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Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 22:56
by rian
Anyone cares about that?


Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:03
by boudicca
I'm just surprised all this bomb activity ain't registering on the old Richter scale...

Alfred Nobel would be proud. :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:08
by Andie
yeah it's really getting dangerous out there in the big bad destinations are extremely soft targets...which is whay they are so often targets...

we shall continue doing the things we always do...more aware of our fellow man on the bus and the train...

looks like there's a whirlwind a comming...better batten down the hatches

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:16
by MadameButterfly
They should be careful where they let their bombs explode - just now someone awakes the spirit of the sun god Ra and then we'll all have to run and hide...... :cry:


Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:17
by boudicca
Burn wrote:...more aware of our fellow man on the bus and the train...
Quite good really... it'll prevent people falling asleep and missing their stops.

Every cloud eh? :wink:

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 10:11
by Andie

sorry for sidetracking your reply here but um...the Sun God Ra...

is he a suicide bomber too?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 10:16
by Andie
boudicca wrote:
Burn wrote:...more aware of our fellow man on the bus and the train...
Quite good really... it'll prevent people falling asleep and missing their stops.

Every cloud eh? :wink:
are you suggesting that commuters shouldn't have a nap on the 5.30pm out of Kings Cross?...mmm...actually i see your point...maybe they'll just have a nap at work in the afternoons instead... :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 13:27
by MadameButterfly
@ Burn - good afternoon......don't worry about the side-track...used to that, but my concern about what happened in Egypt - my feeling says there might cause a chain reaction and the timing *when thinking about through eyes of terror* is perfect for the up-coming months.

In Europe most schools are now going for the 6 week summer holidays and what do people and look for sunny beaches and the airports are crowded and stress levels get high....get my point?!

Just more of a warning if you may be travelling in all this madness just to watch yourself and be safe and let's hope that there is no chain-reaction.


Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:42
by andymackem
Do you think people will start talking to each other on buses and trains? The old (alleged) blitz spirit?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 17:01
by MadameButterfly
8) Yeah, here in Holland among these *sober* minds everyday is just another day....travelling on the trains is rudely interrupted with all the mobile conversations that I couldn't be interested in.....interupts my book-reading :evil: :!:

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 18:16
by boudicca
andymackem wrote:Do you think people will start talking to each other on buses and trains? The old (alleged) blitz spirit?
Ooh let's hope not.

Not very British is it? :wink:

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 19:45
by Dark
That's the same resort my parents and I go (or in my case, "went") to. Weird, why would ANYONE bother bombing that place?

According to an interview on Radio 5Live with a guy in the nightclub next to the bombed building, he said someone yelled "It's gonna go off! It's gonna go off!" and 15 seconds later: Kaboom.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 22:16
by Andie
MadameButterfly wrote:@ Burn - good afternoon......don't worry about the side-track...used to that, but my concern about what happened in Egypt - my feeling says there might cause a chain reaction and the timing *when thinking about through eyes of terror* is perfect for the up-coming months.

In Europe most schools are now going for the 6 week summer holidays and what do people and look for sunny beaches and the airports are crowded and stress levels get high....get my point?!

Just more of a warning if you may be travelling in all this madness just to watch yourself and be safe and let's hope that there is no chain-reaction.

evening MB

yeah i do see your point...tourist resorts are soft targets...which is why for the past umm...*counting*...14 years i've never traveled to the middle east...don't get me wrong...Egypt is a place i'd love to go...i'm fasinated by the ancient empires of Greece, Rome and Egypt...i'd love to travel in Israel and Jordan...but it's just to damn dangerous

something about the empire builders of today i think :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 01:14
by eastmidswhizzkid
i'm with Burn as far as travel is concerned.egypt has always captured my imagination and i long ago vowed to visit there before i die.
unfortunately ,for most of my adult life the ever present political mess of the middle east has been enjoying a particularly turbulent and violent period of activity.
i know the standard line is "carry on as normal or the terrorists have won."i utterly agree with that sentiment with regard to terrorists on british soil.
however,"carrying on as normal" .for me,means not travelling to the middle of a war zone.
i actually stand four-square behind the Palestinians' cause; but i don't expect islamic jihad or hezbollah to see me as anything but a western target.

@rian- to answer your question i care deeply about all the ways in which the future is being fukked up "for our children to inherit".

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 11:32
by Dark
Dark wrote:That's the same resort my parents and I go (or in my case, "went") to. Weird, why would ANYONE bother bombing that place?

According to an interview on Radio 5Live with a guy in the nightclub next to the bombed building, he said someone yelled "It's gonna go off! It's gonna go off!" and 15 seconds later: Kaboom.
It turns out I was wrong, I got my resorts mixed up.
That's the resort my parents are GOING to in 10 weeks time. We've never been there before, and by the looks of it, it seems my parents never will now. They're probably going to cancel. :roll:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 11:39
by andymackem
Burn wrote:yeah i do see your point...tourist resorts are soft targets...which is why for the past umm...*counting*...14 years i've never traveled to the middle east...don't get me wrong...Egypt is a place i'd love to go...i'm fasinated by the ancient empires of Greece, Rome and Egypt...i'd love to travel in Israel and Jordan...but it's just to damn dangerous

something about the empire builders of today i think :wink: :innocent:
But I couldn't miss the irony when, after months of urging me to be careful on my own travels, my parents make their annual trip to London / SE on July 7.

I'd probably pass on Israel (lack of interest, mostly), and maybe Afghanistan at the moment, but I don't think there's anywhere else I'd avoid on safety grounds. Statistically I'm still more likely to meet my end in a road accident in Essex than in a bomb attack anywhere in the world.

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 21:34
by MadameButterfly
:cry: I feel that war should just stop :!: The generation that went through one of the worst are still with us for about a decade or two...unless something else happens that comes from the galaxy before then.

These *human* wars are one thing that have people on their toes at the moment.....and yet I laugh at the *European Security* as a whole and that is something that I feel should be up-dated, to the extent that it should become a global one, where information is shared and people all over the world should be allowed to work at only perfecting our safety. It is text-book stuff the only problem is when it gets into the wrong hands or when powerful leaders abuse that priveledge for what ever reason (usually money as money makes the world go round).

After the political leaders met to discuss the poverty in Africa among others and by others brings to the other deadly wars in our face we sometimes have to ignore them....

The tiny little viruses living among us in the form of aids, ebola and the common flu or *influenza*. Just like the Spanish flu decades ago and looking at all religions - that feared *plague* that will wipe out most of us.....and then where the power is at this moment....

Don't always think big remember the small things in life destroy?!?

Not to scare anyone *just deeper thoughts*


Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 09:22
by markfiend
"Spanish" flu is overdue another outbreak/pandemic as it happens.

More than 99% of the living things on the planet are bacteria. (Viruses aren't technically alive because they have to "hack into" something else's genetic machinery in order to reproduce and metabolise.) Bacteria have been around a lot longer than humans and will still be around when we're being dug up as fossils.

There's even a species of bacteria, discovered living in a nylon production plant's waste water out-fall, that has evolved the ability to eat nylon.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 09:24
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:"Spanish" flu is overdue another outbreak/pandemic as it happens.

More than 99% of the living things on the planet are bacteria. (Viruses aren't technically alive because they have to "hack into" something else's genetic machinery in order to reproduce and metabolise.) Bacteria have been around a lot longer than humans and will still be around when we're being dug up as fossils.

There's even a species of bacteria, discovered living in a nylon production plant's waste water out-fall, that has evolved the ability to eat nylon.
edible stockings anyone?

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 09:35
by MadameButterfly
:lol: More like edible *underwear* :wink: :kiss: :innocent:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 10:20
by andymackem
But war won't just stop. It's an inherent part of human nature. We are competitive tribal animals. This will always generate conflict.

A majority of people, regardless of colour or creed, will prefer to live peacably and be left largely to their own devices. But once threatened, or once they perceive a threat, people will always strike back. And everyone has a breaking point somewhere, if you push the right buttons.

From a comfortable, affluent Western European perspective there's not much point in grumbling about money making the world go round. If it didn't, and if our governments weren't pulling every stunt they could to ensure it comes round this way, you wouldn't be able to afford the computer you're using to call for revolution :wink:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 10:49
by MadameButterfly
@andymacken - Indeed war comes down to big boys throwing their toys....and I agree with you that war won't just stop. But I am one of those sort that can live in the world, only it's my world within this one. I know better that anyone that money if you don't have it you become creative and thanks to the tax system I can buy make-up.

As for this computer (taken almost 4 years to get where it is) and thanks to my better-half for working the 40 hours a week and putting up with me :von: We have ADSL and that's why I can afford to do my thing...

Still the posting once something happens proves that we all do care about each way or the step closer to love in this sick world 8) :kiss:


Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 11:48
by Karst
MadameButterfly wrote:8) Yeah, here in Holland among these *sober* minds everyday is just another day....travelling on the trains is rudely interrupted with all the mobile conversations that I couldn't be interested in.....interupts my book-reading :evil: :!:
Do like everyone else and get an iPod with your favourite Sisters live performance. And play it loud. On your Sony MDR-V300 headphones. Watch the place clear.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 12:30
by MadameButterfly
@Karst - 8) People just look at my face and the expression on my face when I'm interupted from the book and trust me it's like bats fleeing from hell!!!! :lol: :von: ;D

Have to know the Dutch to f**k them :innocent: :kiss: