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Currently Smoking - Nothing

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 17:05
by ruffers
Not had a fag today for the first time in years and so far so good. None of that nicotine replacement gum stuff, I've tried that before and it's worse than smoking.

I'm being if anything a bit hyper at the moment. All a bit weird but so far so good, it really is time to stop. And according to the little sign on my desk my oxygen levels have returned to normal already which one would imagine can only be good.

Further update tomorrow.

(I don't care if you're not interested by the way, this is therapy :lol: )

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 17:17
by rian
Haven't had one since January 7 2000.

And I feel fine :)

Good luck! You gonna need it. :wink:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:02
by Dark
LazCorp and others were giving up too when last I heard.
How's that going?

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 18:13
by lazarus corporation
I haven't had a ciggy for 3 months (or whenever it was I said I was giving up).

I had 3 packs of nictoine-free herbal fags to steady the nerves on the first 3-4 days, then went cold turkey.

After 3 months, I'm now officially a non-smoker :)

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 19:32
by boudicca
lazarus corporation wrote:nictoine-free herbal fags
Oh aye...? :innocent:

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 19:36
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:nictoine-free herbal fags
Oh aye...? :innocent:
no, not that type!

seriously, NTB are the best ones - far better than those Honeyrose ones.

@ruffers - good luck - if you have bad pangs over the first few days (while you're kicking the physical/chemical addiction) then I'd suggest getting a pack or 5 of these - they deal with the psyhcological addiction while you're dealing with the physical addiction.

After the first week of not smoking you should do away with the herbal ones as well and start working on the psychological addiction of reaching for the fag packet every five minutes.


Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 19:37
by boudicca
Good way to get started as well, I shouldn't wonder. :twisted:

Ease yourself into the habit...

Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 21:11
by nick the stripper
A kipper.


Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 21:20
by ruffers
nick the stripper wrote:A kipper.


Posted: 25 Jul 2005, 21:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Had all the good intentions together wit Laz, but failed the test after one week :|

Will try again one of these days...really.


Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 04:45
by eastmidswhizzkid
currently smoking outside due to impending's a pain in the arse.therefore it is my intention to stop the day it's born.(after i've wet its head,natch :wink: )

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 09:03
by ruffers
That was my plan. (My boy is ten next month :urff: )

Anyway, it's now 24 hours. Carbon monoxide has been eliminated from my body, huzzah! The risk of a heart attack is being to drop and my lungs are starting to clear out mucus and other smoking debris (ashtrays, lighters, that kind of thing)

I'm not quite as happy about it as yesterday but not too bad so far.

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 09:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
ruffers wrote:That was my plan. (My boy is ten next month :urff: )
:lol: i'm sure that'll be the reality of it for me!

though i am gonna try.honest... :innocent:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 10:14
by Dark
We're all proud of you Ruffers. :notworthy:

I found a good way around these problem, I ain't gonna smoke. :lol:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 10:20
by ruffers
<patronising mode on>

That's the single most sensible decision you will probably ever make young man, and one I wish I'd stuck to myself.


Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 09:52
by ruffers
This morning I am in an exceptionally bad mood. My skin's crawling, I've slept awfully for two nights now and I can't concentrate on anything.

On the flip side my guidelines say there is now "no nicotine left in my body. Sense of smell and taste is much better. Nerve endings starting to regrow."

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 10:25
by Debaser
I'm in a real dilema at the moment...I LOVE smoking but am sort of thinking about giving up (tried it before and it lasted 4 + years each time (Quiffy's GF is to blame for my lapse a few years ago :D :D :D :D)

Anyway, the Chair of Govenors at my school has been making my life at school hell over the past three or four months. First at a Gov meeting, where the No Smoking policy was up for renewal, she directed ALL the questions and demands at me (I am NOT the only smoker at school) We are not allowed to smoke on school site, which is fair enough, have to tell kids about the dangers blah di blah.) But that's by the by, EVERYTHIG was aimed and directed at me.

More recently and 6 pm on Wednesday evening BEFORE a Parent's Evening, I was just leaving the school site and she collared me again. 'Where are you going , you are not allowed to smoke on site' I was going off school site (there's a public foot path that's over grown and is out of bounds to the kids DURING SCHOOL TIME). Then she proceded to grill me about not letting the kids see me and using the foot path was not good enough...blah di blah di blah in my strange way, I refuse to give up just in case she thinks she's forced me too - Debaser logic at work, it's a dangerous thing :D :D

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 11:08
by smiscandlon
Debaser wrote:I'm in a real dilema at the moment...I LOVE smoking but am sort of thinking about giving up (tried it before and it lasted 4 + years each time (Quiffy's GF is to blame for my lapse a few years ago :D :D :D :D)

Anyway, the Chair of Govenors at my school has been making my life at school hell over the past three or four months. First at a Gov meeting, where the No Smoking policy was up for renewal, she directed ALL the questions and demands at me (I am NOT the only smoker at school) We are not allowed to smoke on school site, which is fair enough, have to tell kids about the dangers blah di blah.) But that's by the by, EVERYTHIG was aimed and directed at me.

More recently and 6 pm on Wednesday evening BEFORE a Parent's Evening, I was just leaving the school site and she collared me again. 'Where are you going , you are not allowed to smoke on site' I was going off school site (there's a public foot path that's over grown and is out of bounds to the kids DURING SCHOOL TIME). Then she proceded to grill me about not letting the kids see me and using the foot path was not good enough...blah di blah di blah in my strange way, I refuse to give up just in case she thinks she's forced me too - Debaser logic at work, it's a dangerous thing :D :D
Genuine question from a non-smoker.

How on Earth can you love smoking?

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 11:34
by Mrs RicheyJames
You can't really explain the feeling to a non-smoker. But I'm with ya Debs <lights up>. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I'm the same though. There's this new rule at the hospital that says you must not wear your uniform to or from work. Fair enough. I totally understand that. NOW they are trying to make us get changed just to go to the smoking shed outside. Flip that. By the time we've got changed and buggered off outside, our fifteen mins will be up!

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 11:39
by smiscandlon
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:You can't really explain the feeling to a non-smoker. But I'm with ya Debs <lights up>. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hey, sounds good! I must try it myself.

Ain't peer pressure a great thing? :D

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 12:38
by markfiend
<needs a fag now>

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 13:28
by lazarus corporation
ruffers wrote:This morning I am in an exceptionally bad mood. My skin's crawling, I've slept awfully for two nights now and I can't concentrate on anything.

On the flip side my guidelines say there is now "no nicotine left in my body. Sense of smell and taste is much better. Nerve endings starting to regrow."
You're going through the worst bit now. If you've got the strength to get through the next 2 days then it's surprisingly easier after that.

I was smoking 40-60 a day up to 3 months ago, and I managed it. I can smell the sea again now, which I couldn't before - it brings back loads of childhod memories.

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 13:57
by ruffers
thanks :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 17:24
by Obviousman
Keep the good work going and don't you dare to start again :wink: :P

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, 07:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
I know is should stop. I know it's not good for me....Blah blah blah blah....I'll stop when I get preggers again and not before. I've tried. I don't have the willpower unless I'm doing it for someone else. Was a piece of p*ss giving up when I found out I was preggers. Funny thing, the mind.