photos?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:49
by CorpPunk
boudicca wrote:It wasn't the best holiday I've ever had to be quite honest.

Although I do have more pictures of Austrian churches and my mother with her head in a gargoyle's mouth, if my old mug is really too much for you! ;D
Ach, you've seen one European church, you've seen 'em all. Bring on the mother-eating gargoyle! Do they sell those on eBay?

(If the trip sucked I hope you're mom paid for it, at least. Fnar fnar.)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:55
by Obviousman
CorpPunk wrote:Ach, you've seen one European church, you've seen 'em all.
Tsktsktsk... Don't say such a thing when you could've been seeing 123 metres of Antwerp's beautiful cathedral with its one and a half tower 8)


Clicky pic (and there are more nice churches in Europe, really)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:56
by Johnny M
CorpPunk wrote:Do they sell those on eBay?
Cross-thread fertilisation is a wonderful thing but do remember it is only 50p and ain't gonna buy alot. :innocent:

Have they let you out to play? :P

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 21:00
by boudicca


Awww the nice!


Mother-munching gargoyle?


Now don't say I'm not good to you! ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 21:01
by Obviousman
:notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 21:02
by boudicca
Sunbathing goth?


:von: :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 21:47
by Brideoffrankenstein
But where are the giant tortoises?