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Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:50
by emilystrange

right, you who made it there... i need a tour diary of that trip, as much as you can remember. can be a collaboration, if you like.

needs to be in word with photos separate.

also needs to be with me in the next 24 hours.

anything.. anecdotes, gig review.. just get on with it...

except mr M

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:54
by aims
The result of my boredom on the way back. Never got around to posting it before. Should get us started:
Having nought better to do on the long, winding road back from Tilburg I’ve decided to write a semi-formal review of the gig. Please note that this was my first live experience of the Sisters, so please bare with my otaku enthusiasm ;-)

Anorak Nonsense

For those who are interested…

Set deep in the pedestrian zone of Tilburg, 013 – “The Choice� – was a complete pain to find. So naturally we just followed the trail of past tour t-shirts ;-) The town centre was positively teeming with black-clad, booted Goths, leaving me feeling a little under-dressed, but it at least seemed to be a sound indication that the gig at not been cancelled (yes, I worry too much). The Choice is a reasonably sized club (not that I know what many look like on the inside :innocent:) with a 20ft or so floor and a tiered area about double the size behind it. Needless to say I naively headed to the floor. And survived, apparently :p

The guts

The band were fashionably late onto the stage, serving the tension building purpose of course, but the “Von Sucks� marquee on Adam’s amp could only keep us entertained for so long and there seemed to be some mild restlessness just prior to their arrival. This calmed down as the smoke machine started.

The dry ice was broken by a storming rendition of “Crash and Burn�, a stark contrast to Tuesday’s relatively laid back “Giving Ground�. Von was naturally dancing like a man possessed and seemed to be in good health, although we didn’t get many (audible) remarks (the only ones of note being “You’re lovely…no, you’re not that lovely� and “Ladies and Gentlemen, Chris Catalyst, the man who eats Daleks!�). “Come Together� found its way onto the set list (with different lyrics yet again), seemingly replacing “War on Drugs�.

Mr Whammy was on his usual fine form and Chris seemed to fit in perfectly. The latter’s performance was most notable in the returning acoustic “I Was Wrong� which gave him an opportunity to show off his classical guitar skills – one which he duly took. Incidentally, Chris is a very nice man, hovering outside of the exit to sign autographs (I got one on Nurse’s set list, which a roadie handed to me at the end :notworthy:) and heading round the corner into a bar, seemingly unfazed by the attention. When I told him it was my first Sister’s show, the response (which I should have seen coming) was “Well, it was my first gig too�.

With it being my first (and possibly last), I was determined to brave the pit and positioned myself a few rows from the front (though I had gotten into the front row by the time “Vision Thing� was underway). As it turns out, it wasn’t bravery after all. The atmosphere was very amiable, with apologies and slaps on the back all round whenever someone was knocked off of their feet. Some even managed a 3-high human pyramid and another managed to dance to Romeo Down on someone’s shoulders without slipping once.

After the flood
The gig, so I’ve been told, was up there with the best of them and everyone seemed to be in a good mood afterwards. It was great to meet so many Heartlanders all at once and you were all very nice people :notworthy: Thanks especially to Christophe for enduring my company before the gig and to Johnny for living up to the “Very Nice Man� moniker ;).

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 14:59
by emilystrange
cool.. good start

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 21:14
by emilystrange
when i say start, i mean other people can join in now.

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 21:58
by Quiff Boy
i started on it, but its at work.

i will try and finish it tomorrow morning... so far its more about atmosphere, the journey and the meet up... anyone can describe the gig itself :D

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 21:59
by emilystrange
anyone might have to.. i have a deadline, and i can't change my editorial AGAIN...

cheers quiff, and motz..

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 10:21
by Quiff Boy
here we go... ... 980#160980

feel free to cut and paste from there, as you see fit :D

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 10:28
by emilystrange
mmm thanks, cutie..

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 14:45
by emilystrange
didn't change much, lads. just added set list, a couple of pics and an introduction. pics credited

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 14:59
by Quiff Boy
glad to be of use 8)

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 15:02
by emilystrange
oh you are... hee..

online in a few days. will post when it's on