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Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:20
by Rosalie
Who likes them? I think they're great. Along with Dream Theater(Who I'll probably also end up making a topic about because I'm annoying), they have to be my most overlistened to band right now.

I really love their music, especially the Burning Season album. Annwyn is a little bit weird but it can be nice to chill to. I think I over listened it a bit though. I liked the more guitars that weren't all chorused thing of TBS.

I don't really have a favourite song by them, they're all so great.

Monica Richards is so pretty too! Wow. I don't like her in the most recent "official" photos on the site so much, she looks kinda old and plain in comparison, but other recent photos she still looks really great!

What's really weird is that she looks like some of the on-stage type constumes I designed for myself, sepcifically this one!



That is so creepy! Well they're not that much alike, but still. When I found that picture of her it made me jump. I even have red hair, a similiar shade to hers! Luckily, mine is lovely and curly.

Keep in mind It was meant to be a slightly different shade of purple in that sprite, my monitor brightness was set way too high that day :P And I decided against the purple skin thing. I think. Maybe not though.

Still, I don't want to be accused of ripping her off if I wear horns. Someone did it before her right :( I have different types of horns anyway that I intend to make, they are golden white and dragon like, and slide kinda back. I've never much intended to do the headdress thing. That would just look silly playing guitar.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:30
by boudicca
I like Annwyn the best out of their first 3 albums. Haven't heard Burning Season yet, but I mean to.

I find them a bit too gothly-goth at times, bit overly ambitious as well... but they've made some cracking songs.

PS are you a fashion/costume designer of some description?
Snap! :D :notworthy:
Well, I'm out of practise at the moment but...

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:01
by Francis
Muse are indeed and excellent band. Can't say I've ever heard of Faith.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:04
by Rosalie
boudicca wrote:I like Annwyn the best out of their first 3 albums. Haven't heard Burning Season yet, but I mean to.

I find them a bit too gothly-goth at times, bit overly ambitious as well... but they've made some cracking songs.

PS are you a fashion/costume designer of some description?
Snap! :D :notworthy:
Well, I'm out of practise at the moment but...
I don't really find them gothly goth at all, their music is a hell of a lot more diverse than most bands I've heard. Sometimes I find it difficult to call it goth at all, epsecially some of the songs on Annwyn.

And I'm not a fashion designer, fashion kind of annoys me :P I just like dressing up.

Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:28
by canon docre
Rosalie wrote: Still, I don't want to be accused of ripping her off if I wear horns. Someone did it before her right :( I have different types of horns anyway that I intend to make, they are golden white and dragon like, and slide kinda back. I've never much intended to do the headdress thing. That would just look silly playing guitar.
well, not just while playing guitar. :innocent:


Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:35
by Rosalie

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:46
by boudicca
Francis wrote:Muse are indeed and excellent band.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:58
by Rosalie
Hmm? Muse are great. I was just talking about Faith and the Muse.

Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:04
by Petseri
I still prefer Strange Boutique, Monica's old band. She still sells the back catalogue at the Mercyground site (yes, that is the name) if you want to pick up something. Tell them that someone with Freak's face on some underwear sent you. Seriously. You may not get a discount, but you will get good service.

If anyone happens to have any live tracks of Strange Boutique gigs, pleae let me know. I have been trying to track down copies, but all which I have found I were the two available from Monica's site. She told me that she did not really have much else; what she had may have gotten lost when she moved to the West Coast. Similarly the bassist could not not offer anything listenable.


Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:12
by James Blast

it all looks a bit "Hey nonny-nonny" finger-in-the-ear Scruttock's Old Dirigible, to me

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:16
by Rosalie
Hey nonny-nonny?

Hey whatty-whatty?

Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:18
by straylight
James Blast wrote: it all looks a bit "Hey nonny-nonny" finger-in-the-ear Scruttock's Old Dirigible, to me
that must be what I've been drinking lately- it'd explain the sudden expansion of the beergut anyway! :)

I haven't got horns yet though.

Working on it.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:09
by Quiff Boy
Rosalie wrote:Hey nonny-nonny?

Hey whatty-whatty?
i believe he's referring to this


when good folk goes bad.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:11
by James Blast
I do hope no rings were harmed in the making of that website?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:14
by Quiff Boy
James Blast wrote:I do hope no rings were harmed in the making of that website?
well mine hurts just looking at the site :o

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:17
by Rosalie
Oh, Morris dancing.

Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:50
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:it all looks a bit "Hey nonny-nonny" finger-in-the-ear Scruttock's Old Dirigible, to me
:lol: :notworthy: Oh Blast, you're on form today! ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 20:56
by James Blast
draw what you see, not what you know

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 22:05
by smiscandlon
I like 'em.

I thought I was the only one.

Elyria still sends a shiver up my spine after 10 years.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 22:52
by Rosalie
smiscandlon wrote:I like 'em.

I thought I was the only one.

Elyria still sends a shiver up my spine after 10 years.
Yay! I feel happy now. They're not terribly well known.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 23:55
by Planet Dave
I thought they were well known to be terrible. :wink:

Honest opinion, they were on at Eurorock 2000. W**k. :urff:

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 01:04
by eastmidswhizzkid
my missus likes muse...not my cuppa char.

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 12:03
by Rosalie
FFS Dave wrote:I thought they were well known to be terrible. :wink:

Honest opinion, they were on at Eurorock 2000. W**k. :urff:
They're well known to be terrible? I don't get what's so "terrible" about them. I find them the Burning Season a very refreshing album compared to most of the stuff in the same "alternative rock" or "goth" vein of the time.
Their music isn't the best for the live stage, though they do put on a show. at least Monica does.
They are definitely one of my favourite all time bands.

And they couldn't be particularily well known, otherwise they wouldn't be so nice as to keep adding their "fans" as friends on their MySpace :P

Hey, they're fans of the sisters, let's get them to come here :D

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 14:21
by aims
If every band that liked Sisters came here we'd be over run with dodgy darkling teens, most of whom didn't "get it".

You're lucky that there are only two of us :innocent:

Re: Faith and the Muse

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 14:25
by Quiff Boy
Rosalie wrote:Image
that matt bellamy character has put on a bit of weight hasn't he? :o


must be all that sucking in of air he does... he could really do with letting some of it out ;)