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Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 08:53
by RicheyJames
anyone else watch it? whilst not being as "unmissable" as channel four would have us believe i think it has the potential to get really interesting as things develop. and it's got a polar bear in it!

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 08:58
by emilystrange
i was up here. mr s didn't get through the opening credits, apparently, as he appeared in here 2 mins after it started. still, he taped some records to minidisc.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 08:59
by smiscandlon
Missed most of the first episode, but watched the second (then the third straight after on E4).

Definitely has potential, as long as they keep building on the more original aspects of the storyline (at times it does seem in danger of descending into a run-of-the-mill TV movie about plane crashing on deserted island . . . or is it deserted? - insert cannibals / mutants / dinosaurs / genetic experiment gone horribly wrong here).

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
Undecided as yet. Although I don't think it's as great as people would have us believe.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:04
by hallucienate
Watched the whole series thanks to the glory of the 'net. Loved it.

Can I ruin it for you guys?

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:12
by andymackem
Saw the first two, quite enjoyed it. Might not watch next Wednesday since I'm flying the next day, but there you go. Not many desert islands between Stansted and Newcastle, I guess.

It does seem a bit self-consciously odd in a Twin Peaksy kind of way. That might annoy me soon.

And it only briefly had a polar bear in it, which is disappointing.

In between I saw 9 Songs on DVD. That was very disappointing. Couple go to hear some not very interesting bands and shag a lot. Intermittent views of Antarctica. Would it have been pornographic if she'd had bigger tits?

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:41
by DerekR
I loved it, I did the episode 3 thing on E4 too as I just couldn't wait.

Apparently C4 made some cuts to the first two episodes,not too happy about that. The 'pilot in the tree' cut was the most obvious :|

Currently downloading the rest of the series on bittorrent 8)

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:46
by hallucienate
DerekR wrote:Currently downloading the rest of the series on bittorrent 8)
That's your weekend spoken for then :lol:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 13:10
by lazarus corporation
I was distinctly unimpressed - yet more over-hyped underwhelming trash, along the lines of Desperate Housewives- heavily diluted David Lynch, sanitised for the masses and filled with pretty young people with perfect teeth.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 13:16
by straylight
lazarus corporation wrote:I was distinctly unimpressed - yet more over-hyped underwhelming trash, along the lines of Desperate Housewives- heavily diluted David Lynch, sanitised for the masses and filled with pretty young people with perfect teeth.
'Word!' as I believe some young people say.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 13:20
by aims
straylight wrote:'Word!' as I believe some young people say.
Please suspend that belief.

I have honestly never heard someone say that in a non-mocking sense*

*US TV Shows are considered mocking

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 13:22
by straylight
I consider myself advised and will act accordingly.

I'll just say it was crap then.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 13:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
I'm afraid I agree with Laz here. Does seem to be a prog. for the male population who like looking at skinny women!

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:56
by rian
Seen the first 24 episodes. Looking forward to part 2 in September.

I love this serie.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:01
by andymackem
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:I'm afraid I agree with Laz here. Does seem to be a prog. for the male population who like looking at skinny women!
And there's nothing wrong with that, now is there? :P

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:22
by Mrs. Snowey
Quie enjoyed it meself. And it does look like it it could turn into something with a bit of meat (unlike some of the wimmin, who need to find the pie-shop on the other side of the island 8) )

And wot's wrong with a bit of Twin Peaks style, self-conscious or otherwise? :wink:

Liked the conversation between the big dude and the fella who was trying to fix the radio too:


"Oh, my mate fought in the Gulf War too. He was in the 104th something-or-other. Were you in that?"

"No, I was in the Republican Guard"


Can't wait for next week. :D

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:54
by hallucienate
Mrs. Snowey wrote:the big dude
Hurley is the man :notworthy: :notworthy: Wait until the Numbers ep :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 09:28
by ruffers
Motz wrote:
straylight wrote:'Word!' as I believe some young people say.
Please suspend that belief.

I have honestly never heard someone say that in a non-mocking sense*

*US TV Shows are considered mocking
You don't live in Souf Lonon innit.

Lost was good, potential to be really good, I'll let it build for another few weeks. Isn't it on for about 6 months anyway?!

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 11:00
by MrChris
I've only seen segments of a couple of episodes, due to being incredibly knackered and going to bed early. But what I've seen, has looked very good, well made and with very picturesque scenery (of various kinds). I will be making an earnest effort to stay up for longer from now on.

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 11:35
by ruffers
Given the propensity of channels to drop programmes for fear of bad taste what's the odds of it not being on this week?

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 13:19
by MrChris
Hmm, good point. There've been a couple recently, haven't there? The one off Sicily last week didn't get much attention (something to do with the 'Third World' origin of the dead passengers, perhaps?), but I thought these things were supposed to become much less common...?

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:28
by DerekR
hallucienate wrote:
DerekR wrote:Currently downloading the rest of the series on bittorrent 8)
That's your weekend spoken for then :lol:
Monday, and only 60% downloaded (it's a 7.5 gig file and the torrent is more like a trickle :( )

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:35
by markfiend
DerekR wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
DerekR wrote:Currently downloading the rest of the series on bittorrent 8)
That's your weekend spoken for then :lol:
Monday, and only 60% downloaded (it's a 7.5 gig file and the torrent is more like a trickle :( )
Me too. Even leaving it running the whole weekend. I've had to pause it so bandwidth for the office doesn't get eaten up during the day so I'll resume overnight...

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:42
by DerekR
markfiend wrote:Me too. Even leaving it running the whole weekend. I've had to pause it so bandwidth for the office doesn't get eaten up during the day so I'll resume overnight...
I've found that throttling the upload speed (mines set to 8k/sec) helps with the bandwidth hogging. Before I did this my browsing was worse than dial-up whilst the torrent was running, now it's back to normal.

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:53
by hallucienate
DerekR wrote:
markfiend wrote:Me too. Even leaving it running the whole weekend. I've had to pause it so bandwidth for the office doesn't get eaten up during the day so I'll resume overnight...
I've found that throttling the upload speed (mines set to 8k/sec) helps with the bandwidth hogging. Before I did this my browsing was worse than dial-up whilst the torrent was running, now it's back to normal.
I got all the eps sitting happily on a couple of DVDs at home :innocent:

Been waiting weeks forBlack Books season 3 though :cry: