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Serious question.....

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 10:30
by snowey
Anyone know how Johnny M is??? I last saw him collapsing near me and was wondering how he was.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 10:31
by Ed Rhombus
Once outside. He was okay.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 10:33
by hallucienate
Just been bouncing text messages with him, he's fine this morning and just got on the train home.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 11:53
by coldbeer
I helped get someone out at one point in the same gig so wanted to check whther he was OK. If it is the same guy mentioned here then that's good news although my dodgy shoulders aren't too happy at having to try and lift him up those damn stairs :eek:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 12:31
by Debaser
He seemed right as rain by the end of the gig. No doubt the beer was 'off' ;)

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 12:33
by Debaser
coldbeer wrote:I helped get someone out at one point in the same gig so wanted to check whther he was OK. If it is the same guy mentioned here then that's good news although my dodgy shoulders aren't too happy at having to try and lift him up those damn stairs :eek:
What a way to become a first time poster! :lol: :lol: You'll think we're all old soaks ;)

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 13:25
by Quiff Boy
coldbeer wrote:I helped get someone out at one point in the same gig so wanted to check whther he was OK. If it is the same guy mentioned here then that's good news although my dodgy shoulders aren't too happy at having to try and lift him up those damn stairs :eek:
a good samaritan :notworthy:

welcome :D

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 13:27
by Johnny M
Oh dear. The things I'll do to get my own thread. :roll:

Lack of sleep, lack of food, too much alcohol and too much excitement. The excitement of standing THAT close to the lovely Debaser. Poor girl didn't need a collasping Johnny on her back. :kiss:

To those who carried me out and babysat me, thank you. You're very kind. :notworthy:

How spooky that I share a room with Delilah and we both get carried out. :eek: Never stay at The Queens in Leeds. Must be something in the water ...

I met some very groovy new people last night and you're all rather fab. I'm just a tw@t. Sometimes. :wink:

@ Delilah - When YOUR 5am wake up call comes in YOU'RE supposed to wake up and answer it. Not me. Grrrrrr .... :kiss:

Thanks for your concern Dave and let the ritual himiliation in open forum begin ...

Love to you all. 8)

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 14:08
by snowey
Typical southern poof......Cant take your ale :lol: :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 14:41
by Johnny M
Fair comment. I just glad you didn't mention the drugs ... :innocent:


Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 14:58
by markfiend
What drugs? You didn't tell me you had drugs!



Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 14:59
by aims
He didn't, he's just confusing them with typos ;)

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 15:31
by Johnny M
markfiend wrote:What drugs? You didn't tell me you had drugs!
You were too busy 'relaxing' on Henman Hill ... :innocent:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 15:34
by Planet Dave
markfiend wrote:What drugs? You didn't tell me you had drugs!


:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

So what happened Johnny? What's all this talk of collapsing? So that's you, Delilah (passing out 'down the front'), Jamie (A&E with very nasty gash above eye), so far. It can be a dangerous business going to see The Sisters. :twisted:

On the subject of Jamie's impressive wound, did anyone see who the prick was who decided to nut him during the gig? Apparently he scarpered sharpish after he'd done it - very wise. Jamie merely continued to rock (allegedly, like all good mates I was completely unaware of all these shenanigans til later. :roll:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 15:57
by markfiend
I was meaning to ask actually, is Jamie OK? Was a fun time had by all in A&E?

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 15:58
by Johnny M
FFS Dave wrote:On the subject of Jamie's impressive wound, did anyone see who the prick was who decided to nut him during the gig?
:eek: What a bummer. Send him my best. Top guy. 8)
FFS Dave wrote:Like all good mates I was completely unaware of all these shenanigans til later.
I think from the moment you showed at the pub and starting shouting "Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!" indicated to me that for that evenings entertainment you would be residing on Planet Dave for the duration. :innocent: :lol:

PS: Oh dear. Just remembered the 'kiss' photo ... :eek: :urff: :oops:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 16:02
by Thea
Jamie's fine. We got him to A&E (where they kept him untill 4am :eek:). Had word this morning that he's still alive and no longer has a gaping hole in his head.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 16:40
by Planet Dave
He's now also sporting fine dayglo blue stitches. Bloody Goth. :lol:

Planet Dave? Ah yes, I was wasn't I? Mr Fiend also seemed to enjoy his visit there. :notworthy: :notworthy: And as for Delilah - Words fail me. Johnny, once Ania gets those bloody pics up, people are gonna talk. :innocent: :lol:

This is ace, little things keep popping into my head constantly. So I'll add Bat and Michael Parker to the list of fine folk.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 16:59
by Johnny M
Ania tells me her pics will be uploaded tonight and then we await the approval of the Quiffmeister. :)

Oh dear ... :? :roll: :oops:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 17:12
by Debaser
FFS Dave wrote:
On the subject of Jamie's impressive wound, did anyone see who the prick was who decided to nut him during the gig? Apparently he scarpered sharpish after he'd done it - very wise. Jamie merely continued to rock (allegedly, like all good mates I was completely unaware of all these shenanigans til later. :roll:
Am glad he's next time, do you think I shold mention people's wounds when I first notice them? :oops:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 18:14
by timsinister
Got the bouncers to pick up Ania, got Johnny up the steps to see her, picked him up when he fell over, pushed him out of the hall afterwards, got water for many people, prised Ania off a musician, and went to A&E.

Just call me the Babysitter. Glad to hear everyone's OK.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 18:31
by canon docre
timsinister wrote:Got the bouncers to pick up Ania, got Johnny up the steps to see her, picked him up when he fell over, pushed him out of the hall afterwards, got water for many people, prised Ania off a musician, and went to A&E.

Just call me the Babysitter. Glad to hear everyone's OK.
:lol: :lol: Sounds like you did a great job!

I just wonder how I' ll be able to quell them both in Tilburg. :roll:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 18:39
by timsinister
canon docre wrote: :lol: :lol: Sounds like you did a great job!

I just wonder how I' ll be able to quell them both in Tilburg. :roll:
Up the alcohol, decrease the rock-star exposure, and employ some kind of heavy-duty electrical docilization equipment.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 18:48
by Planet Dave
timsinister wrote:
canon docre wrote: :lol: :lol: Sounds like you did a great job!

I just wonder how I' ll be able to quell them both in Tilburg. :roll:
Up the alcohol, decrease the rock-star exposure, and employ some kind of heavy-duty electrical docilization equipment.
That'll be a cattle-prod. Good idea. Gutted I won't be there to help administer it.

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 21:25
by Johnny M
timsinister wrote:Got the bouncers to pick up Ania, got Johnny up the steps to see her, picked him up when he fell over, pushed him out of the hall afterwards, got water for many people, prised Ania off a musician, and went to A&E.

Just call me the Babysitter. Glad to hear everyone's OK.
You're a star Timothy. Seriously. :notworthy:

I guess us youngsters can't control our pop intake amongst other things. Hope we didn't diss your night too much. :wink:

And now you mention it I do remember being 'escorted' (read supported) across the stage and up the back stairs to find Delilah. As for falling over I blame the gig boots. They just get heavier as the night wears on and by the end of it I just feel like I'm wearing the footware of a deep sea diver. :urff:

But as I said top man and so was Mr Eldritch Boulevard. Sorry I never caught your real name. Many thanks again. :notworthy:

So Tim, sure you can't make Tilburg? If the Johnny and Delilah show rocks again Holland is in serious trouble. :innocent:

Actually, me and Delilah are in serious trouble without your guidance. They have things like Police and jail cells and 'deported' stamps to put in your passport to keep us under control. :lol:

Oh god ... :?