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Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 14:43
by Delilah
Went to my GP today and he confirmed I have something that shouldn't be there... That thing has 2 cm in diameter and requires a biopsy to check it out... Am scared like hell... Most of all, of the biopsy which involves a long needle but for the other obvious reasons too... Please cheer me up somehow people... :?

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 14:50
by markfiend

Hope everything turns out OK for you.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 14:55
by Johnny M
I was chuckling the other day about Tilburg. So, we arrive in Tilburg, park the car and walk to the hotel. As I walk around the corner who's the first person I bump into? Delilah! :eek:

Crawling back into the hotel at 2.00am with Christian, who bangs on the door at 2.05am to see if there's a party going on? Delilah! 8)

And the spookest one of all? Having said goodbye in Tilburg in the morning, I'm wandering through Heathrow in the late afternoon, with literally hundreds of other people, minding my own business when who appears from nowhere? Delilah! :lol:

You're my bad penny and I love you to bits. :wink:

:kiss: :kiss:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 14:57
by Planet Dave
PM on its way, omnipresent Heartland Lady. :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 14:59
by aims
:( Sorry to hear it. :(

Anyhow, be thankful that you spotted it and that the doctor knows that there's something there to be dealt with. They're trained to deal with it and if the something turns out to be dangerous, they can get rid of it. And of course there is always the possibility that while it isn't meant to be there, it's not anything of note.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:02
by MadameButterfly
:roll: Do not worry Delilah...let them first *check it out* - think in a positive way :wink:

If you need a heart-to-heart PM me

MB :kiss:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:18
by MrChris
I'm very sorry to hear that news, and our thoughts are with you. I hope you have good people around you to support you and make you strong cups of tea. The odds have to be in your favour, but that's an abstract concept really and doesn't help much, I know. I hope it gets sorted out as soon as possible, and keep us posted.

I can't think of very much in the way of up-cheering. Ho-hum. The last really funny thing that happened to me was this:

I was having a leaving party to say goodbye to my friends in Northern Ireland a few days ago. The time had arrived when the menfolk gathered in the corner with beer and exchanged puerile tales. The women were goo-ing over my friend John's newborn baby. Cue two simultaneous conversations, destined to collide horribly...

Men discuss sundry sordid tales, including, most mirthfully, the case of the English man arrested for fornicating with pavements. Men discuss ins and outs :wink: of this case and the legal and moral ramifications. One 'John' makes a spirited defence of said pavement-friend, on the grounds (nudge, nudge) that he's not really doing anything wrong.

Women discuss wee babby, who happens to belong to 'John'. American lady and babby's mother discuss his fine features, and whether he takes after his father or not. American lady looks hard at 'John'.

......American lady says she believes he has his father's nose.

.....'John' pauses in defence of pavement fornicator, to see nearby group of women staring at him, and proclaims, offended...

'Oh, it's not me! it's someone else!'

American lady looks embarrassed. Puerile men look genuinely perplexed at why American lady thinks 'John' is a pavement-shagger. Baby's mother looks perplexed at why 'John's has denied being the father of his baby. She looks away, somewhat hurt. Men and women exchange uncomprehending looks for several moments in the way that only men and women can. And then collapse with laughter, as several drinks are spilled and at least one crotch has a near-wetting experience.

Well, I thought it was funny. Best wishes, anyway.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:24
by James Blast
after my recent encounter with the NHS I can tell you that you will be well looked after and recieve excellent care and treatment, all my best

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:37
by boudicca
I can echo what's already been said... even if the "something" is something unpleasant, the outlook is probably excellent for you since it's been spotted. People's automatic reaction is to panic at these things - I've had something similar with a friend of mine and in my own family - but the outlook's often a lot less bleak than you might fear at first.
Keep us posted, and PM us if you want a natter.

Now, as far as cheering up goes... I have a sure-fire remedy... :wink:

;D Never fails...

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:50
by rian
My thoughts are with you, and I'm sure it there will be a happy ending.

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 15:53
by hallucienate
All the best Ania.

Did I tell you I hung out with this crazy f*cker and his crew on Friday night?

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:11
by DerekR
Best wishes Ania. Hope everything goes OK. You've done the right thing, getting it checked out. Be strong.

How to cheer you up....well I dunno but a few minutes ago one of my cats fell off the coffee table and gave me the dirtiest look when I laughed out loud :lol: I guess you had to be there...

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:27
by christophe
don't worry Delilah, I' sure it will turn out to be nothing to be afraid of.
if you need someone to scream at, I'm only a PM away :wink:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:33
by Dark
Best wishes from the industrial side of Lincoln. :von:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 16:59
by scotty
Hpoe you get good news about it soon,keep possotive,to cheer you up,I'm, going to a festival at the weekend where the "Proclaimers"are to play,i;m hoping a few well aimed bottles will cut there set short!!

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 17:10
by Mrs. Snowey
Something to cheer Delilah up:

Well, it's made me laugh out loud today anyway :D

All the best :D

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 19:07
by Obviousman

I'm with everyone and hope/know it'll turn out to be okay, hard to find words to add... All the very best Ania :kiss:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 19:17
by Brideoffrankenstein
Just to re-iterate what everyone else has already said - I'm sure you'll be fine, it's been found early so the odds are in your favour. It could always be malign and not actually be anything!

Be strong like we all know you can be :wink:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 19:58
by doc P
check your pm my dear! :kiss:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 20:57
by canon docre
Something to cheer you up. Mmmmmh. :| Not easy in this situation....


Ok, I've got something.... :P Remember how we couldn't stop laughing in bed that night in Tilburg? :innocent:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 21:01
by James Blast
canon docre wrote:Remember how we couldn't stop laughing in bed that night in Tilburg?
I want more information

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 21:04
by scotty
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote:Remember how we couldn't stop laughing in bed that night in Tilburg?
I want more information
And any Pic's :innocent:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 21:06
by doc P
canon docre wrote:Something to cheer you up. Mmmmmh. :| Not easy in this situation....


Ok, I've got something.... :P Remember how we couldn't stop laughing in bed that night in Tilburg? :innocent:
was probably during the time francis and i were missing our room mate :innocent: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 21:07
by James Blast
scotty wrote:
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote:Remember how we couldn't stop laughing in bed that night in Tilburg?
I want more information
And any Pic's :innocent:
and... nah, I'll stop now

being daft but still wishing you all the best Ania

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 21:10
by Dark
James Blast wrote:
scotty wrote:
James Blast wrote:I want more information
And any Pic's :innocent:
and... nah, I'll stop now

being daft but still wishing you all the best Ania
I won't.

mpeg or avi?