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file sharing

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:46
by Brideoffrankenstein
Just wondered if any of you use file-sharing and how regularly you use it. Ok it's probably not the best place to admit to it on an open forum and everything but do you ever worry about getting caught? :innocent: Is all this free music really going to kill the music industry etc etc....

Re: file sharing

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:50
by canon docre
Brideoffrankenstein wrote: Is all this free music really going to kill the music industry etc etc....
Well, it surely has killed already the careers of a few minor bands. :|

Re: file sharing

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 23:55
by Brideoffrankenstein
canon docre wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote: Is all this free music really going to kill the music industry etc etc....
Well, it surely has killed already the careers of a few minor bands. :|
bands you know cd?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 00:02
by lazarus corporation
I think it helps bands.

I've bought so many new CDs recently based on music I've downloaded.

If the songs are good enough then I'll buy the CD (with the better sound quality and all the accompanying artwork etc). If the songs are lacklustre then I won't.

The music industry needs to readjust, and work out new sales models.

And on a Sisters-related note Tony James' new band Carbon/Silicon actively encourage it (clicky for news link).

Re: file sharing

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 00:03
by canon docre
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
canon docre wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote: Is all this free music really going to kill the music industry etc etc....
Well, it surely has killed already the careers of a few minor bands. :|
bands you know cd?
My own household was suffering considerably. My ex-bf could live very good from making music, now not anymore. Surely there're a lot of reasons for the decline, you can't take it all up to the downloading. But record companies tend to not put so much efforts in smaller or medium bands at the moment. :(

I dont mind at all if people rip off major acts that can afford it. But if you care about a band, please pay for what they give you.


[rant over :D ]

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 09:55
by Pat
I only use Dimeadozen.
They only allow bootlegs,and if an artist informs them they are not trade friendly ,all files from that artist will be removed.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 09:59
by Obviousman
I'd agree with laz... At least, that's the way I'm working with the stuff too... Problem is, most people just download and never buy, which is indeed quite selfish...

Apart from that: Soulseek, most definately

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 10:18
by Quiff Boy
i gather bitlord is good download software and films "torrent" files very quickly, which can found via

its not unlike downloading sharewar then getting the serial # from somewhere like only you dont have to wade through popups advertising barely legal teens and russian brides :roll:


and i'm with laz on the "download the song(s) and if you like it, buy it"

i have quite a few mp3s on my pc and on my mp3 player, and apart from the sisters live and demo stuff, about 80% of it comes from CDs that i own and that i ripped to mp3 for ease of listening.

what downloading music through filesharing apps does offer though is the opportunity to have that one song by a band that you think you like, but that you would never dream of forking out a tenner or more for their album on the off-chance it has more than 1 good track on it.

there are plenty of things where if i hadnt downloaded them i just wouldnt bother with them.

the maximo park album "a certain trigger" is a case in point: its ok-ish and has 2 not bad tracks on, but i'd happily not have it if it was a choice between that or paying ten quid plus for the cd.

i fail to see how the band are loosing out from me on that one - they wouldnt have my money either way. but as it stands i've at least heard them and can say they have a couple of good songs... :?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 13:13
by Brideoffrankenstein
Quiff Boy wrote:what downloading music through filesharing apps does offer though is the opportunity to have that one song by a band that you think you like, but that you would never dream of forking out a tenner or more for their album on the off-chance it has more than 1 good track on it.

there are plenty of things where if i hadnt downloaded them i just wouldnt bother with them.
Exactly. I have been exploring the back catologues of bands I already have things by and certainly intend to purchase (probably 2nd hand off ebay though and not brand new :lol: :wink: ). Also, I have been downloading music from bands I have heard of but have never had the spare cash to purchase anything they have released. Some bands are not worth parting with my cash for (like QB says) and some are, and I will be puchasing these albums on an as and when basis 8)

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 13:21
by Obviousman
About those torrents:

Do you actually share yourself when downloading with one of those?
I like the idea of it, but when it comes to movies, I rather not share those as I have only a very limited upload (1gig/30days) :roll:

So is there any way to control that in torrent-software?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 15:15
by hallucienate
Obviousman wrote:So is there any way to control that in torrent-software?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 15:18
by Obviousman
hallucienate wrote:
Obviousman wrote:So is there any way to control that in torrent-software?
And the best way to do that is to use... and then doing... ;D

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 15:27
by hallucienate
Obviousman wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Obviousman wrote:So is there any way to control that in torrent-software?
And the best way to do that is to use... and then doing... ;D
Welllll, I use a text based torrent client running on a linux machine so I'm probably not the best person to ask but in clients like bitspirit it's just a setting that allows you to choose your upload speed, nothing tricky.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 18:27
by Pat
A list is available here.I use the Official Client, it's basic but allows me to limit the upload speed.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 19:48
by Dark
Well, all Tierkreis' releases, as far as we can tell, are gonna be limited to 100 copies. So after they're all sold out, I don't have major issues with anyone downloading the songs as medium-bitrate mp3s.

And as far as bootlegs go, if someone records a gig on a cassette (but not CD)and tells me about it, you never know, I might even sign the original for them. :lol:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 16:27
by rian
I use Soulseek to find new bands. If I really like them, I buy the CD. If I don't like it, I delete it.

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:16
by CellThree
I've stopped using Soulseek because it is too slow, I use the Azuerus client to control my Bit Torrent downloads.

I don't download a lot of music nowadays anyway, mainly just TV progs that I've missed.

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:21
by Obviousman
rian wrote:I use Soulseek to find new bands. If I really like them, I buy the CD. If I don't like it, I delete it.
The worst part of downloading.. Deleting...

Even if I've downloaded utter crap, I just can't do it :cry:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:28
by rian
Obviousman wrote:
rian wrote:I use Soulseek to find new bands. If I really like them, I buy the CD. If I don't like it, I delete it.
The worst part of downloading.. Deleting...

Even if I've downloaded utter crap, I just can't do it :cry:
Well, my discs would be full if I didn't delete stuff. And I have 20GB+20GB+120GB in my download computer.
