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The Hoff is back...

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 19:35
by Debaser
now if this is a 'joke' I apologise and call upon those persons here present to remove it and place it elsewhere...


Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 19:42
by hallucienate

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 20:00
by boudicca
I didn't have to nuke him after those pesky Krauts gave me the Reichstag...

... now I'm reconsidering. :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 20:04
by Obviousman
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 20:56
by eastmidswhizzkid
:lol: :notworthy: :lol:

nice one,francis,though his chin seems to get in the way when you go around corners. :lol:

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 22:18
by CellThree
I've just finished Knight Rider season 2. The Hoff sings in one of the episodes.

He rocks.

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 22:23
by Francis
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:nice one,francis

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 22:35
by Debaser
Francis wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:nice one,francis
:lol: :lol: Good job I don't get huffy...or should that be Hoffy :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 23:49
by timsinister
Come the day of reckoning, a lot of people are gonna get into trouble...

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 01:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
Francis wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:nice one,francis
<after posting and deleting sarky comment,t'penny drops>

sorry Francis;for some reason i misread it in "general chat" index as you being the author of this post. :oops:

that should,of course,read:

nice one Debaser! :notworthy: ( :oops: )

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 08:35
by Debaser
Ach give over......not gonna spit my dummy out over something so trivial...just tease you a bit :D

And on the day of reckoning, I'll be first against the wall BOP BOP BOP

Ahhhhhhh Wolfie Smith

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:20
by straylight
Debaser wrote: And on the day of reckoning, I'll be first against the wall BOP BOP BOP

Ahhhhhhh Wolfie Smith
Just how did the lovely Wolfie turn into that boring bloke on that terrible 'my family' show?

Oh yeah. I remember. That old bugger time again.

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:23
by markfiend
I think that My Family is quite funny sometimes

I'll get me coat.

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:25
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:I think that My Family is quite funny sometimes

I'll get me coat.
me too. mainly due to their eldest son though :oops:

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:27
by straylight
It must be moderator humour then, we lowly ones don't get it...

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:53
by timsinister
Agreed stray, that Nick kid makes my knuckles itch and my trigger-finger twitch.