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Mister Whammy is leaving the building

Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 14:18
by Purple Light

Am I a mile behind everyone in just reading this?
Now official that the legendary man has upped sticks & gone to MC5 (after the festivals.)

I'm sad to see him go but glad I finally met him on Tuesday.
Cheers Mister Whammy. :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 17:37
by Erudite
Dunno, the wording on the official site is somewhat ambiguous.

If he is leaving I guess we'll find out if:

1. Eldritch can still write tunes (as opposed to providing lyrics).

2. If Adam really was preventing the release of new material.

3. If dwindling audiences open the door for a return to the fold of
a certain ex member whose own return from the wilderness
was less than inspired (but engagingly lo-fi).

Get Craig back and it'll be all "slap-heads" together.

(Karma probably dictates that my hair will now drop out!)

Regardless of the above, I guess I'm gonna be visiting West Yorkshire
next February.
For all my bitching, I've stuck it this long...

Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 20:11
by Petseri
I do not know for certain if this is a farewell tour of sorts for Adam, but it has been said that he has left the band. It was my impression that he decided to do the festivals this summer, but for the most part had left the band. A friend of Adam refered to him as an ex-guitarist within the Sisters context several months ago already, so at least he was under the impression that Adam had moved on.


Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 02:12
by H. Blackrose
Andrius' website does a great job getting the news out, but I get really annoyed by some of the conclusions he jumps to. I wonder, for example, why he thinks that the songs that Adam co-wrote are "unlikely to be released" if, as seems probable, he's had enough of being a Sister. This seems to be a conclusion based on no logic. _Wake_ was released with "First and Last and Always" on it even though Gary Marx had left the band. Andreas's songs on _Overbombing_ were still there despite the fact that he was in the band in name only by that point.

And also, that nasty little dig about "the Sisters are now totally Eldritch's domain, Dok Avalanche gets second billing" - what's up with that? Dok Av got FIRST billing in the Vision Thing liner-notes. Eldritch has said in the past that the Dok is more important than everyone including the lead singer. Andrius really seems to take every opportunity to have a dig at Eldritch, and to read the most negative imputation into every factoid and piece of gossip. I wonder what his problem is.

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 02:54
by CellThree
H. Blackrose wrote:Andrius' website does a great job getting the news out, but I get really annoyed by some of the conclusions he jumps to. I wonder, for example, why he thinks that the songs that Adam co-wrote are "unlikely to be released" if, as seems probable, he's had enough of being a Sister. This seems to be a conclusion based on no logic. _Wake_ was released with "First and Last and Always" on it even though Gary Marx had left the band. Andreas's songs on _Overbombing_ were still there despite the fact that he was in the band in name only by that point.
Von says somethig to this degree on the 6 Music interview from a couple of years back. Can't quote it coz I haven't listened to it for a while.

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 06:05
by sultan2075
H. Blackrose wrote: Andrius really seems to take every opportunity to have a dig at Eldritch, and to read the most negative imputation into every factoid and piece of gossip. I wonder what his problem is.
Are you drunk? Joking aside, the problem is that Von has done precious little to keep his fans interested. Joseph's Well and a handful of gigs on the continent do little to mollify those of his fans who live in exotic places like Lithuania and Texas (home to a rather large contingent of Sisters fans--one gig in this state would likely sell out in hours). If Von were to release an album *or* break up the band (and announce it), people would likely be happier than they are now with the tour every once in a while for a few weeks in Europe and then the dropping of hints (lies) about a forthcoming album. It's fine if he doesn't release anything ever again. It's his business if he doesn't want to. But it would be nice if he'd tell his fans--who have stuck with him through thick and thin--that that's going to be the case. Otherwise, TSOM becomes just a musical cock-tease. And nobody likes blue-balls. Or a cock-tease.

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 21:56
by TheGoodSon
Maybe it´s just me... But surely Adam´s departure could be sort of a blessing in disguise? After all, Eldritch himself has stated that it´s been Adam who has refused to release anything independently or on the Net. Now he´s (in theory, at least) free to work with someone with a more, ehrm, "open mind" towards alternative ways of distribution.

Oh, and "Hi!!", by the way; this is my first posting here... :)

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 22:01
by Dark
Great first post, great avatar. Welcome, TheGoodSon. :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 22:08
by aims
Interesting concept...but who gets to play lead now? It seems that the Sisters have in recent years consisted of Andrew + Adam + Rhythm (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not great on Sisters history ;)), making current circumstances either interesting or paralysing. No doubt Chris will be a fine creative input, but the structure of the band will be shifted majorly by this...forget it, it's the tiredness talking :lol:

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 22:37
by H. Blackrose
TheGoodSon wrote:Maybe it´s just me... But surely Adam´s departure could be sort of a blessing in disguise? After all, Eldritch himself has stated that it´s been Adam who has refused to release anything independently or on the Net. Now he´s (in theory, at least) free to work with someone with a more, ehrm, "open mind" towards alternative ways of distribution.
My thought processes exactly. My original post, which I was stone cold sober for, thanks, was a reaction to those who seem to think that Big Bad Von is responsible for everything they don't like in the Sisters world. Although since Von has worked with Pearson on-and-off for twelve years, he must have something going for him...

Think of it this way as well - many of the whingers here are all like "I wouldn't buy a new Sisters album anyway, because it would be just stuff like Summer and Romeo Down which we'd heard a thousand times already". Well, if Adam does insist on pulling his songs, then you'll get your wish, and Von and Robochrist will have to write a whole bunch of new songs just to make you happy.

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 22:42
by Karst
I'm not sure Adam is about to leave. He has been working with Kramer since 2000. He appears on the Kramer album Mad for the Racket. He also toured with them this summer. See this dairy entry on Kramer's website:

If the situation wasn't amicable then Adam would not have joined the band. How the Sisters are going to progress - I care not to speculate.

Posted: 07 Aug 2005, 23:38
by lex3000
I can't say I see the logic in Andrius's conclusions. The Sisters are inactive most of the year, it's not surprising that Adam should take guitar jobs as and when they appear. He's obvisouly got a good name for himself given that he worked with the late Johnny Thunders among others so the MC5 is an similar-ish.

I've only seen the Sisters live in the Adam Pearson years but I've got no complaints about him. After 35 gigs I still rate him. He looks really comfortable with Chris May (who looks totally at home already) and appears to have really come into his own. I do miss the boy Starling mind, he was a nice guy.

Today the beach, tomorrow Lokeren.


Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 01:42
by Petseri
TheGoodSon wrote:Maybe it´s just me... But surely Adam´s departure could be sort of a blessing in disguise? After all, Eldritch himself has stated that it´s been Adam who has refused to release anything independently or on the Net. Now he´s (in theory, at least) free to work with someone with a more, ehrm, "open mind" towards alternative ways of distribution.
Blaming Adam for a lack of releases always has sounded fishy to me. The band is still in Andrew's hands. Had Adam been the stumbling block, would not he have been sacked or been encouraged to leave? Why keep someone in the band if he is a hinderance? Furthermore, some of the new songs are not credited to Adam, either lyrics or music. For example, War on Drugs is Eldritch/Eldritch. The official site only lists Varjak for music for Suzanne. Such songs could have been released without Adam's input, or even without his involvement, but they have not yet been (other than the video clip of the latter). Sure, it could be because Adam is hesitant to release anything except in a major way, or it could be that his studio's construction is the reason for the delay, but it sounds more likely that Adam is simply being used as a scapegoat.

Would someone eager to release a product offer such limited updates on his website (or even forget the password to it)? His engergies more likely have been focused elsewhere. I would like to have a new release, but I doubt that Adam's departure will play a decisive role in that.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 02:22
by eastmidswhizzkid
a few points -

if adam does leave then the sisters will carry on.unless eldritch calls it a day the sisters will always carry on in one form or another.excellent guitarist he may be;but we've lost brilliant guitarists before and there are
a thousand others who would snap von's hand off to join the band.
creatively it may not be a bad thing.for starters it might encourage a spurt of new stuff.considering how long adam's been in the band there haven't been that many new songs,and none recently.where the fault lies for that is neither here nor there;but a new creative talent might inspire eldritch considerably.NB.i love 'summer' et al ,and adam live,so don't think i'm ''anti' -ust being realistic/optimistic.

i think petseri is right about releases.its andrew's band.end of story.
and even if adam wasn't up for releasing stuff,there's no reason why the stuff he co-wrote can't be recorded without him.

last but not least ,''Welcome to HL!'' to the good son 8)

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 02:27
by Petseri
H. Blackrose wrote:And also, that nasty little dig about "the Sisters are now totally Eldritch's domain, Dok Avalanche gets second billing" - what's up with that? Dok Av got FIRST billing in the Vision Thing liner-notes. Eldritch has said in the past that the Dok is more important than everyone including the lead singer. Andrius really seems to take every opportunity to have a dig at Eldritch, and to read the most negative imputation into every factoid and piece of gossip. I wonder what his problem is.
Is Andrius really so negative? In the example provided, the Sisters' site (currently this page) lists the band in that order, so Eldritch indeed gets top billing now. Is that really a dig at AE? (Am I really writing about a programmable machine getting dropped in a list? Does [can] the Doktor care that in the past 15 years he has fallen a rung? Is anyone credited on Under the Gun?)

One thing which I like about Andrius' site is that he presents details as he sees them. Not everyone may agree with his conclusions or his points of view, but that is fine. He nevertheless provides a good service to those interested in the band, and at the same time does not go along with the party line. He is willing to say that the emperor is naked if that is what he sees.

I sincerely hope that I a not coming across as overly critical with this post or my previous one above; I am not trying to be. I simply am offering my opinion.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 03:16
by Petseri
H. Blackrose wrote:Although since Von has worked with Pearson on-and-off for twelve years, he must have something going for him...
Andrew or Adam? (Maybe Adam is patient. :innocent: )
H. Blackrose wrote:Think of it this way as well - many of the whingers here are all like "I wouldn't buy a new Sisters album anyway, because it would be just stuff like Summer and Romeo Down which we'd heard a thousand times already". Well, if Adam does insist on pulling his songs, then you'll get your wish, and Von and Robochrist will have to write a whole bunch of new songs just to make you happy.
I would hope that the band members would release something if it made them happy.

Those who have heard Summer et al a thousand times already certainly would be among the earliest to get copies of any new release. Whether or not a release gets good marks depends more on the quality than on the track selection. Songs sound different after remixed in the studio than their live counterparts. Everyone has their own preferences, but Marian does not do much for me live, yet I never skip the studio version. Simillarly, I prefer some of Andreas' live versions of Gimme Shelter to the studio recording. The portastudion demos from Floodland obviously got reworked for the album as well. Any final product will be judged on its own merit, which may not sound too close to what we have heard thus far.

Besides, it would be nothing new if a new release did not rankle some fans. Some people rejected Floodland when it was released because it was not like FALAA. Some were perplexed that Vision Thing was so stripped. Then, sadly, there is the impression that some people just need to complain.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 04:54
by eastmidswhizzkid
Petseri wrote: Then, sadly, there is the impression that some people just need to complain.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
ain't that the truth... :roll:

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 09:05
by TheGoodSon
Blaming Adam for a lack of releases always has sounded fishy to me. The band is still in Andrew's hands.
This is indeed where my logic fails. Andrew hasn´t been known to put his own creative desires aside for anyone; I fail to see how Adam would be an exception. So maybe it´s just wishful thinking on my part...

Still, new blood is never a bad thing.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 11:51
by paint it black
adam left ages ago. he was 'cajoled' into playing this tour. doesn't the offical site site say that :roll:

maybe the youth of robochrist means he will work for nothing, some of the others may not have been prepared to do that

anyway ilkley moor festival at the end of August just about sums it all up

TTFN :von:

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 12:10
by markfiend
I don't think Chris is playing for free.

Much cheaper than anyone else Eldritch could get, maybe, but free? I doubt it.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 12:41
by nigel d
even though ive heard "summer" etc a thousand times already , id bet we'd all rush out and buy it if it was released tomorrow :lol:

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 13:01
by Karst
I'm still at a loss why the DVD wasn't done. The Mish are getting one out later this month and it looks absolutely great. And Eldritch can easily get one of the gigs on the current tour properly filmed and delve into his archives. It would also prove to be a good vehicle for releasing Summer as a single IMHO and show the pulling power of the band these days. But it seems to be that Eldritch can't be bothered. Just as with the BBC radio recordings. It would require a minimum of effort to put these together. He simply doesn't seem interested.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 14:02
by Obviousman
The gigs are still getting filmed, not with a pro camera obviously, but still, I think you would get quite some nice images out of those...

I'd agree with saying he does not seem like very interested, guess we'll have to live with that and hope he'll do more good tours with stunning performances like this one :wink:

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 14:22
by Karst
All things considered, they are headling the M'ere Luna Festival on Sunday and there probably be a crew on hand to film some of that. Then again, a lot of preperation goes into that so it is probably too late to consider this.

Posted: 08 Aug 2005, 18:46
by Debaser